
Different Types of Companies and Organizational Structures: A Study on Cadbury


Added on  2022-12-26

11 Pages2680 Words88 Views
Leadership ManagementPolitical Science
Business in practices
Different Types of Companies and Organizational Structures: A Study on Cadbury_1

Table of Contents
SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................1
Various kind of company ...........................................................................................................1
SECTION 2......................................................................................................................................3
Legal structure of the different companies .................................................................................3
SECTION 3......................................................................................................................................5
Different types of organisational structures and its impact on business productivity of
PESTEL analysis of Cadbury.....................................................................................................6
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8
Different Types of Companies and Organizational Structures: A Study on Cadbury_2

Company is a type of business entity that is formed to succeed subjective business
objectives by earning profits. Due to existence of the globalisation and shared economy number
of company are growing in the UK market. There are different types of company divided based
on the scope and shared liabilities this is because there is not single literal recognition of
company they are separated based on the size, power, type of possession and liabilities. The
pursuing report represent the different type of the company and their existence on the basis of
size, scope and obligations
(Tasic, 2019). To support report finding, Cadbury is being taken into account which is second
largest confectionery industry in the world popularly known for its Daily Milk chocolate series.
The undergoing report also outline different legal entities of different companies based on the
kind of ownership and formation of business. In every business operations external factor work
as constraint therefore prosed research also though light on the various external factors that affect
organisational functioning by adopting PESTEL analytical tool.
Various kind of company
A company is a legitimate business entity that is establish with association of group or
individual that share a specific ordinary business objective. Primary purpose of every company
is to earn profits but there profits are depends in nature of business and size of the company, as
per the Company Act 2107 different types of company on the basis of its size are as follows- Micro size company- Generally a micro size company are termed to be as the start-up
company or a company that that employees strengths not more than 10 and has annual
turnover in the company balance sheet within 1million. In UK every micro company has
a separate accounting standard which are under guidelines of FRS in UK GAAP. Castle
Hill Fire protection company is the leading micro company contractor in UK that install
and fire protection product and system for major building and renovation projects.
Characteristic & features of micro company-
About every micro organization has single ownership model (in context of Castle Hill
Fire protection company , it is managed and controlled by Andy Stubs.
Different Types of Companies and Organizational Structures: A Study on Cadbury_3

A micro company has capability of employing employees fewer than 10, in reference to
Castle Hill Fire protection company, it have 9 employees
(Tasic, 2019).
A micro institution show annual turnover fewer than 2 millions, Castle Hill Fire
protection company has annual turnover of 1 million. Small size company- According to the Company's act of UK, a small is a company
which show annual turnover fewer than 50 millions. In UK nearly 55% companies are
small. CafePod coffee company is an independent craft coffee coffee company in UK
popularly known for its innovative approach to be raise as the strongest coffee brand in
Characteristic & features of small company-
A small company annual turnover fewer than of 50 millions pounds. CafePod Coffee
company has recorded annul turnover around 12 million pound in 2020.
A small companionship are only capable to employee fewer than 500, CafePod Coffee
company has employees 55 employees in 2 different store outlet.
Small companies are owned by a single or on partnership basis. CafePod Coffee company
founded by Peter Grainger and Brent Hadfield.
Medium size company - A medium companionship is form of business that has annual
turnover more than 50 million and can employee 1000 peoples. Checkout.com a tech
company whose journey begins as bootstrapped start-up to an international business
organisation provide full-stake payment system (Tasic, 2019).
Characteristic & features of medium company-
A medium size organisation has annual turnover more than 50 million Checkout.com has
recorded enormous record of revenue about annual turnover of approx 89 million in
Medium size business can be owned as partnership, franchise, and limited liability
Medium size companies has panoramic contribution in the country GDP and these
company provide more employment opportunities.
Large company- Large sized companionship are blessed with larger economy of scale
and has capture larger market share, these firms has separate business entitle because of
Different Types of Companies and Organizational Structures: A Study on Cadbury_4

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