
UK Business Law and Environment


Added on  2020-06-05

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Business Law
UK Business Law and Environment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Analysing the application of the different sources of laws for EBSM..............................1P2 Determine the role of government in law making in context with Statutory and Commonlaw..........................................................................................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P3 Determining the potential impacts over organisation from employments and contract laws4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P4 Advising an appropriate legal solution to organisational obstacles..................................5P5 Presenting the justification for implementation of Legal solution....................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P6 Suggesting the solutions over UK's Legal system............................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONTo initiate a business at new place there is need to analyse the requirements of citizensfrom such locations as well as the legal environment which will help in executing the firmoperations. In the present report there will be analysis and determination of various legalsolutions which are presented to secure the business operations in UK. The report will also helpin analysing legal requirement for enhancing the operations of business for EBSM. There will bediscussion based over English legal systems and various legislation levied by them such asStatutory and Common laws as well as impacts of Employee and contract laws over businessoperations. There will be various business solutions which are in constraint with several acts andprinciples as to enhance the legal environment in country.TASK 1P1 Analysing the application of the different sources of laws for EBSMIn accordance with legal system in UK there has been rules and regulation which arelegislated by the HMRC, central government. High courts and various tribunals. The motivebehind facilitating laws and acts is to develop the legal environment in the country. There hasbeen various sources such as Legislations, European Union law, common law, EuropeanConvention on Human rights (Disch, 2016). Therefore, with the help of such laws and legislaturethe operational environment in UK will be beneficial and appropriate as it will help in enhancingthe legality in the operational activities. However, these laws and legal solutions are need to beanalysed by EBSM in context with having the favourable management in business operations.Legislations: In terms with the legislature in UK the main cases are handled andlegislated by the Acts of parliament which are situated in London. It facilitates the legal solutionsto every obstacle incurred in all four countries. The parliament of UK is based on legislatures ofthe House of lords and House of commons (Partington, 2016). There has been various lawswhich are in favour of preventing the unlawful acts and the judgement over any case. Theselegislature acts as to protect the citizens as well as corporation in UK to have the fair jurisdiction.Common Law: these legislatives controls the cases of Wales and England which in turnwill be executed and analysed on the basis of past cases and precedents. The laws are applicableover the cases on the basis of similar cases and the judgement facilitated by government whichare to be analysed and executed by the legislative general in UK (Common Law, 2015).1
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European Convention on Human Rights: These acts are facilitated as to secure thehuman rights on the internal basis. The motive behind this legislature is to help and protecthuman rights in the UK and European countries. There will be discussion based on the variousrights and legislations which in turn facilitate the adequate jurisdiction on the basis of Property,educations, elections, marriage, abuse rights, liberty and security etc. issues which are facilitatedby the government to secure and protect the human rights (Picciotto and Mayne, eds., 2016).European Union Law: These laws are in-acted as to have the legislature of EuropeanUnion with the motive put EU polices and treaties into practice. These are basically formed asper main Two types such as Primary and Secondary (Types of EU law, 2017).Legal system in Germany: Germany is the Europe Large economy as it has the big contribution in the EuropeanUnion. There has been influence of various laws, acts in respect with enhancing the legal powerof the country. Mainly, the cases are resolved by the Civil law on the basis of Statutory andcommon laws. However, the motive government is to facilitate the adequate legal solutions to thecitizens with consideration of the human rights, public wealth and defending the nation withcrimes and illegal influences. In comparison, with UK it can be said that English law id morepowerful and successful than German legislation as it helps in controlling all the issues inappropriate manner.P2 Determine the role of government in law making in context with Statutory and Common lawIn a process of drafting a bill to help in fair legislations as well as to make improvementsin the legal environment of UK. The bill be passed on the basis of several stages such as:Decision to legislate: the bills, new cats and legislation are planned in the parliament inevery session. The bill must be submit to parliamentary business and legislations committee ofcabinet. They consider the usage and requirement of such laws and acts in the legal environmentin context with acquiring the adequate rights and legislatures (Legislative process: taking a Billthrough Parliament, 2013).Bill preparation: This is the stage were the draft was prepared in context with three kindsof bills such as Private, public member and Public bills. Therefore, the bill is being prepared as adraft which contains all the norms and purpose for the bills which are need to be made. 2
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