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Business Management


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Business Management
An exploratory study of the differences in
perspectives managers and employees have on
business goals: a case study of Marriott
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................8
JUSTIFICATION AND CONTEXTUALIZATION...............................................................12
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .....................................................................15
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANLYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ................................................19
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................28
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................29
Appendix .................................................................................................................................31
Questionnaire .................................................................................................................31
Frequency Distribution analysis ....................................................................................32

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1.1 Overview of the topic
According to Statista (2019) the restaurants and mobile food services in UK
generated the highest income with a turnover of 39.9 billion British pounds in the
2018. Also, it was estimated a value of 73.6 bn. British pounds of the food service
industry. For every business entity, manager as well as employees are the most
essential assets which help in accomplishing organisational goals and objectives in
an effective manner. Both manager and employee share positive and negative
relationship which can assist in developing growth of the company or sometimes can
produce adverse situation. According to Lucas (2004), it has also been said that the
perceptive between both employee and manager are quite different as managers
focuses on the attainment of organisational goals whereas employees’ main motive
is personal development. Sometimes, it might create disputes and conflicts which
might affect the overall performance of the company in a negative manner. In this
HR manager of the company plays very essential role in order to create positive
working environment. In the present research, a London’s Hospitality sector which
will aid in conducting the research in an effective and efficient manner.
Managers and employees of an organisation have different perspectives in
context of achieving business goals and objectives. Managers work in an
organisation and work with as a team towards achievement of long-term goals of
company. Role of manger within an organisation is to motivate their all employees to
work together and attain business goals easily.(Boella and Goss-Turner, 2019).
In this context, managers and employees of the company do have their own
views and thoughts which is quite different from each other. In this research, a
discussion will be made on the difference perceptive of manager and employee
which will influence the growth of business organisation in both positive and negative
manner. This research will cover various sections where aim and objective are
developed by the researcher so that knowledge and information will be conducted in
an effective manner. in addition to this, a literature review section is also included
which assist in identifying different authors viewpoint. Along with this research
methodology section includes different tools and techniques which will assist in
gathering information and data for conducting the whole research.
1.2 Background of chosen organisation or industry
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This dissertation is based on hospitality industry So, that is largely
represented by the nation's pubs, hotels, leisure companies and restaurants as well
as produces approximately 4% of United Kingdom gross domestic product. It is a
biggest industry that helps societies by providing job opportunities, improving living
standards, increasing growth of industry etc. Chams and García-Blandón
(2019).Marriott International is a chosen organisation that works under hospitality industry.
It was founded in 1927 by J. Willard Marriott, Alice Marriott and headquartered in Bethesda,
Maryland, U.S. It is a largest hotel chain in all over the world.
1.3 Research aim
Main aim of this dissertation is to analyse the role of managers and
employees over the growth or collapse of the business. A case study on Marriott
International within London’s Hospitality sector.
1.4 Research Objectives
To explore role of employees and mangers in achievement of business goals.
To investigate the contribution of employees and mangers in reduction of staff
turnover rate within Marriott International.
To evaluate how training programs for employees could lead to a continuous
development and support for the employees within Marriott International .
To investigate how “SMART” methods are applied in order to achieve positive
results within the business organization.
To identify the impact of Social distancing and Brexit on hospitality sector in
1.5 Research Questions
What are the role of mangers and employees in attainment of business goals?
What is the contribution of mangers and employees in reduction of staff
turnover rate within London’s hospitality sector?
How training programs for employees could lead to a continuous development
and support for the employees within Marriott International ?
How “SMART” methods are applied in order to achieve positive results within
the business organization?
How Social distancing and Brexit is affecting the hospitality sector in London?
1.6 Rationale of the research
Main reason behind choosing this topic or research is to identify the role of
employees as well as mangers in achievement of business goal. There are also
different reasons for conducting this dissertation such as identifying the contribution
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of employees and mangers in business success as well as reduction of high
employee turnover. This research is important because it support in analysing of
Brexit and COVID 19 situation overgrowth of hospitality industry. Cheng and Yi
1.7 Research gap Is there a gap or is there sufficient previous research in this area? Do not be
general, be specific.
Research gap introduces as a topic for which insufficient or missing data limits
the capability of researcher in reaching of conclusion for a research question. It is an
important part of dissertation because it supports investigator in fulfilment of gap and
accomplishment of research objectives. In this dissertation, main gap what do you
mean? is the perspective of employees and managers in context of business growth
or collapse. In previous study, there was information regarding the role of managers
and employees in improvement of business growth, but there was missing or
insufficient information about their contributions in increasing growth of Marriott
International by reducing high employee turnover. In order to overcome research
gap, research questions will be followed by investigator Crane, Matten, Glozer and
Spence (2019).
1.8 Structure of dissertation
This is an essential part of the report that includes entire information regarding
each chapter or activity required for completing dissertation effectively. Useful and
valuable stages for completing research project will be described as below:
Chapter 1: Introduction: It is a first part that includes number of sub-
activities required by investigator for completing dissertation in systematic manner.
Sub-activities of introduction part are related with the research aim, objectives,
questions, rationale, research gap etc.
Chapter 2: Literature review: This is another part that is related with the
secondary information collected from articles, books etc. Main purpose of this part of
dissertation is to help investigator in fulfilment of research gap with the use of
research questions.
Chapter 3: Research methodology: This is a significant chapter that helps
researcher in collecting as well as analysing of data from number of research
methods. This section of research report includes various methods which are
research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, research choice,
research instruments etc. All these are useful for researcher in completion of
dissertation systematically and effectively De Vito and et. al. (2018).

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Chapter 4: Data analysis and interpretation: This chapter of dissertation
support investigator in analysing or evaluating of data gathered from questionnaire.
Frequency distribution analysis will be used by investigator for analysing quantitative
information regarding the topic.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendations: This is final or last activity
that includes all information of activities in short manner. This chapter helps in
identifying of achievements or not-achievements of research aim and objectives.
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Literature review is important part for researcher because it facilitates them in
gathering of secondary information from various sources such as articles,
magazines, publication research etc. All these are useful resources that will be
essential for investigator in collection of accurate or secondary information easily.
Main purpose or motive of literature review is to fulfil missing or insufficient
information easily. Research gap was analysed in previous section, now there is
need for fulfilling such gap Harmon (2019). In order to fulfil research gap, research
questions are important that will be explained as below:
Role of employees and mangers in attainment of business goals within hospitality
According to the Connor (2020), A manger plays an important and vital role
towards achievement of business goals. Role of business manager within London's
hospitality industry is to motivate employees, assign tasks to each employee, attract
customers etc. These are major role that are also related with the employee’s role in
context of achieving business goals. This statement is true because employees also
responsible for accomplishing business gaols within limited time duration. Along with
this, one of the important roles of a business manager in a workplace within
hospitality industry is to allot tasks or activities to each of the workers. This will make
sure that the regular operation as well as business activities of the hospitality
industry is properly undertaken. Employees within hospitality industry support
company by attracting large number of customers that results in attainment of
business goals. Therefore, manger's perspective is related with the employee's
perspective that will be beneficial for growth of hospitality industry.
According to the viewpoints of Järlström, Saruand Vanhala (2018), it can be
said that there are some specific business goals that are associated with the
hospitality sector that is part of London’s overall economy. The hospitality sector of
London consists of pubs, hotels, leisure companies and restaurants. It constitutes to
around 4 percent of the GDP of UK according to Office for National Statistics (2020)
and it has estimated a growth of 0.2% of GDP. There has been lot of developments
that is taking place with regards to front line employees that are working in an
organization. There is a continuous need for talent management that is taking place
in such industry. The overall hospitality industry is very complex and changing very
fast. In the main reason, that the objective of this hospitality sector is always aligned
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with the frontline employees’ perspective in every organization. This can be seen
with the help of example that employees are always willing to have higher
responsibilities and maximum contribution that they can made towards organization
objectives. It will help them in earning of higher revenue and at same time such
benefit will be passed on indirectly towards employees. So, it is the responsibility of
all hospitality organizations that they have to ensure maximum contribution towards
such front-line employees. So, that the overall alignment of the overall perspectives
can benefit the organization, employees and economies. The perspective of
manager must have the perspective is that GDP growth.
What is the contribution of employees and mangers in reduction of staff turnover
within London’s hospitality sector?
As per the view presented by Brikin (2019), mangers and employees of an
organisation contribute their more efforts in retention of talented staff. Hospitality
industry of London is facing high employee turnover. There are number of reasons
regarding high employee in hospitality industry such as unsociable working hours,
low pay and benefits, lack of career prospects etc. These are major reasons that
impact over hospitality industry by increasing rate of employee turnover. Hospitality
industry of UK has employee turnover rate is 30%. Hospitality industry is the third
largest private employers within United Kingdom and could face an issue of shortfall
within the talented pool.
According to the views of Partington (2016), it can be said that there are many
statics of labor turnover rate in the tourism and hospitality sector is approximately 30
percent. This is a very high rate as compared to other different sectors of London.
The hospitality sector of UK is the largest private sector employer on London, UK.
There have many reasons behind this high turnover rate that is they must struggle a
lot in this sector it can be said that there are lot of struggles that must be made by
such employees to balance their personal and professional or work life. Such
employees not having much time for their recreational activities in the hospitality
sector there are no fixed working hours for employees and the recent surveys have
clearly indicated in London that from the total number of respondents can be clearly
observed that in every 10 employees 3 employees are willing to leave their present
role in the coming period of one year. It is a situation that is creating a great pressure
on such hospitality organizations to be able to retain employees for a longer duration
of time period and it has resulted into high & increase cost and there is no more cost

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effectiveness in terms of availability of labour. Hospitality organization is an industry
that requires high number of skilled workforces so that they can function, and labors
provide them a competitive advantage. So, there is a very high pressure on different
segments of hospitality organizations that is resulting into poor retention. There is
only possible solution for such issues is that provide employees satisfactory
compensation, flexible working hours and some non-monetary benefits also so that
they are not willing to leave or switch their present job.
How training programs for employees could lead to a continuous development and
support for the employees within Marriott International ?
According to the Jena, Pradhan and Panigrahy (2018), There is huge
contribution of training programmes in continuous development of employees within
Marriott International. This is so because here target is provided over providence of
knowledge that help in improvement of skills that further aid in development of
overall personality. This improved personality level not only help to work effectively
but also motivates the employees, so they work with high level of engagement. The
different training methods along with contribution is defined below;
Simulation: This is effective off the job training method that help in
development of skills through facing of the similar kind of created situations. This
brings understanding that how work is performing within an organisation and in what
they must tackle the risks if occur due to the performance of same.
Training at workplace: This is effective on the job training method where few
months training is proved to employees in starting. The main aim with this technique
is to improve the skill so they able to develop the skills and perform the functions
effectively in future. This is beneficial for both Marriott International and employee.
Here, employee gets the benefit in form of personality development whereas Marriott
International gets the benefit in form of optimum utilisation of resources along with
higher level of productivity Mone, London and Mone (2018).
According to the viewpoint of as Hall et al. (2008), training and development
programs enhance the skills as well as capabilities of an individual or the employee
prevailing within the organization. Hospitality industry is wide and involves many
services such as lodging, accommodation, recreation, food and beverages and
entertainment as well. One of the main aims of this industry is to fulfil customer
satisfaction and render them the quality service as well. For this, it is essential for
hospitality sector to have effective and talented employees that leads an
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organization towards higher success and development. It is determined that the
major concerned of hospitality sector in London is fulfilment of customer requirement
as they believe customers are the key asset due to which it can have a higher gain
and success within the market and remain for longer time frame. In addition to this,
the competition within the hospitality industry is increases day by day and therefore it
is becoming important for hospitality organization to trained staff members as it will
help them to deal with customer queries and resolve them rapidly as well as
effectively. Moreover, Jellen and Necksan, (2018) has been analyzed that hospitality
industry contributes a major part in service industry that directly leads to growth of
economy of the country. It is determined that there is use of innovative technology
within the hospitality sector in order to offer best as well as on time service to
customer that leads to raise in efficiency and profitability of hospitality organization. It
is important for hospitality sector to offer unique service that assist in attaining
competitive advantage at marketplace. Furthermore, training sessions helps
hospitality industry of London to gain higher growth and development that leads to
enhancement in market share of hospitality sector within the service industry.
How “SMART” methods are applied in order to achieve positive results within the
business organization?
As per the view presented by Khoreva and Wechtler (2018), The smart
methods that will be effective in relation to get positive results are defined below;
Technology: All must focus over application of advanced technologies. This
help to perform activities without in getting with any third person. Also, saves time
and money along with optimum level of safety.
Work benefits: Focus over discriminating work benefits to retain employees
and continuing workings.
According to Chartered Management institute (2011) in order to achieve goals
and objectives in an effective manner, it is required by the managers or top authority
of the company to develop SMART objective and use some smart methods. It has
been said that by using effective methods of communication help in retaining
potential staff members for longer period. Along with this, managers and employees
need to discuss their different perspectives and to find a conclusion that reduces
negative impact from the workplace and develop positive and strong relationship
among then. This will aid them in achieving organizational goals and objectives in
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an effective manner as employees feel motivated and encouraged which increases
their efficiency and effectiveness.
How Social distancing and Brexit is affecting the hospitality sector in London?
According to the Muller-Heyndyk (2018), The aspect of Brexit and social
distancing has negative impact over the operations of hospitality sector in London.
The points that justified the same are defined below;
Brexit leads to higher level of internal issues. This makes the difficult for an
organisation to hire talented candidates along with retention of those which
are exist within an organisation. This is so because it leads low level of growth
rate within an organisation.
Social distancing impacts the ability of working staff and leads the reduction of
productivity even in the case of providing same level of salaries. This leads
reduction of profits.
Social distancing also leads reduction in number of consumers because they
not prefer to use outside services for the reason of safety.
Social distancing is a new negative fact that is affecting hospitality sector
based on London. According to BBC (2020) hospitality sector is moreover affecting
than the other industries as they will not be able to operate during this hard time.
Managers and hospitality companies needs to develop effective strategies and
policies as well as communicate them on a regular basis so that they can retain them
for a longer period as the employees are payed with half wages. In addition to this,
another factor which affects the overall hospitality sector in a negative manner is
Brexit. It might create negative environment and affect the whole performance of the
organization in a negative manner. Rummey (2017) stated that 3 million citizen of EU
countries are working in hospitality industry. This is a genuine effect on them, that
could influence workforce. European specialists were worried about future in UK,
and right now some of them are leaving back to their countries as the virus concern
as well. As per BHA (2017), every year it is a need of 200,000 individuals to cover
staff turnover, and it causes prompting development.
Why is the research important?
A research is important for every organization because it helps in exploring more
opportunity, knowledge and field of study. Learning get enhanced through research

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and learner can think ahead and put more effort to achieve goals and objectives.
Problems and solution of problem is also identified in the process. In business,
marketers as well, managers and leaders conduct research in order to analyze
market situation, trends and uncertain activities. This leads to awareness about
people, target market and customers. In context to H& M, they use research for
different motives such as to motivate personnel, examine the structure of firm and it
increases the creditability of the entity.
According to Kundu et al. (2019) the purpose for this topic is to explore the
connection between employees' and managers view of assorted variety inside
administration levels (for example senior administration, center administration and
lower the executive’s levels) and saw authoritative execution. The examination
likewise analyzes contrasts in view of assorted variety inside various degrees of the
board across nature and possession types of associations.
While conducting research skills, knowledge and level of expertise is required at
every phase to make effective decision making in the entities. New methods, ideas
and thoughts are also developed when understanding of the is field is carried out in
effective manner. HR manager of the company make ensures that policies and
procedures are being followed by research team. In relation with H& M, manager as
leaders also use research so that employees’ traits, behavior and attitude is
examined in proper manner. This leads to scanning the working environment of
management and personnel and which depicts that weather workplace of entity is
stable or not.
Why is it important to find what you are trying to find?
Conducting research is not enough because it is also essential to identify for what
reason the research is being carried out. This helps in understanding the field or
area of research effectively. Until and unless researcher doesn’t know what the
mission and vision of the research objectives is cannot be achieved. This research
in H& M has been conducted so that manager of the company is able to find out the
culture and environment of workplace in appropriate manner. Culture in the entity is
crucial because stability of subordinates depends upon what type of culture does
firm possess.
How will it build in the existing body of evidence?
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In this competitive era, it is necessary to have a logical and practical
thinking so that appropriate evidence is collected in the firm. In relation
with H&M, entity will be able to gather information through their policies
and procedures which has been established previously. So, to collect
the evidence for the enterprise I will assist firm in their tasks and
operations so that all satisfaction level of both subordinates as well as
corporation increases.
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Research methodology refers to one of the most critical elements which helps
an investigator in order to gain accurate, reliable as well as appropriate data which
will assist in developing positive outcome in an effective manner. Research Methods
is an essential procedure of gathering, analyzing, examining as well as assessing
knowledge which aid research in drawing effective conclusion. Main aim behind
using research methodology is to gather authentic data and information which will
assist in producing positive and accurate outcome. Research methodology is main
part of the dissertation as it supports investigator in gathering, analysing, evaluating
and interpreting information regarding the topic (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill,
2016). This section of dissertation help researcher to collect not too collect, but to
determine how data will be collected qualitative or quantitative information regarding
the role of employees and managers in improvement of business growth and
attainment of goals in limited time period. There are some methods involved in
methodology will be explained as below:
Research paradigm-It refers to an approach which is used by researcher in
order to conduct the whole research in an effective manner. It says that how
investigator collect, examine, interpret as well as use all the knowledge one topic or
subject. It includes two methods interpretivism& positivism to various investigation
paradigm according to Saunders et al (2016). In reference to the current
investigation, researcher adopt positivism paradigm as it will assist in exploring the
thought which will help in gain understanding about the perception of investigator.
Research philosophy: This is an essential section of methodology that have
different types of philosophy which are ontology, epistemology and axiology. All
these are effective but according to the present study, epistemology philosophy is
more useful because it helps investigator in collecting and analysing of qualitative or
quantitative information through Interpretivisim or positivism philosophy. Within a
current dissertation, positivism philosophy will be used because it supports
researcher in gathering and evaluating of quantitative data regarding employee's and
manager's perspective in achievement of business goals. Interpretivisim philosophy
is not used within a project because it requires more time and not provide results in
quantitative manner Pellegrini, Rizzi and Frey (2018).

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Research approach: Saunders et al (2016) stated an important step in an
investigation as it helps in collecting data and information in an efficient manner. This
shows as one of the most useful method in order to complete the research step-by-
step. With the help of this researcher can develop an effective and appropriate
research. It consists of two main kinds inductive as well as deductive research
approach. In order to conduct the whole research in an effective manner,
investigators use deductive approach as it assist in providing necessary as well as
authentic articles on a topic or subject. This is the critical process used for analysing
the qualitative or quantitative data. There are two approaches which are inductive
and deductive. Inductive approach will be used for analysing of qualitative
information, whereas deductive approach is use for analysing quantitative
information. In order to analyse collected quantitative data regarding the role of
managers and employees in context of business success, deductive approach has
been followed. Main purpose for using deductive approach within a current project as
it helps in evaluating and interpreting of quantitative information in minimum time
period. Inductive approach of data analysis is not useful within a present study
because it takes more time and also not provide better results.
Research strategy: This introduces to critical process of collecting
information regarding any field of study from different strategies such as case study,
survey, experimental, action research, systematic literature review and many others.
For performing current research on employee's and manger's perspective, survey
and systematic literature review will be adopted by investigator. Questionnaire has
been applied as a part of survey for collecting primary data about the existing topic
Pham, Tučková and Jabbour (2019). Systematic literature review is used by
investigator for gathering secondary information. Secondary information was
collected for literature review that helps in fulfilling of research gap.
Research methods-It is define as a procedure, strategy or techniques which
is commonly used in collecting data and information so that researchers will be able
to gather better understanding regarding topic. In order to collect information, there
are survey distributed online to a convenience sample regarding the time with social
distancing. Majorly two methods which are quantitative as well as qualitative. In the
context of present research, investigator adopt quantitative method of collecting data
and information as it assists in identifying positive response and conclude the
research in a positive manner.
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Research choice: There are basically three choice of research selection
which are memo choice, mixed method and multi-method. These are effective choice
but according to the current investigation, memo choice is more useful because it will
help researcher in collecting and analysing of only one type of information either
qualitative or quantitative. For conducting present research, quantitative research
method is applying by researcher as it supports in gathering of numerical data in
minimum time period. Quantitative method is not valuable for conducting current
investigation as it consumes more time and not provide data in form of numbers.
Time horizon: This is an important section of methodology that have two
types which are cross-sectional time approach and longitudinal approach. Both
approaches are effective but according to the present dissertation or topic, cross-
sectional time approach is more useful as it helps researcher in completion of full
project in set time period Reina and et. al. (2018).
Data collection and data analysis: There are two sources of collecting data
such as primary and secondary. Questionnaire is a source of primary data collection,
whereas literature review is a source of secondary data collection. For doing this
project questionnaire will be delivered to the participants through email and
respondents become able to fill this questionnaire and forward them. For this
researcher will asked close-ended questions to the research participants. Both
sources are used within an investigation for gathering primary and secondary data
regarding the role of managers and employees in achievement of business goals. In
order to analysis quantitative data regarding the perspective of managers and
employees towards achievement of business goals, frequency distribution analysis
has been adopted. Main reason behind using frequency distribution analysis is it
helps researcher in analysing of quantitative information in minimum time duration as
compare to other techniques such as descriptive analysis, thematic analysis etc.
Sampling: There are two useful techniques of sample selection are known as
probability and non-probability. For selecting sample within a current study, non-
probability sampling will be used for selecting 30 industry experts within London's
hospitality sector. These respondents are selected through convenience sampling
method. Main reason behind selecting this type of sampling method as it not require
more time and also provide valid results within less time period.
Research instruments: There are various instruments of gathering primary
information including, interview, questionnaire, observation, focus group, modelling
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and many others. All these are essential but for gathering primary information about
the existing topic, questionnaire is use because it is more suitable as compare to
other instruments. Main reason for adopting questionnaire within a dissertation is it
provides quantitative and reliable data as well as not consume more time as
compare to other instruments Sourvinou and Filimonau (2018).
Research reliability and validity: This part of methodology helps
investigator in testing of validity and reliability of collected information. Questionnaire
is a suitable method as it supports researcher by testing the research reliability and
validity in minimum time period.
Research ethics: Ethics within an investigation are important and useful
because it supports investigator to complete full dissertation ethically and
systematically. There are some research ethics that will be needed to use by
investigator in current dissertation. These are; avoid using misleading practices,
reduce the risk of harm, obtain informed consent etc. All these are main practices
that will be essential and useful for investigator in completion of full dissertation
Tuan, (2018).
Therefore, above mentioned all methods, tools and approaches are important
for collecting quantitative information regarding the topic within less period of time.
Access and ethics-Research ethics is an important stage of the exploration
study. Saunders et al., 2016) stated that in this way significant that ethical consent
structures are passed out to all the member, and they will be given data about the
reason for this examination just as their part it’s in. All members will be anonymous,
and they can pull back from the examination at some random time. The
questionnaire will be design in order to have a section that could avoid an
uncomfortable answer. This tool used in order to achieve the aim of this research will
be addressed only for respondents that are above the age of 18, as the target
market in conducting this research are respondents aged between 18-65. Factors
which need to be considered while completing the whole research.
There should be no harm from the investigation conducted.
The investigation should contain informal consent form from the
parties involved in the research.
It must protect the participants and maintains the level of

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Limitations- In order to conduct a research, there are some limitations or
challenges which affect the overall outcome of the research. One of the biggest
weakness is that it is time consuming activity. Along with this, developing appropriate
question are difficult for researcher sometimes. Along with this, all the questions
which are developed must be simple as well as straight to answer. Along with this it
has also been identified that the researcher must conduct all the functions in an
ethical manner so that they can produce positive image of the company in front of
consumer. Therefore, managers or investigators need to follow all the regulations
which might be difficult.
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Data analysis is significant chapter of dissertation as it facilitate in evaluating of
qualitative or quantitative data regarding the specific topic. In order to evaluate quantitative
data, frequency distribution analysis will be followed by investigator as an analytical tool.
This tool will support investigator to analysis data in form of quantitative manner within less
time period. In this technique, researcher will require in making of frequency table that helps
in analysing of respondents number. Along with this, they will require in distributing entire
table in single table as per the questions presented in questionnaire. For presenting
quantitative information, investigator will also require Ms-Excel. This is an effective
software that support investigator in making of effective graphs according to the each
question (Tuan, 2018). Therefore, above mentioned technique are important and useful for
researcher in evaluating and implementing of quantitative information within limited time
Question 1: Knowledge about the role played by employees and mangers in context of
business growth
Q1) Do you have knowledge regarding the role of employees and
mangers in improving business success and growth?
a) Yes 30
b) No 0
a) Yes b) No
Interpretation: This graph helped by providing information regarding the awareness
among respondents about the role of mangers and employees in context of business growth.
For this information 30 out of 30 industry experts of hospitality industry had awareness
regarding the role of employees and managers in regards of business. Role of managers in the
organization is to provide accurate guidance to their staff members that turn to impact over
Document Page
growth and success of company. There are different roles of managers within a hospitality
organization such as hiring and staffing, coaching and developing existing employees,
conducting timely performance evaluations, monitoring and controlling expenses and budget,
planning and goal-setting for future period etc. Along with this, employees also played
significant and important role in overall success and growth of business including completing
work within given deadline, providing their opinion about the business and many more. All
these are essential and effective role played by employees and mangers that turn to effect on
overall growth and success of business within hospitality industry.
Question 2: Role of employees in achievement of business goals
Q2) What are the roles played by employees for achieving business goals
within hospitality sector of London?
a) Satisfied employees helps in attracting more customers 10
b) Successful employees meet deadline 10
c) Help in building the brand through positive customer interactions 10
a) Satisfied employees helps in attracting more customers
c) Help in building the brand through positive customer interactions
10 10 10
Interpretation: Employees within an organization played different role that helps an
organization in achievement of its goals and objectives. There are different roles of
employees in context of achieving business goals such as support an organization in
increment of customer base, successful employees meet deadline and also help in building the
brand through positive customer interactions. These are main roles that will be beneficial for

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the growth and success of an organization. 10 respondents had opinion as satisfied employees
helps an organization by attracting large number of customers. This will support company in
increment of its sales as well as market ratio. Remaining 10 participants had view as
Successful employees meet deadline that support company in accomplishment of its
competitive benefits within predetermined time period. Rest of 10 participants had view as
they help in building the brand through positive customer interactions. Therefore, all these
are more essential role of employees in an organization that turn to support hospitality
enterprise by enhancing their success and growth easily.
This information is correlated or linked with the secondary data that was collected by
researcher from number of secondary sources such as magazines, books etc. With the help of
these sources, authors provided their view regarding the role of employees. They said as
employees are main assets for the success of company and also assist them in attainment of
goals easily (Harmon, 2019).
Question 3: Contributions of managers in accomplishment of business goals
Q3) According to you, what are the contributions of managers in
accomplishment of business goals and objectives within London's
hospitality sector?
a) Motivates all employees 12
b) Assign tasks to each of the employees 8
c) Communicating company goals 10
a) Motivates all employees
b) Assign tasks to each of the employees
c) Communicating company gaols
Document Page
Interpretation: Mangers are also an important part of business growth. In attainment
of business goals, mangers of hospitality organization contribute their hundred present. There
are number of roles played by mangers. For this 12 out of 30 industry experts had knowledge
as they help company by motivating all employees that results in higher productivity level. 8
respondents had opinion as they had role and responsibility in assigning of task to each
employees that outputs in completion of each activity of business in systematic manner.
Remaining 10 participants had knowledge as manager help an enterprise by communicating
business goals in effective manner. Therefore, manager in hospitality enterprise contribute
their more efforts in overall success and growth. They support company by providing training
to the employees towards attainment of long term goals and objectives of business.
From the above mentioned information or data is linked with the secondary
information gathered from secondary sources for literature review. In this authors had
opinion as manger is most important part of business growth because they helped in
providing accurate guidance to employees towards achievement of business goals (De Vito
and et. al., 2018).
Question 4: Staff turnover in hospitality industry
Q4) In your opinion, staff turnover is major issue within London's
hospitality sector?
a) Strongly agree 8
b) Agree 12
c) Strongly disagree 4
d) Disagree 6
Document Page
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Strongly disagree d) Disagree
Interpretation: Staff turnover is a major issue in hospitality industry of London. For
this statement 8 respondents are strongly agreed, 12 are agreed, 4 are strongly disagreed and
rest of the 6 respondents are disagreed. Therefore, majority of participants were agreed as
staff turnover is a biggest issue within hospitality industry. This have negative impact on
business performance as well as growth. There are different reasons behind high staff
turnover in hospitality organization including lack of growth and progression, being
overworked, lack of feedback and recognition, little opportunities for decision-making, poor
employee selection etc. All these are biggest reasons that increase staff turnover in hospitality
organization such as Marriott International.
This data was related with secondary information collected for literature review. In
this authors had opinion as high employee turnover is a major issue within London's
hospitality sector. One of the main reason for increasing issue of high employee turnover is
poor management system (Crane, Matten, Glozer and Spence, 2019). Secondary data is
important part for the research because it support investigator in collect of accurate and
secondary information.
Question 5: Impact of social distancing on growth of hospitality industry
Q5) What are the impact of COVID 19 or social distancing on growth of
London's hospitality sector?
a) Deregulation of business 13
b) Disinterest of consumers in availing services 7
c) Difficult to pay and retain employees for regular and specialized 10

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a) Deregulation of business
c) Difficult to pay and retain employees for regular and specialised functioning
14 13
Interpretation: There are various impact of social distancing or corona vinous over
the growth of hospitality industry. 13 out of 30 respondents had knowledge deregulation of
business is major issue that results in poor business performance and lack of business
operations. 7 participants had opinion disinterest of consumers in availing services is major
issue because due to COVID 19, each market has closed and business are not able in
providence of services to the customers speedy. Remaining 10 respondents had view as
hospitality industry faced difficulties in paying and retaining of employees for regular and
specialized functioning. Therefore, all these are major issues of social distancing over
hospitality sector. These issues have negative and direct impact on performance of hospitality
organization such as Marriott International. COVID 19 is a biggest challenge for hospitality
industry because it directly impact over their sales.
Some information of primary data was related with secondary data. Few information
are not correlated such as disinterest of consumers in availing services. This information was
linked with the secondary information and in order to communicate those information to the
key stakeholders, different number of communication channels will be used by researcher
which are e-mail, oral and written presentation etc (Cheng and Yi, 2018).
Question 5: Impact of Brexit on growth of hospitality industry
Q6) What are the impact of Brexit over hospitality industry of London? Frequency
Document Page
a) Increased costing 12
b) Limited access of talented candidates 10
c) Hard to retain employees 8
a) Increased costing
b) Limited access of talented candidates
c) Hard to retain employees
Interpretation: Brexit is the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union. Brexit is
also a difficult situation for hospitality industry because it decline growth and sales. 12
respondents had knowledge as due to Brexit, cost of hospitality industry was increase that
results in lack of customer base. 10 participants had opinion as in this situation, hospitality
industry has limited access of talented candidates that have negative impact over sales and
goodwill of company. Remaining 8 participants had opinion as during Brexit situation, it is
hard for hospitality industry to retain talented candidates that was biggest loss over
hospitality sector. Therefore, Brexit has negative impact over the performance of hospitality
organization. Brexit caused a major fall with respect to migrant workers since the
referendum was voted causing a noteworthy shorth fall of staff, and this is a genuine
certainty that we have consider and should be set up to act and illuminate this issue.
Therefore, in order to avoid such situations managers of the company need to
develop effective strategies so that they can reduce any sort of negative impact and
enhance overall performance at the competitive marketplace.
This data will also linked with the secondary information gathered by investigator for
secondary sources of data collection. Different sources of secondary data collection such as
Document Page
articles, books, magazines, publication research etc. were used by investigator for literature
review. For this statement, authors had opinion as Brexit is also a difficult situation for
hospitality industry by reducing their growth and market share (Chams and García-Blandón,
2019). Therefore, this information help investigator in attainment of research aim and
objective successfully. Therefore, Brexit is a biggest issues analyzed from the primary and
secondary research.
Question 7: Ways for retaining employees in COVID 19 and Brexit situation
Q7) According to you, what are the ways would be use by business manager
for retaining employees during the situation of COVID 19 and Brexit?
a) Providence of bonus according to employees performance 13
b) Provide more flexibility to employees 7
c) Encourage virtual social time for moral-building 10
a) Providence of bonus according to employees performance
c) Encourage virtual social time for moral-building
14 13
Interpretation: There are different ways that would help hospitality industry in
retaining of knowledgeable and talented workforce during some situations i.e. COVID 19 and
Brexit. 13 out of 30 participants had knowledge as providence of bonus according to
employees performance is effective way because it support employees by increasing their
motivation level that results in effective performance of company. 7 participants had view as
providing more flexibility to employees is essential ways because it support hospitality sector
in retention of top talent. Remaining 10 participants had view as encouragement of virtual
social time for moral-building is effective retention strategy for hospitality industry.

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Retaining of employees is important part for the success and growth of hospitality
organization. Providence of bonus according to employees performance, providing more
flexibility to employees and encouragement virtual social time for moral-building are more
useful and effective strategies for Marriott International in retention of talented workers
at workplace. This turn to support business in attainment of long term objectives and
goals within less time period. This will also support business to accomplish
competitive benefits and improve their growth and success within hospitality sector.
