1BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Effective Business communication Effective business communication is two-directional method of speaking as well as listening. It is utmost importance in every step of daily business environment of any company. Every employee in an organization can communicate, but most them requires improvement in their communication skill. There are various ways to effective business communication,whicharefirst,byeliminatingassumptionsandcommunicatingthe expectations and the needs. Second, choosing the right place to start a conversation. Third, in order to make the other person listen to you, listen to them first. Fourth, asking questions clear many doubts. Fifth, mutual work related expectations and clarifications should be respected.Sixth,non-verbalcommunicationshouldnotbeavoided.Seventh,business communication is never about winning, it is to strengthen the relationship (Kaul, 2014). Hence positive and cordial behavior is expected. Key points of business communication and its application The key points of effective business communication are- 1.Clarity-Themessagedeliveredshouldbeclear.Deliveringaconfused message will increase confusion in the business environment and leads to misunderstanding(Kaul,2014).Choosingthecorrectwordsfor communication is very essential for an effective communication. 2.Structure- structuring the communication is the primary aspect of a good communication. Three structural elementsof an opening, a body and a conclusion should be maintained. 3.Consistency-Inconsistencyinthemessagedeliveredcanleadto misunderstanding and gives rise to conflicts.
2BUSINESS COMMUNICATION The learning can be applied in future. Effective business communication. Dealing with the customers, management and the employees become easier and effective with proper communication. It will help to avoid miscommunication and in turn conflicts. Application in professional life These learning can be applied in every aspect of business life. It can be applied by building teams through effective flow of information. It can also help in boosting the morale. Customer satisfaction can be increased through effective business communication. Better communication means better relationship with the clients and stakeholders, which in turn improves productivity. Business communication can be effectively applied in all the activities of business (Bovée, Thill & Raina, 2016).
3BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Reference Bovée, C. L., Thill, J. V., & Raina, R. L. (2016).Business communication today. Pearson Education India. Kaul, A. (2014).Effective business communication. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd..