
Business and Business Environment INTRODUCTION 1 TASK 11 P1 Different types of organisation


Added on  2021-02-19

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Business and BusinessEnvironment
Business and Business Environment INTRODUCTION 1 TASK 11 P1 Different types of organisation_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Different types of organisation along with their purpose and legal structure........................1P2 Size and scope of different types of organisation..................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P3 Relationship between different organisational functions and their inter-relation with firmsobjectives and structure...............................................................................................................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................4P4 Positive and negative impacts of macro environment factors on business operations..........4TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P5 SWOT analysis that help to identify strength and weakness.................................................7P6 Strengths and weaknesses inter-connected with external macro factors...............................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Business and Business Environment INTRODUCTION 1 TASK 11 P1 Different types of organisation_2

INTRODUCTIONThe term business is defined as commercial activity through which an individual deals inthe market through sell and purchase different products and services in the market. Anassociation or economic entity through which there is exchange between the goods and servicesmutually between buyer and seller in order to earn profits from their investment. Their arevarious types of business are included the different types of organisation such as public, privateand voluntary organisation. Business environment is the combination of different factors whichinvolves employees, supplier, buyer and customer expectation (Pulver, 2012). This factorsimpact on the function of organisation directly and in-directly way. The present assignment iswritten in context of Marks & Spencer which is a multinational retailer organisation. They offerclothing, home and food products to its customers. This task covers the size, scope and legalstructures of different organisation. Along with these SWOT and PESTLE analysis are coveredin this report. So that current scenario will be evaluated in appropriate manner.TASK 1P1 Different types of organisation along with their purpose and legal structureTheir are different types of organisation are present in industry which is public, privateand voluntary. In this task public firm is BBC, Private enterprise is Marks & Spencer andvoluntary organisation is Barnardo which is explained as below:Public organisation- The public organisation are those which gather their funds andsecurity from the society by registering their organisation into stock exchange. They includes alltypes of organisation that are publicly funded and controlled. In this task BBC chosen for publicsector which is the largest and oldest broadcasting of UK. Purpose- BBC was established by royal charter and it is funded by government. Themajor purpose of organisation is to provide training to individuals into television sector whichincludes technology, journalism and training to them into journalism industry (Saleem, 2017).Legal structure- The legal structure of organisation is as follow:Ancient and municipal borough- In ancient times many towns has granted selfgovernance by the crown perspective. This all are granted by self selling corporationthrough which it is easy for them to protect the interest of individuals(Wheelen and et.al., 2017).1
Business and Business Environment INTRODUCTION 1 TASK 11 P1 Different types of organisation_3

Parliamentary boroughs- It is formed in the year 1265 through which they formulatetheir goals for public organisation. For these they involves two different members fromwhich one belong to organisation and other represent the country.County boroughs- This was established in the year 1888 and it is designed foradministrative divisions that help to convert goals with in predetermine period. It helpsto separate the laws between urban and rural area.Private organisation- Private organisation is defined as those companies which arecontrolled by small number of shareholders or owners. They raise their funds from banks,financial institution or venture capitalist. In context of M&S only their management and broad ofdirectors are responsible in order to generate and bear profits and loss for an organisation.Purpose- The main purpose of M&S is to maintain quality of their products. Apart fromthese to increase their market share by expanding their business into different areas. For thisthey adopt essential changes in technology.Legal structure- The legal structure of private organisation is as follow:Partnership- In partnership organisation there are more than two individuals areresponsible to operate a particular business. For these they bear similar risk that impactson organisation.Sole proprietorship- Usually in many private organisation there are large number oforganisation are managed by single entity who is totally authorise and responsible tocomplete the activities.Company- Private companies are those which operate their business into differentsectors it includes more than two directors. It is mostly preferred by investor as in this itis easy for them to buy and sell stake in organisation. Voluntary- The organisation which considers its activities in order to welfare the society.Barnardo's is well known British charity organisation which is majorly concerned about the careof children. Its headquarter is situated in Barkingside of London. In present scenario there aremore than 15 organisation are working under Barnardo that helps children's to improve theirliving standard.Purpose- The main intention of Barnardo is to treat all the children's of among Britishequally. Moreover they implement different policy through which they helps children's to geteducation and employment.2
Business and Business Environment INTRODUCTION 1 TASK 11 P1 Different types of organisation_4

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