
Business Communications Assignment PDF


Added on  2022-08-19

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Business Communications Assignment PDF_1

In recent times, the process in business is incomplete without communicating where it is
essential to share information among individuals. It is effective when there is an interaction
between management and employees for achieving goals in the company. Business
communication is processes within and outside the company as the purpose is to make
improvement in errors reduction and organisational practices (Leddy, 2015). This report is
based on analysing the use of communication technology along with its advantages and
disadvantages related to the topic of “using social media in the workplace to communicate
with staff”. The discussion covers the factors to consider for implementing along with
recommending the best way to use it.
Communication Technology
In business, communicating is important to connect and interact with individuals consisting
social purposes as well using technology. This includes digital means such as the Web or
mobile phones for proper functioning. Communication technology helps in business to
exchange information and ideas smoothly and efficiently (Martic , 2019). Further, use of
communication technology like social media for communicating in the workplace among
staff including various sites provides great opportunities in business. It helps in the area of
recruiting, public relations, organizational learning and collaboration, and internal and
external communications (SHRM, 2016).
In the workplace, communication technology is useful among the staff for communicating
through social media in terms of sharing information and ideas. Social media technologies
helped in creating value in the company by productivity improvisation for the reason of value
chain. It gives the power to managers for sharing knowledge and information within and
outside the companies covering the broad business purposes range (Miller-Merrell, 2013).
Using social media internally can help in communicate messages enabling the process of
improvement by providing easily, single findable template used for eliminating the staff’s
problem trying to locate difficult-to-find, different templates in case of various technology
innovation within the business (Taurasi, 2015). Also, communication technology in social
media is useful for the companies to improve organizational performance. It supports in
Business Communications Assignment PDF_2

inward facing collaboration and responds altogether to sales and marketing, customer
support, and innovation opportunities (Haddud, Dugger, & Gill, 2016). Further, the use of
social media makes individual engages in using technology for working. At work, use of
social media through technology involves communication along with distribution, hiring and
recruitment, personal development and research, engagement and employee recognition,
collaboration and social learning, monitoring and listening, and employment branding
(Mishra, Walker, & Mishra, 2014).
Advantages and Disadvantages
Most of the companies use technologies for using social media applications without any way
or approach that fits but there are its disadvantages as well along with its benefits where
social networking platforms can vary from platform features, types, industry, and the
company as well (Martindale, 2016).
Social media helps in facilitating open communication enhancing to lead information
delivery and discovery. It permits staff to ask questions, discuss ideas, share links and post
news. Also, social media provides an opportunity in business to broaden contacts, and helps
in targeting broad audience by making it as an effective and useful recruitment tool. In
business, it helps in improving the client base and reputation with less use of advertising. Not
only useful in communication but promotes inclusion and diversity as well (Jeanetta, 2017).
Lastly, use of social media helps in implementing marketing campaigns, market research
expansion, directing individuals interested to specific websites, and delivers communications
in business. Communication technology enhances the speed while sending information and
making decisions, improves the communication in the company, increases the participation in
processes of the company, impacts the people’s way of interacting, makes the structures
better, supporting open discussion, eliminating stereotypical classifications, and providing a
voice where some individuals from the workforce are not able to speak up (Ramey, 2012).
Social media is used as a tool that helps in business for individuals to interact and connect by
communicating in relation to sharing knowledge and information. But, there are some issues
creates as well based on legal liability and security for employers that might generate some
amount of risks. In the workplace, sometimes staff uses social media for its own personal use
or sometimes by the employer as an official tool. In companies, this can leads toward the
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