
Impact of Global Factors on UK Business Organizations


Added on  2019-12-28

13 Pages3697 Words229 Views
Impact of Global Factors on UK Business Organizations_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1 .........................................................................................................................................31.1 Identifying the purposes of different types of organisation..............................................31.2 Describing different ways through which Nestle meets the objectives of stakeholders. .41.3 Responsibilities of Nestle and strategies employed to meet them...................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.1 How economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively...................................52.2 The impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organisations..............................62.3 Impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the organisation......7TASK 3 ...........................................................................................................................................83.1 How market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses..........83.2 The way in which market forces shape organisational responses....................................83.3 How the business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of organisation.........9TASK 4 ........................................................................................................................................94.1 The significance of international trade to UK business organisations.............................94.2 The impact of global factors on UK business organisations..........................................104.3 The impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organisations..............11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12.......................................................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTIONBusiness environment is the combination of internal and external factors which mayinfluence the functioning of the organization. It is dynamic in nature and it changes from time totime so firm have to take care of these changes in order to improve their performance in themarket. It is difficult for the manager of enterprise to predict the nature of environment becausethere are several factors that may changes or affect the operations of entity (Chavis, Klapper andLove, 2011). Through an effective interaction between the business and environment, thecompany can identify their strength and opportunities in order to improve their growth at themarketplace. Present report is based on Nestle Company Ltd which perform their operations inbusiness environment so that they can offer quality services to their customers. Below mentionedreport explains the purposes and objectives of different business organizations. Along with this,it also explains the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on the enterprise. Further, how globalfactors affect the operations of the firm is explained in detail. TASK 1 1.1 Identifying the purposes of different types of organisationThere are many organization in the market that perform their operations so that they canfulfil demand of their customers. Different enterprises have their different objectives and theyperform activities in order to improve their growth. Some of these organisations are:Private sector: These types of business organizations are owned by an individual orgroup of people so that they can generate more revenues (Aterido, Hallward-Driemeier andPagés, 201). The main purpose of these enterprises are to maximise the profits, minimise thecost, improve the market share and increasing the sales. Sole proprietorship, partnership and
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franchising are some of the examples of private owned firm. The firm is run by an individual insole proprietorship and in case of partnership the business is performed by the group of people.For example, Purina, Dreyer's Gerber are the private firm that buy products from NestleCompany Ltd. Public sector: These kinds of business organizations are run by the government bodies inorder to improve the welfare of the society. The main aim of these enterprises are to use theresources in an efficient manner so that overall growth of the society can be enhanced. Forexample, these government bodies collect the tax from the public and use that for the benefits ofpeople of the country. Voluntary sector: These types of the organizations are run by the group of people andthey voluntary take participate in order to increase the welfare of the society. Some of thesefirms are charity and social welfare companies. Nestle Company Ltd is a private firm that offer their products to the customers so thatthey can generate more profits. 1.2 Describing different ways through which Nestle meets the objectives of stakeholdersThere are some stakeholders that are associated with Nestle Company Ltd. Differentstakeholders have their different objectives that should be fulfilled by the organization (Craigand Campbell, 2012). In order to achieve their goals, the firm is taking care of their suppliers,customers, employees so that their overall growth can be improved. Some of these stakeholdersare:Customers are vital factor of the business organisation that can help them in achieving thecompetitiveness in the market. Nestle Company Ltd offer superior goods with the flexibleprices to their customers so that the level of satisfaction among all the consumers can beincreased. Employees are the one who perform their tasks in an efficient manner so that firm canachieve their targets. It is the responsibility of manager to motivate their workers so thattheir performance level can be enhanced (Commander and Svejnar, 2011). For this, thefood company offer some rewards and incentives to workforce so that their level ofsatisfaction can be increased. Government made some policies and legislative laws that should be followed by all thecompanies so that they can ensure the smooth functioning in the business environment.
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