
Business Decision Making and Sustainability


Added on  2020-02-03

44 Pages6265 Words80 Views
Business Decision Making and Sustainability_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Data Collection from students across all campus.............................................................3
1.2 survey methodology and sampling framework use..........................................................5
1.3 Design a Questionnaire for collecting data......................................................................6
2.1 Summarising the Data collected by using representative values......................................9
2.2 Analyses the result and conclusion ................................................................................20
2.3 Analysis through measure of dispersion.........................................................................21
2.4 Quartile, percentiles and the correlation coefficient can be helpful ..............................22
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................22
3.1 using the different charts and Graphs.............................................................................22
3.2 Trend line charts from the spreadsheets........................................................................24
3.3 Presentation....................................................................................................................26
3.4 Report to the QAA committee.......................................................................................37
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................38
4.1 Information system used at different level ....................................................................38
4.2 project plan through activity by determining critical path............................................40
4.3 By using the data of cash flow for the decision making ................................................41
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The project report is all about the topic of business decision making which is a term
describe as a course of action specifically selected from a various alternatives to achieve their
organizational goals and targets. Under this report as representative of student in UK college of
business I have to design plan by doing survey by collecting data from various sources and on
the basis of this QAA team will review the college (Ariely and Berns, 2010). Basically whole
business is depend upon the effective decision of an entrepreneur which means decision making
is a very critical part and continuous for the business activities.
Mainly business decision making is all about collection of appropriate data either from
secondary or primary which act as very helpful while judgement making process. In other words
enterprise decision making explains all the necessary factors whatever is required while making
useful decision for the amended of enterprise. In addition a perfect and appropriate plan must
required for the organization just to take correct decision with the help of various graphs, pie-
charts and by using various useful data or information in business decision making. So the
business decision making is all about taking of a useful decision for the organization. Under this
product report there are various task that are discussed, which is associated with functional
aspects of business decision making regarding UKCBC. In the First task a survey research is
conducted from sources of data collection about UKCBC to know reviews of students and staff
about their satisfaction. In the nest part is covers, various athematic calculation to know the mean
median and mode through using graphs. At the end of the report NPV and Critical path is explain
to know minimum time need to complete a project.
1.1 Data Collection from students across all campus
Planning is a term by which an administration can easily meet their organization
objectives by making effective decision to avoid various future mistakes and errors which may
occur while planning period (Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart, 2011). Primary and secondary
data are the various sources by which an organization can easily collect relevant data and
information regarding the college facility and other issues.
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Primary data are also known as first hand information which means the information
collected by researcher itself and it also known real time data. In fact this data are based on
personal experiences and observations to get accurate results.
secondary data are known as second hand data collected by other person for the use of
business to make effective decision. Secondary data can save the time of a an organization
because they are already find by other member for example literatures, evidences, social sciences
or any past records.
To develop research question that are well structured:
Too Narrow: under this questions can be answers with just Yes or No .
Unfocused and too broad : this is to broad that research would be hard to discussed in
paper (Chang, Van Witteloostuijn and Eden, 2010).
To Objectives : under this all data collected but not lend itself to collect information
which can be used for valid arguments.
Too simple : The information can be get without need to collect unique data.
Principles of research questions :
1. Genuine : The questions are based on the real investigation and deliberation.
2. Promises insight : It is based on knowledge and perspective or insight which has been
already asked and answered.
From the above mentioned sources primary data is useful for our survey because it will
provide fresh ideas and view about their college. The research is based in context if information
is relevant through primary sources.
While secondary sources are just to easy because data are already available about
UKCBC . so primary data is used under this research and by using this short, and open ended
questions is being asked from various students and youngsters. Normal survey question is being
asked under this research.
The information sources is campuses of UKCBC colleges about its CSR, Tourism and
social care regarding their students.
