
Understanding Business and Business Environment: Types of Organizations, Interrelationships, and Impacts


Added on  2022-11-24

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Business and Business
Understanding Business and Business Environment: Types of Organizations, Interrelationships, and Impacts_1

Table of Contents
Task 1...............................................................................................................................................1
Diverse kind and purpose of organization with their legal structure......................................1
Explain the size and scope of various form of enterprise organisation..................................3
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................6
Inter-relation between different functions & structure...........................................................6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
Assess the positive and negative impacts on macro surrounding on operations of company 8
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10
Analyse the SWOT analysis of company.............................................................................10
Assess the Interrelation among strength and weakness with large factors...........................11
Understanding Business and Business Environment: Types of Organizations, Interrelationships, and Impacts_2

Business sector is changing rapidly and it is becoming necessary for every individual to
have a focus on different types of organization so that goals are accomplished. Entrepreneurs
choose the type of organization on basis of market and proper research analysis and accordingly
strategies are implemented and objectives are achieved within time period. (Al-Taie, 2020).
Main purpose of this report is to understand me importance of Business and business environ-
ment in this contemporary area and market. Competition level is increasing at higher and it is be-
coming essential for every business to focus on changing market situation to understand the busi-
ness environment. Morrisons, which is a large supermarket chain headquartered in United King-
dom. It deals in large number of products like daily consumable items, grocery product and
many more. This report comprises of various types of organization, Size and scope of various
enterprises, relationship between organizational function and structure, positive and negative im-
pact of macro environment, SWOT analysis and interrelation of macro factors with strength and
Task 1
Diverse kind and purpose of organization with their legal structure
There are three kind of corporation that is described as under:
Private company: The first type of company is the private company, there kind of companies
are owned and manage privately started with the main aim maximizing profit and satisfying the
needs and wants of their target customers. The private companies are the legal separate entity
incorporated under companies act. The Starbucks Company is of the example of private
Purpose: The main purpose of Starbucks is to be the leader in the marketplace and maxi-
mize their profits. Also to analyze the environment and culture under which it operates and per-
form accordingly.
Vision- Vision of this company is true being the leading food and Beverages Company
across the globe.
Mission- Mission is to provide high quality of products and services to customers to in-
crease Goodwill of a brand.
Understanding Business and Business Environment: Types of Organizations, Interrelationships, and Impacts_3

Legal structure:
Sole proprietorship: Under this a single character performs enterprise and intention to
perform income for unmarried character. As it is owned and managed by the single entrepreneur
so who is only responsible for all the profit and loss.
Partnership: it is the type of company formed with the mutual agreement between two
or more individual who agrees to carry out all the business activity together and sharing all the
roles and responsibility as well as sharing all the profit and loss according to the partnership deed
(de Vecchi, 2018).
Corporation: It is started out through the group of individuals. The reason is to perform
income however it wishes lot of paper works an agreement that subsequently turns in to settle-
ment. The stakeholders are considered to be the main party under this type of corporation
Public agency: The public agency are the type of companies which are owned and man-
aged by the government, which the main aim of satisfying the needs and wants of the general
public, this type of companies are owned by the government bodies, even the major decisions are
taken by them. The national healthcare services (NHS) is one of the public services company
owned and controlled by the public bodies (Ayios 2018).
Purpose: The main aim of NHS is to diversify healthcare company for the health of hu-
man beings belonging to incredible magnificence or earnings group without any kind of discrim-
Vision- Vision of public agency is to provide benefits services to public and increase
their living standard.
Mission- Main mission of this enterprise is to provide health care services to people.
Legal structure:
Central authorities: Its motive is to manipulate and manipulate the sources of the eco-
nomic system by using assisting the agency to execute paintings effectively. They have the
strength to enlarge guidelines and regulations in the advantage of the economic machine (Chang,
Understanding Business and Business Environment: Types of Organizations, Interrelationships, and Impacts_4

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