
Business Communication: Overcoming Barriers and Cultural Awareness


Added on  2022-12-29

1 Pages659 Words22 Views
Leadership Management
To assess the enforced regulation and dominant
administration: This is a proactive measure of
monitoring and review. As there should be proper
and regular checking of implemented standards in
Business Communication
Business communication is necessary for organisation to avoid gaps between
interpersonal relations. Communication is key to every problem arrive in providing product and
services. The leaflet provides an insight of significance for a London based Business united, a
private college where teachers are facing negative feedback from student for ineffective online
lectures. This will ascertain suggestions for the relevant issue for the teachers through leaflet.
Common challenges and barriers to effective communication
Communication is a big hurdle when it is not performed effectively because of some sort
of situations and barriers into organisation. There are a lot common barriers faced by every
institution whether it is visual or not. The barriers faced by business united teachers are as
Dissatisfaction or disinterest in listening: when students are not getting the points and concept
their teachers explaining to them, they seem satisfy and leave their interest in listening. Without
listening there can't be a proper flow of communication. As the teachers has feedback of getting
bored in the session because of dissatisfaction in explained topic.
Lack of transparency and trust: when the students do not have transparency with teacher, they
will not frankly ask and communicate about their issues regarding the topic and it will only
remain an issue.
Communication style: the most effected barrier is the communication style adopted by teachers,
mostly teachers adopt less data and talk about the things with little details that will not be feasible
for students. Here in college, students face noise and emotional barrier due to ineffective style of
Effective strategies for overcoming communication barriers
There are a lot of strategies through which a speaker or listener can overcome their barriers of
communication and prove fruitful conversation between both parties.
It is necessary to go through with right actions by taking following points:
Get clear with the interest of students whether they are comfortable settled or not.
Use clear and wise language to make students understand about the topic.
Make a thorough check and verify that students are getting the sense and has understand
correctly by cross questioning and asking most useful question for them, this will make the
conversation active.
Make use of effective communication style and tools so that no sources will make any
hurdle in between student and teachers.
Always use a specific and appropriate time to provide lecture when students get
comfortable. Mainly in morning time.
The importance of cultural awareness
It is necessary to understand culture which includes every different individual’s different
beliefs and norms to overview the criteria. When teachers interact with cross cultural, it is needed to
get aware every students aspect so that it will not harm their sentiments and be the reason for them
dis interest in taking sessions. Knowing culture make them help in improvising way of taking,
timings of lectures, behaviour of accepting topics and listening. These will automatically come to
an effective performance knowing cultural aspect.
Business communication is effective and efficient to build relations and convert the idea
appropriately. Barriers of communication can be resolve by above strategies and knowing cultural
aspect of each student.
Chavan, C.R., 2020. Corporate Communication and Cultural Crisis in Some Selected IT Industries.
Saad, Z.M., Sudin, S. and Shamsuddin, N., 2018. The influence of leadership style, personality
attributes and employee communication on employee engagement. Global Business and
Management Research, 10(3), p.743.
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