
UKCBC College Evaluation Report


Added on  2020-10-05

42 Pages5353 Words245 Views
Business Decision Making
UKCBC College Evaluation Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................41.1: Data collection plan by using various sources.....................................................................41.2: Research method and sampling framework ........................................................................51.3: Design a questionnaire for collecting information...............................................................6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................82.1 Evaluation of data collected through research......................................................................82.2 Analysis of the result to draw important conclusions.........................................................112.3 Analysis of data using measures of dispersion...................................................................112.4 Use of quartile, percentiles and correlation coefficient to draw important conclusions.....13TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................143.1 Presentation of graphs to interpret information..................................................................143.2 Trend Line...........................................................................................................................213.3 Findings of QAA planning..................................................................................................23...................................................................................................................................................233.4 Formal business report........................................................................................................38TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................394.1 Information processing tools...............................................................................................394.2 Evaluation of critical path ..................................................................................................404.3 Financial tools for decision-making....................................................................................41CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................42REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................43
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INTRODUCTIONBusiness decision making is one of the essential course of action that is used by theorganisation to attain their aims and objectives. It is continuous and indispensable element ofmanaging any business operations that are performed within an organisation. The main purposeof this project report is to conduct an effective research work and present a report on UKCBC’sStudents experience and satisfaction to the QAA. This research is consisting of data collectionplan from across all campuses. Use of survey methodology and sampling design to determinestudent’s responses. On the basis of data collected from the research, it is analysing to draw valid conclusion inthe business context. Apart from this, analysis of data through using measure of dispersion toinform UKCBC is done accordingly. Certain charts and graphs is also being taken into accountto evaluate the collected data. After summarising all the information from the research a wellorganises formal business report that will be shown to QAA. At the end of this report, a projectplan is being made to check the total time an activity is taken to get finished (Groebner, 2011). TASK 11.1: Data collection plan by using various sourcesIn order to make any specific research, it is essential for the researcher to select suitabledata collection method so that chances of errors cannot be occur. It is detail document thatdescribe the exact process as well as sequence that is required to be implemented whilecollecting information from the students of UKCBC. It is vital for the researcher to usesystematic process of data collection that is helpful for attaining desirable information from theselected samples. The researcher need to collect primary and secondary data for the objective ofcollecting needed information that can assist them in effective decision making (Vercellis, 2014).Primary research: It refers as that data which will be collected for the initial time by theeffective effort of investigator. Such kind of information is free from any bias as it is directlytaken from the respondent. This particular types of research method are being carried out to
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provide answer of certain issues. There are various crucial components that is taken into accountfor conducting primary research. Some of them are mentioned underneath: Questionnaire: It is one of effective data collection method, it could be in any form suchas structured or unstructured. The Students of UKCBC have to provide their personalexperiences and satisfaction level they think is being provided to them by the college. Survey: It is said to be face to face communication with the students and gatheredessential aspects and reviews those are been provided by UKCBC to them. It is more systematicmeasurement of overall perception of the students. Interviews: It is basically done through meeting face to face with the students ofUKCBC college. By this, researcher would need to make more reliable outcomes about theiroverall experiences they have observed while learning in UKCBC. Online: This method is considered as the fastest mode of data collection through variousmediums such as social media tools. According to the current scenario, modes like social anddigital media helps in gathering cost and time effective data.Secondary sources: These are known as reliable data collection method which is beingused by the researcher to make comparison of present data to that with the past one. It is alreadypublished data which is collected from various sources such as articles, newspapers, journals andarticles (Pettigrew, 2014). Under this, researcher is required to utilise primary research methods such asquestionnaire which will help in collect information from various students. The main fourscampuses taken into account for this research is given underneath: a) Park Royal campusb) Wentworth House campusc) Lords House campusd) Oxford Street campus1.2: Research method and sampling framework Survey is entirely based on analysing students experience and their satisfaction they carrywhile learning in UKCBC college. The researcher is going to evaluate the perception as well astheir opinion through conducting effective plan and framework. Research method is basicallysaid to be effective terms that can be taken into account for the purpose of attaining aims andobjectives of the survey. Data which is gathered using questionnaire is highly confidential and is
