
Employer Obligations and Employee Rights


Added on  2020-07-23

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Employer Obligations and Employee Rights_1

Table of Contents
SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................1
P1 Structure of English Legal system and different sources of laws.....................................1
P2 Role of government in law making ..................................................................................3
SECTION 2 .....................................................................................................................................4
P3 Legal obligations of employer and explaining the impact of employment law and contract
law in business practices. ......................................................................................................4
SECTION 3 .....................................................................................................................................6
P4 Suggest appropriate legal solution for business problems. ..............................................6
P5 Justification of given solution of business problems. ......................................................7
M3 ..........................................................................................................................................8
SECTION 4......................................................................................................................................8
P6 Explaining the alternative solution process and recommendation of legal solutions in
business practises....................................................................................................................8
D2 ..........................................................................................................................................9
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Law is the most important term to secure the environment. It applies on the people,
organisations, companies and all legal entities; some laws are made for companies and some are
made for people. Laws explains how should behave, in this context government plays a very
important role, who make different regulations and acts, government main aim is to protect the
environment of economy and protect the interest of peoples. Present report is based on business
law and it will discuss about the role and importance of English legal system in the United
Kingdom. Business law helps businessman to adopt fair practices and maintain order to ensure
safety and prevent factors of employees as well as individuals. These laws help to protect
violence and anarchy. Further, it will explain several obligations of employer towards their
employees in the organisation. Adding to more, it will define the employee and contract laws as
well as regulations to maintain business practices. Apart from that, it will also emphasis on legal
solutions and alternative ideas to protect the business from uncertain events. Furthermore, it will
cover all necessary points which help company to run the business in smooth manner.
P1 Structure of English Legal system and different sources of laws
English legal system supports the features which are important for the development of
critical thinking skills. English law is made by the parliament. On the other side, other authority
and delegated legislations is made by the other authorities. Generally, European laws come from
treaties, directives, regulations and decision (Craig, 2016). It also includes another one which is
called common law. Common law is very essential at the time when parliament was not very
important. In this English law, judges who go around the world and gives their own ideas to
improvise the better laws. English law system cases were bound to adopt previous decisions of
another court. It is followed by many countries like Canada and Australia. In this English legal
system, all decisions are taken by the Supreme Court and it is mandatory to be followed by
everyone. Decision of lower court is hidden by the Supreme Court. There is the criminal law
whose cases where solved by the judges with jury (Cheeseman and Garvey, 2014). On the other
side, there was a civil law who control the cases of disputes between the people. But the criminal
cases first applied in the high court orb in the lower court. On the other side magistrate is the
lower court where all criminal cases were solved, along with that some civil functions can also
be solved under this court such as family proceedings Whereas under English law system it
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includes many other several courts such as crown court, high court, supreme court and court of
appeal. Crown court is the high court of justice. In overall England in 92 locations crown court is
located. The most serious offences passed to the crown court. Its judgement is based on judge
and jury. Final decision of all laws is taken by supreme court. In English legal system supreme
court is the lord of justice. It is very necessary for all organisation to adopt fair practises to
ensure its business environment positive and safe.
Different Source of Law
There are various sources of law which is mandatory for the organisation to be followed.
If organisation fails to adopt these laws and regulation, government will take strict action against
those organisations. These laws and regulations helps company to adopt proper order and reduce
their risk factors during the organisation functions. These sources of laws set particular
guidelines which is very necessary for the organisation to be followed. There are some sources of
laws discussed below. European Union Law: This law is made for EU. There are various laws
and regulations which includes various sections and different laws. It helps organisation to adopt
fair practices and systematic functions in the business environment. It gives ideas and guidelines
for companies to adopt ethical methods. Laws are strictly explains that due to company issues
employees are not be suffered. EU law includes employment law which defines the relationship
between employer and employee. The main agenda of employment law is to protect the interest
of employees against fraud organisations. It creates healthy and safe environment (Dau-Schmidt,
Finkin and Covington, 2016). On the other hand, EU also includes contract law. In this context,
things happens when two or more than two people get into the one contract on the basis of
mutual concern. Contract law defines and protect the interest of contractee. All kinds of law
generate some obligations and rules which is very important to be followed by everyone.
Jurisprudence: This is another source of law which gives direction to generate ideas to promote
development of laws. It makes some innovative ideas through which government make new
different laws to minimise fraud and malpractices in the organisation. This law consists of
human rights and civil rights. This source of law helps the government to protect interest of
people. Common Law: The most important law is mainly two laws that is common and civil
laws this common law emerged in England during middle period. It is generally no
comprehensive and rules and regulations along with that common law is relied on particular
some scattered statutes this decision is based on Precedent, these all precedents maintained over
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