
Business information technology system - Assignment


Added on  2021-02-19

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Business informationtechnology system
Business information technology system - Assignment_1

Business information technology system - Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONBusiness information system are major activity for inter incidental procedure, using ITinfrastructure within entity to create and circularize essential information. It is very effectivemethod as this aids to encourage decision-making by people associated with organization withinprocess of attainment of objectives (THE IMPORTANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIN BUSINESS, 2019). Therefore, this is effective as this to design, improve and optimallysupport entity wide system and business to business process. Additionally, it comprises ofanalysis and organization of business information with help of application of technicaladvancement.The present report is based on topic as 'Business Information technology system' ofBritish home plc. It is successful medium-sized group of company that provides the differenttypes of services to the customer such as supermarkets, Holiday packaging, property renting andconsultancy services. However, present report will lay emphasized on demonstratingunderstanding of role of different IT system to support organizational objectives. Furthermore,assignment will explain information technology system for customer relationship, data andcommunication management and for knowledge. Evaluation will be undertaken on IT systemsolution that support value added change within enterprise.TASK 1 Analyses the use of IT system within different function of the organization. IT system is the pool of activities and element that works in order to manage the differentdepartmental information and data storage. Using, information technology have increased thedemand and supply of goods by reducing the time in making and supplying goods and services.Additionally, lack of innovation and ineffective use of advanced technology affects the growth ofan enterprise. It is effective term as this helps to organization to devise better strategies to dealwith their competitors. It has tools that are used to support processes, operations, intelligence andIT. Therefore, the use of IT system within enterprise defined in following manner as:Requirements- In order to assign job role adequately, better and improved IT system needs to benetworked and secured to have speed and storage capacity. Secure means authorized personnelhave access to the data and function that aids to keep track of authorized activity. To carry outthe activities in fast manner, this is crucial to use Information technological advancement.1
Business information technology system - Assignment_3

Design Management and Job assignment system(DTIC) will help British Home Plc in achievingthe goal of increasing the productivity by making clear the reporting relationship.Operations- Information Technology system to carry out the specific function to support ofoperation, including payroll, employee record storage and to storing company documents. If theentity is will run the operation in manufacturing line that this could be beneficial in schedule thetask and process while keeping quality records. Therefore, the use of IT in operation can aids toenhance the efficiency and to improve the employee productivity. Sound Operation will help theBritish Home Plc by achieving the goal profit maximization by doing operational efficiency.Human resource department- With the use of information technology, HRM of British plc canmake plan more quickly and performance of job become effective. However, it can be stated thatthe use of IT has impressive determinant on the sector of human resource management in termsto planning, management, recruitment, training and development etc. Thus, IT can be termed outas set of software and hardware for employees and enterprise, also this plays crucial role inhuman resource redevelopment. Here the organization can use on the job training for the lesscrowded employees and for more employees the organization can use online training which iscost effective and highly productive. All this will make achieve the goal of the firm of increasingproductivity by quickly doing work and with less error due to the skill built.Function of marketing - Marketing function is another factor that helps to British home Plc as ithas different types work so identify the needs of customer in different sector is difficult. Thus,firm can implement the new technology such as use the digital marketing and internet helps toidentify the view of customer ( Kasemsap, 2019.). By analysing and manipulating data oncomputers there can be enhancement in precision of campaigns of marketing. Thus, technicaladvancement to improve the customer relationship management. In addition to this, marketautomation is the use of software and services of web based to manage, execute and automatemarketing task and processes. The ways how IT systems contribute to the achievement of objectives of British Home Plc.Information technology is one that helps British Home Plc. for making innovative andmaking its all utility more effective (Tan, 2019 ). Thus, firm need to identify the contribution itmakes by analyzing the importance in the business operations. So, British home plc. Implementthe new technology in the business in order to achieve the goal. The system used here are the2
Business information technology system - Assignment_4

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