
Business Intelligence System: Importance, Evaluation, and Impact


Added on  2023-06-11

15 Pages3684 Words387 Views
FinanceData Science and Big Data
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Business Intelligence System: Importance, Evaluation, and Impact_1

Table of Contents
Literature Review............................................................................................................................3
BI application...............................................................................................................................3
Issues of BI application...............................................................................................................3
Impact of BI on various organization aspects..............................................................................3
Business Intelligence System: Importance, Evaluation, and Impact_2

Business Intelligence can be easily defined as a method which is used by various kinds of
organization that is based on data and more kinds of precise facts. In other words, Business
intelligence is the art that can be used in gaining of business advantage from various kinds of
data that can be gathered by the fundamental kinds of question and considering the fact how the
customers can easily rank in the chart provided (Kimball et al., 2015). It can be defined as the
use of various software and algorithms for proper analysis of data. It can be easily used for
guiding the strategic and tactical kind of business decision. BI tools are mainly used for analysis
of present data sets in the form reports, maps that mainly enables a large number of users. BI can
be easily defined as a descriptive kind of analysis that can be easily used in having an idea
regarding the current past stage. Manufacturing industry have been considered as the main of
source of profit any country. It is also considered as the main sources of business activity.
The growth is mainly encountered in the zone of computer parts and manufacturing
industry. Two kinds of technologies can be easily used for increasing the available for large
number of decision makers. It is mainly inclusive of two parts that is business intelligence and
management of knowledge (Laursen, & Thorlund, 2016). BI systems are chosen on wide
platform as they increasing to large number of daily operation for a range of organization.
In the coming pages of the report a literature review has been done regarding the
application of business intelligence. After that an evaluation has been done regarding the model
used for business intelligence and development process that is mainly associated with it. After
that an analysis has been done regarding the impact of business intelligence in various kinds of
organizational aspects like Various other kinds of parameters like quality of product and
customer satisfaction has been discussed in details.
Business Intelligence System: Importance, Evaluation, and Impact_3

Literature Review
BI application
Business intelligence can be easily defined as list of methods that can be used for
converting data into particular information. Various kinds of knowledge are generally obtained
about the requirements or needs of application (Fan Lau & Zhao, 2015). It is mainly used for
gathering information regarding organization performance in global trends. Another kind of
definition of BI is that various systems can easily put together gathering and storing of data and
knowledge that is mainly required for storage of data and proper kind of knowledge management
along with analytical tools that can be used for presenting a ready to flow output of application.
Complicated kind of information can be easily provided by planners and various kinds of
decision makers (Larson & Chang, 2016). BI tool is mainly used for obtaining right kind of
information at proper time and location. In other words, BI can be easily defined as collection of
technologies and procedures which can easily permit people at various levels of the organization
that is used for analysing data which is used for managing the business, increasing the level of
performance. It can be used for analysing various kinds of opportunities and operating in an
efficient way. BI has been used on wide basis in manufacturing industries as it is helpful for
solving large number of organization problems. The organizational issues can easily range from
decision making to maintenance of competitive advantage for an organization (Moro, Cortez &
Rita, 2015). There are number of domains in application of BI can be done like analysis of
customer, operational efficiency, revenue driving, having competitive advantage, spotting
various kinds of business problems.
Customer analysis: At present various kinds of customer are mainly busy with multiple
kinds of ways in which they establish an interaction. There are large number of platform like
Business Intelligence System: Importance, Evaluation, and Impact_4

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