
BUSINESS L 233 - Business Essay Case Study Role Of Human Emotions


Added on  2020-03-04

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BUSINESS L 233 - Business Essay Case Study Role Of Human Emotions_1

Case Study Essay
The role of human emotions and drives in employee motivation is explained by a
worker’s cognitive and emotional motivation, perceived clarity of an organization’s vision and
the worker’s specific role in that vision, the belief that the employee has the necessary resources
to get the job done, and self efficacy (Kreitner & Kinicki 2007, p. 23). A person’s drive is a
hardwired feature of the brain that makes an effort to keep him/her in balance by adjusting
deficiencies. Abraham Maslow identified human drives as the main movers of behavior given
that they tend to bring about emotions. David McClelland in his Learned Needs Theory also
suggested that a person’s specific needs are achieved over time and shaped by the individual’s
life experiences. The individual’s achievement motivation, authority/power motivation, and
affiliation motivation were identified by McClelland as factors influencing effectiveness and
motivation in particular job functions (Kotter 2007, p. 62). Looking at the case presented, it is
clear to see that NUMMI’s management implemented a few initiatives to motivate their
Question 1
Motivation theory #1: Maslow’s needs hierarchy
The reopening of the Fremont plant and application of different management practices
and philosophies may be considered a blessing to the staff. The new management aimed at
concentrating on novel ideology targeting the construction of high quality vehicles at the lowest
possible costs. This meant the involvement of employees in decision making processes, training,
job rotation, job allocations and layouts, among other work components (Mylonas, Harvey &
Hodges 2007, p. 60). According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, individuals usually have
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a pyramid hierarchy of needs that they will fulfill starting at the bottom, all the way to the top.
Significant to this theory is that unsatisfied needs at the bottom of the ladder tend to deter an
individual from moving on to the next step. NUMMI’s new management was well aware of the
fact that using confrontational enforcement of rules would not be as effective in the new regime
as implementing flexibility.
Maslow’s theory identified five main needs that people have, and these are physiological,
belonging, self-esteem, self realization, and security (Huczynski & Buchanan 2013, p. 117).
NUMMI’s new motivational practices ensured that these needs are met, for instance, the use of
only skilled and non-skilled hourly workers fulfilled the employees’ physiological needs. Their
sense of belonging and feeling as part of a group was satisfied by their involvement in deciding
training, job rotation, job allocations, and work standards. Self realization and self esteem needs
of the employees are now fulfilled by the management’s encouragement to work like their name
is on the plant (Analoui 2007, p.53). The employees were also encouraged to do more than just
finishing their assigned tasks. This ensured that their need to progress, develop and feel good
about themselves was catered for.
Effective managers and leaders are able to acknowledge the fact that individuals are
different. To have this level of understanding means that the management is better able to
motivate its staff. The NUMMI management system recognized that some of the employees
come to work to earn cash and actually have not desire to get along with their colleagues or
move to higher positions within the organization (Biron & Bamberger 2010, p. 186). Other
employees work to gain experience and get promoted while some work to meet individuals and
have personal challenges combined with a sense of attainment. The management also
acknowledges that some employees report to work due to a combination of all these reasons.
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That is why the novel management system aims at establishing a safe and good workplace
environment and treating the workers as individuals.
To motivate employees having relatedness needs, that is those who find it hard to get
along with their colleagues, the NUMMI management aims at not only showing respect and
giving recognition by awarding bonuses based on safety, productivity improvement and safety,
but also involve the workers in decision making (Giri & Santra 2008, 61). Notably, a firm
organization that has clear responsibilities generally provides security. NUMMI’s management
has shown its staff that the senior executives now have lower need for social approval, and this
has been exhibited through their open office plan and eating at the same cafeteria. The newly
reopened plant has realized that application of Maslow’s hierarchy needs theory allows it to
ensure that the organizational structure motivates employees to reaching their full potential.
Motivation theory #2: Job enrichment
Job enrichment simply means the vertical expansion of jobs within a given organization.
This usually increases the level to which the employee controls the execution, planning, and
assessment of work (Kumar 2008, n.p.). Enriched jobs arrange tasks so as to allow the
employees to do a full activity, something which increases the worker’s autonomy and liberty,
job responsibility and provides the necessary feedback. At NUMMI, job enrichment is all about
giving employees more obligations for planning, coordinating and scheduling their own work.
As already indicated, the new management system that has been put in place at the plant ensures
that workers are involved in job allocations, training, job rotation, and work standards. Job
rotation will allow workers to perform different varieties of jobs.
Implementation of participative management will allow the workers to engage in
strategic planning and decision making processes. Furthermore, provision of feedback will allow
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