
Business Law and its Applications


Added on  2020-06-03

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Business law
Business Law and its Applications_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Section 1...........................................................................................................................................1P1 Structure of English legal system and various sources of law...............................................1P2 Role of government in law making and application of statutory and common law..............2Section 2...........................................................................................................................................3P3 Legal obligation of employers in relation to:.........................................................................3(a)................................................................................................................................................3(b) Impact of employment and contract law on business............................................................4Section 3...........................................................................................................................................5P4 Legal solutions to the problem...............................................................................................5P5 Justification of solutions........................................................................................................6Section 4...........................................................................................................................................6P6.................................................................................................................................................6(a) Benefits of using alternative resolution process....................................................................6(b) Alternative solutions..............................................................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONBusiness law is a combination of various activities that help in ruining business activitiesin a smoothly manner. It includes large number of federal and state rules (What Is BusinessLaw? - Definition & Overview, 2017). It become essential for every enterprise to follow the legalrules of country or nation in which business activities execute. These legal rules and regulationshelp business organisation in avoiding in legal conflicts or situations. It is an responsibility of anemployer to tell provide basic rights of an employee at workplace (Johnson, 2013). Presentreport described structure of English legal system and various sources of its information. Inmaking legal rules and laws government of every country play an important role and providevarious support services. Employers obligations toward the employees working in enterprise isgiven under this report. Employment law helps employer in making policies regarding theemployees at workplace. If individuals or organisations are facing situation of conflicts thanrather than going to court they can use various alternation solutions these solution are mentionedunder this essay.Section 1P1 Structure of English legal system and various sources of lawEnglish legal system mainly is divided in two parts called civil law and criminal law.Criminal law related with crimes like murder, an inappropriate action or staling an importantdata or knowledge. On the other hand civil law is made to solve the private disputes arise amongtwo or more than two parties or enterprises (English Legal System Lecture Notes, 2017). Underthe English law supreme court hold the position of apex body, judgement of supreme court isknown as final decision in all countries in which English law exist. In a legal conflict or criticalsituation if a person wants the solution than he has to go first magistrates courts and tribunal. Theother level which include in this is country court or crown court these handle the complicatedcases. Supreme court got the higher position of theses courts, having two separate body (Scholes,2015). One is responsible for solving family issued like chancery and Queen's bench division andthe other one is based on divisional court that is administrative court.Sources of lawIn united kingdom there are mainly four source of law from which the first one is statutesmade by parliament of UK and other developed parliaments. Second one is 'Common law' whichwas established be England at the time of standardisation of regulations, centuries ago. Third one1
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is known as European union and fourth is case law. Under this parliament makes or decide therules related or is known as the main source of developing law. Candidates who are interestedcan vote for execution of particular act if they want. If that act got majority of votes that it willbecome a law which should be followed by everyone. Common laws has lost their importancebecause they are seem as outdated rules and regulations (Robson, 2010). Government end thesetype of laws whenever it create a critical problem. United kingdom was eligible to follow all therules made by European union as UK was a part of EU. But after the Brexit UK was no longeligible to do the same. After this some laws or regulations are set by courts to be followed byeveryone for making judgements. Recent English reform focus on remove all the barriers tomake the legal system more effective. Recommendations related with issues like fire arms arenow covered under policy and crime act 2017 and this act got the royal assent.All these are the main source or laws related with English law stuntmen. Everyorganisation having existence in countries in which legal law exist is bound to do activitiesaccording to various acts of this law. For solving the legal problem people of that country have tofollow the set procedure.P2 Role of government in law making and application of statutory and common lawGovernment is a major player and play an important role in implementation andformation of laws as parliament is responsible for develop laws and various act for solving thesocial problems. In a country when a big problem rise which affect large number of people ofthat country than in this situation government made some rules to check the actions of peoplewho are creating the trouble. In this situation legal authorities make a plan or proposal and thansent to cabinet ministers for stop the actions of people who are creating the problem. If cabinetministers get agree with the plan than they convert this plan into a bill having all provisions andsections regarding the issues. After that bill is presented to government in parliament where various efforts are done bygovernment to make that bill a 'law'. Number of steps are steps are involved in sending a bill tothe parliament. First reading bill is send to all MPs from government side and after that MPs ofgovernment side make efforts to convince the other MPs to vote in favour of bill (Halbert andIngulli, 2011). After that all members of parliament do discussion on the particular bill and try tosolve then queries related with that proposed bill. After this a committee having 20MPs is made2
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