The data collection is done through asking questionnaire and personal interviews from
various students and staffs from different campuses of UKCBC colleges. During evening and
day shift of colleges hours. Those skilled researchers which are having proper knowledge of
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technical as well as practical aspects of data collections. Yes, researcher has to face certain
limitation as they have very limited time duration and just 60 responded to collected information.
1.2 survey methodology and sampling framework use
“Survey is all about the student satisfaction and experience that they are getting from the
UK of business and computing. Regarding their views and perception we have to plan and design
a report by using the various research methodologies and frame”.
Research methodology is the term which means to find a relevant information by
adopting various effective strategy to attain their goals. Basically research methodology explicit
the overall advantages and disadvantages applied in the above data collection plan (Gigerenzer
and Gaissmaier, 2011). In fact sampling is one of the very effective and useful technique applied
by the organization to sewing useful information to make use of them in the business.
Sampling frame is a statement or is a source by which an enterprise can select an
appropriate alternatives from a large one which means sampling frame is a method of sudden
selection from various data. It is of two types :
Qualitative Sampling : To identify the participants from the college to seek some
information or issues.
Quantitative sampling : It is based on the errors, Generalization and the representation of
the population size and to get results.
In fact with the help of sampling method an organization can easily gather qualitative and
quantitative data according to the requirement in business process. However which means survey
is primarily shows all the essentials technique and method which is useful while making plans by
considering all the factors like consumer satisfaction, preferences, attitude and behaviour
towards the college as well as facilities they are getting from it (Ho, Xu and Dey, 2010).
Research methodologies are used to study implication of uniform action through
conducting research in UKCBC college. It help to contextualize its findings within the large
body of research. The set goal of analysing survey regarding satisfaction and experiences of their
students are being easily evaluated. The key of research relies in iteration. It will be helpful in
revision and improvement of research with new ideas and innovation.
Main use of sampling framework is to used the qualitative and quantitative data properly.
Make sampling from various numerical information and on that basis provide ranking to the
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most appropriate techniques. It mostly conducted through Questionnaires, taking face to face
interviews, or by observing there responses towards asked questions.
There are various sampling framework use to conduct proper research:
Random sampling: Under this methods each units and group have same proportion of
selection as random for an option.
Quota sampling: It is used to create representatives values from the selected groups as
they are said to be alternate of random sampling.
Cluster sampling: In this methods a particular groups is separated in different groups
from various number of answers.
Under this research methodologies a sample size of 60 is been taken from various number of
students those are studying in different campuses of UKCBC colleges.
1.3 Design a Questionnaire for collecting data
Survey : About the student satisfaction and Experience From their College
Name of the students :
Faculty :
Age group: From 18 to 45
1 In which campus of UKCBC do you study?
a) Park Royal campus
b) Wentworth House campus
c) Lords House campus
d) Cricklewood campus
e) Holborn campus
f) Oxford Street campus
2. Which course are you attending?
a) Business Management
b) Travel and Tourism
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c) IT technology
d) Health and Social care
e) Accounting
3. What class are you attending?
a) evening
b) day
4. Are you satisfied with administration's support?
a) Very unsatisfied
b) Slightly satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Satisfied
e) Very satisfied
5. Are you satisfied with the teaching methods?
a) Very unsatisfied
b) Slightly satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Satisfied
e) Very satisfied
6. Are you satisfied with learning facilities ? ( e.g. e-learning, library)
a) Very unsatisfied
b) Slightly satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Satisfied
e) Very satisfied
7. Are you satisfied with the way your assignments are graded?
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a) Very unsatisfied
b) Slightly satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Satisfied
e) Very satisfied
8. Are you satisfied with facilities such as canteen, class rooms, toilets etc.?
a) Very unsatisfied
b) Slightly satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Satisfied
e) Very satisfied
9. According to you what is best in UKCBC?
a)Studying environment
b)cooperative staff
10. Does experience from this college will help you in future?
(c)No Comment
11. How likely is to recommend UKCKC to other people?
a) Very unlikely
b) Likely
c) Very likely
Q.12 Feel free to provide additional comments or feedback
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