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not disclosed to college or any other individual. Generally, such kind of research method helpsthe research to find out actual outcomes of this particular research. Some crucial types are:Descriptive vs analytical: It includes research and facts of different kind of problems.This can be obtaining data concerning the present condition of the students. While, analyticalapproaches can be uses all those facts or information that has been already being presented andanalyse outcomes to make vital evaluation of collected material (Zsambok and Klein, 2014). Qualitative vs quantitative method: In accordance to make effective measurement oftotal quantity or value of outcome taken from the students reviews quantitative methods is beingused. While, the qualitative approach is used to analyse quality of answers students haveprovided during the research work. Sampling methods: In respect to determine overall results in effective ways, it is requiredto gathered some samples from the chosen group of students from various campuses. These canbe divided into various parts. Some of them are: Random sampling: Such kind of tools and techniques is being utilise from a givenpopulation in the ways that provide each people equal opportunity of being selected. It isconsidered as more accurate. Researcher is using the technique of random sampling togain the benefit of cost effectiveness. (Random Sampling, 2017). There are certain other methods and techniques which will be used in research work like,Quota, stratified, cluster sampling and many more. The total of 50 respondents is being takeninto account out of selected student population. Some vital aspects that are covered in thequestionnaire form are given below: Learning techniquesSafety and securityBehaviour of faculty staffsExtra activities deliver to the students. 1.3: Design a questionnaire for collecting informationQuestionnaire is a structured form which consists formalised set of questions which aredesigned to collect information on a specific topic or subject. This is considered as the mostsuitable technique for data collection from primary sources. Questions present in the documentare needed to be answered by a respondent. This document can be in written or oral form.Kind of questionnaire:
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Questionnaire can be of various types and are used according to the kind of information.These questionnaire are majorly classified into two classes open ended and close ended. In thisresearch report, close ended questionnaire is used which has options to choose from. Some othertypes of questionnaires are rating scale, likert type scale, semantic differential, multiple choice,rank order and others. Importance of questionnaire:Questionnaires are considered as the most significant method of primary data collectionas it is less time consuming and highly accurate. Using this technique, a researcher can attainpersonal experience and recommendations of the respondents by involving low cost. Thismethod helps in generating large amount of data and also has various ways of administration.This method also helps in generating answers for questions which has sensitive topics as thisdocument can be answered privately. Respondents can answer these questions effectively as theyhave ample of suitable time to fill the questionnaire form and those answers can be easilyquantified and analysed using evaluation techniques. This technique uses easy format which isunderstandable by all the respondents (Quanyu, 2014).Survey: “Regarding analysing experience and satisfaction level of students that aretaking learning from UKCBC college”. A questionnaire is prepared using 10 close endedquestions which will be answered by 50 respondents. The aim of conducting this survey is todetermine effectiveness of learning methods and satisfaction of students of UKCBC college. QUESTIONNAIREName of the students: Faculty: Age group: From 18 to 45Session: Q1: What session are you attending?MorningEveningQ2: Are you satisfied with the online study services provided by UKCBC college?Highly satisfiedModerately satisfiedDissatisfiedQ3. Are the courses offered by UKCBC college satisfying your needs?
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YesNoQ4: How easy it is to register for courses at this collegeHighly easyAverageMost difficultQ5: Are you satisfied with administration department of UKCBC college?Yes NoQ6: Are you satisfied with learning facilities?Highly satisfiedModerately satisfiedDissatisfiedQ7: Do you feel encouraged about your goals from teaching methods?YesNoQ8. Which teaching method is most suitable according to you?OfflineOnlineQ9. Does teachers give clear and explicit directions?Yes NoQ10. Provide your opinion regarding UKCBC college?TASK 22.1 Evaluation of data collected through researchData which is collected using questionnaire is required to be analysed using variousmethods such as Mean, Mode and Median. A data analyses is performed below:Q1: What session are you attending?ParticularsFrequency
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Morning30Evening20Mean25Median25Mode10Q2: Are you satisfied with the online study services provided by UKCBC college?ParticularsFrequencyHighly satisfied30Moderately satisfied15Dissatisfied5Mean16.6666666667Median15Mode0Q3. Are the courses offered by UKCBC college satisfying your needs?ParticularsFrequencyYes35No15Mean25Median25Mode5Q4: How easy it is to register for courses at this college?ParticularsFrequencyHighly easy10Average30Most difficult10Mean16.6666666667Median10
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