Bapcor2 Bapcor social and environmental performance Bapcor’s social and environmental performance has impacted the organization in the following ways: They have a good relationship with their employees. Bapcor encourages a good and healthy relation with their employees because they believe with happy and satisfied employees then their output is also good. This is true as seen to its success the employees are happy working there and thus give their all. They have managed to form trust between the employers and employees. With the good relationship employees are able to trust their seniors. Trust is very essential because it ensures transparency and accountability in the organization. Therefore, the company has been able to succeed due to transparency.(Hauschildt, Gwosc, Netz and Mishra 2017). Bapcor also involves the community and recognizes them. In areas where its business operates, they have made an effort to be part of the community by being part of various charities and sports initiatives. Some examples of this are Young Care, Blue September, The Color Run and Kids With Cancer. By engaging with the community around Bapcor is able to form a good relationship with its environ and thus providing suitable working conditions for the employees. A good working environment, yields better results(Schaltegger and Wagner 2017). Bapcor has faced some economic conditions that have impacted on them such as: Health laws. Some residents in the areas that the industries are located have filed complaints of health hazards caused by the company such as water poisoning. This has caused a lot of money being spent on lawyers and ensuring our waste is 100% clean.
Bapcor3 Political conditions. The political condition in some countries has hindered the company from expanding to those sides thus the market remains minimal. Technology. This has had a positive income on the company since they are able to expand their market through online sales thus reaching people all over the world. Economic (Hauschildt, Gwosc, Netz and Mishra 2017). This has had a positive impact on the company because the low-interest rates allow people to have disposable income on luxuries such as cars and its accessories. References Halme, M., Rintamäki, J., Knudsen, J.S., Lankoski, L. and Kuisma, M., 2018. When Is There a SustainabilityCaseforCSR?PathwaystoEnvironmentalandSocialPerformance Improvements.Business & Society, p.0007650318755648. Hauschildt, K., Gwosc, C., Netz, N. and Mishra, S., 2017.Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe: Synopsis of indicators. Eurostudent V 2012-2015. W. Bertelsmann Verlag. Schaltegger, S. and Wagner, M. eds., 2017.Managing the business case for sustainability: The integration of social, environmental and economic performance. Routledge.