
Business Ethics: Consideration, Philosophy, and Roles in CO-op Food


Added on  2022-11-25

11 Pages3126 Words238 Views
Professional DevelopmentPolitical Science
Business Ethics
Business Ethics: Consideration, Philosophy, and Roles in CO-op Food_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
PART A...........................................................................................................................................3
How company consider ethical and reason.................................................................................3
Ethical philosophy.......................................................................................................................5
Role of senior management team in order to maintain balance of business standard.................6
Role of employees to manage business standard.........................................................................7
PART B...........................................................................................................................................8
Business Ethics: Consideration, Philosophy, and Roles in CO-op Food_2

Business ethics is mainly refers as policies of business along with practices through which
company leads towards potentially controversial type of subject matter must involve towards
insider trading, corporate governance, bribery, corporate social responsibility, fiduciary
responsibility and discrimination. In others words, it state applied form of professional ethics that
will combines of moral as well as ethical issues concerned with the business conduct
environment aspect (Aßländer, 2021). This will provide more active guidelines or practices in
which all the aspect of business conduct will covers so that company can take more useful
advantage and enhance overall revenue of organisation. The chosen organisation in this report is
CO-op Food. This organisation mainly deals in food retail business founded in 1844 in parts of
UK. It is also refers as famous cooperative Food brand that execute business activity more than
4000 shops. The report aims towards how company consider ethical along with philosophy they
follow. The report consist of role of senior management team in order to maintain balance of
business standard. It also consist of role of employees to manage business standard.
How company consider ethical and reason
The CO-op Food company is one of the famous organisation of UK that deals in business
of Food retailing. This is recognised brand that is used in almost 15 cooperative society. The
company is much aware about its practices of business ethics because it is directly linked with
the success of the company (Blay and et.al., 2018). That is why they follow all the business
standard of the ethical code of conduct to boost revenue level along with its loyal base of
consumer. The company consider ethical approach of business because it enhance it overall
brand value in front of mass audience. The company is highly commitment towards code of
ethical trade that is much conduct with practice of human rights along with modern type of
slavery with optimum number in terms of policy and protocols. It will help company in
Business Ethics: Consideration, Philosophy, and Roles in CO-op Food_3

providing proper guidance towards perspective of recruitment along with behaviour towards
relationship among partner, supplier, purchasing goods and services.
Policies for social group- This will practice overall conduct of working pattern, contract
condition as well as policy that is associated with grievances, discipline and complaints.
Sustainable development policy- It is concerned with overall company policy with form
of sustainable development that consider delivers related with business value so that each policy
will reflect upon consumer will act as socially responsible procedure.
Human rights and trade policy- CO-op Food consist to practice trade and right of
human policy which involve situation of exceptional through which it can withdraw optimum
trade region (David, 2020). This is based upon overall consensus towards state of any illegal on
basis of international code business ethics.
Sound Sourcing Code of Conduct- Business standard of CO-op Food related with
employment standard in workplace so that all supplier can follow or expect Sound Sourcing
Code of Conduct. That is why it is linked with Initiative of Ethical trading as a result it will
reflect upon code or standard of international labour which will reinforce overall policy of labour
along with modern slavery.
Supplier and sustainable policy of procurement- It will relate with proper
sustainability of business and standard to accomplish expectation connected with supplier
product and services by avoiding concept of resale through chain of supply standard. The
diligence carry out with proper source of conduct.
Supplier principle towards Ethical Trade- Guide of supplier connected with detail
assessment with proper application of ethical practice to meet overall conduct of food supplier so
that proper expectation will accomplish food standard.
Ethical trade along with Human Rights- The kind of ethical trade and policy standard
with reference to human rights covers the optimum detail provision of several communities
associated with goods and services as they treated in format of fairly along with fundamental
rights as to protect optimum level of respective business ethical rights.
Future of Food- CO-op Food company believes in future ambition of food retailing that
is connected with sustainable as well as ethical code of business food. They follow treating
people with full form of human rights through activation of upon commitment as well as
ambitions of human rights (Francis and et.al., 2018). This will connected with transparency by
Business Ethics: Consideration, Philosophy, and Roles in CO-op Food_4

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