Question 8: Main factors for business growth and decline
Q8) Does mangers and employees are main factor of business growth and
a) Yes 25
b) No 5
a) Yes b) No
Interpretation: Majority of respondents are agreed as mangers and employees are
main part of business growth success. Respondents had idea as managers and employees help
an organization by increasing customer base and improving brand image. Remaining 5
respondents not had any knowledge regarding the same. Therefore, managers and employees
of the company are main factor of business success and failure. They support company by
providing accurate guidance to the each and every staff. This turn to help business by
improving their success. If employees and managers not play role in appropriate manner that
turn to negatively impact on business by decreasing sales. There are number of factors that
Document Page
directly impact on business growth including customer loyalty, smart adoption of technology,
commitment to employee training, leadership, social responsibility etc. All these are more
essential and important factors that support an organization in improvement of its growth
level. Customer loyalty towards business support company in achievement of competitive
advantages within predetermine time period. Smart adoption of technology assist an
enterprise to attract large number of customers in minimum period of time. Apart from this,
there are various factors for business decline such as lack of experience, poor location,
personal use of business funds, unexpected growth etc. Therefore, all these are major factors
that effects over business growth as well as decline.
Question 9: Rights and responsibility played by employees and mangers
Q9) According to you, who have more rights and responsibility in
improvement of business growth and achievement of long term goals or
a) Mangers 16
b) Employees 12
c) Any other 2
a) Mangers b) Employees c) Any other
Interpretation: From the above table, it has been interpreted that mangers had more
rights and responsibilities for improving growth and success of business within hospitality
industry. 16 respondents had knowledge as mangers are main factor for improving business
growth, 12 had idea as employees are main and remaining 2 have idea as there are another
Document Page
factors that helps an organization in improvement of business growth. Therefore, in an
organization, managers have biggest role as compare to the employees. They support
employees by providing training, appropriate guidance, motivating employees etc. All these
are major responsibilities of managers that support hospitality enterprise in its overall
success. Therefore, employees and mangers are essential part of company's growth and
success and also helps them in attainment of competitive benefits.
Therefore, managers are important part for an organization because they contributes
their more efforts in improvement of business success. Mangers within an organization are
responsible in providence of accurate guidance to the workers. This will support company in
accomplishment of competitive benefits easily.

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From the above mentioned information, it has been concluded that majority of
participants had knowledge about the roles played by mangers and employees towards
attainment of business goals within hospitality industry. Role of employees are in attraction
of more customers, meeting with deadline and building brand image. Role of mangers are
motivate employees, communicate business goals and assign task to each employees.
Therefore, mangers and employees had essential role by improving business growth and also
help them in accomplishment of business goals. Apart from this, staff employee turnover is a
major issue within hospitality industry that have negative effect over their growth and
success. There are two major situation that impact on hospitality industry such as COVID 19
and Brexit. Both are major situations that impacted on hospitality sector in negative manner.
Because of these situation, different issues faced by hospitality industry which are
deregulation of business, hard to retain employees, limited access of talented candidates,
increased costing etc. In order to overcome these issues and retaining of employees, different
ways were discussed which are providence of bonus, encouragement of virtual social time for
moral-building and many more. Therefore, mangers as well as employees are important part
for the growth of hospitality sector.
From the above mentioned findings, it has been concluded that mangers and
employees are significant part for the success as well as growth of hospitality industry. There
are some ways recommended to the hospitality industry in improvement of its growth. These
ways are:
Provide freebies and complimentary services: Giving guests with an additional
facility, by offering a some services for free, can support endear guests to their brand. In
order to complimentary services is an essential or effective strategy for giving customer
service that customers will go home as well as tell their friends regarding the hospitality
industry and benefits provided by them to customers. This will help them in development of
business growth and success easily.
Retain talented employees by providing benefits: Hospitality industry must provide
advantages to the employees that helps in retention of top talent that turn to effect on growth
and success of hospitality industry.
Document Page
Books and Journals
Boella, M. J. and Goss-Turner, S., 2019. Human resource management in the hospitality
industry: A guide to best practice. Routledge.
Chams, N. and García-Blandón, J., 2019. On the importance of sustainable human resource
management for the adoption of sustainable development goals. Resources,
Conservation and Recycling.141. pp.109-122.
Cheng, J. C. and Yi, O., 2018. Hotel employee job crafting, burnout, and satisfaction: The
moderating role of perceived organizational support. International Journal of
Hospitality Management. 72. pp.78-85.
Crane, A., Matten, D., Glozer, S. and Spence, L., 2019. Business ethics: Managing corporate
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De Vito, L. and et. al., 2018. Employee motivation based on the hierarchy of needs,
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Harmon, P., 2019. Business process change: a business process management guide for
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Q1) Do you have knowledge regarding the role of employees and mangers in improving
business success and growth?
a) Yes
b) No
Q2) What are the roles played by employees for achieving business gaols within hospitality
sector of London?
a) Satisfied employees helps in attracting more customers
b) Successful employees meet deadline
c) Help in building the brand through positive customer interactions
Q3) According to you, what are the contributions of managers in accomplishment of business
goals and objectives within London's hospitality sector?
a) Motivates all employees
b) Assign tasks to each of the employees
c) Communicating company gaols
Q4) In your opinion, staff turnover is major issue within London's hospitality sector?
a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Strongly disagree
d) Disagree
Q5) What are the impact of COVID 19 or social distancing on growth of London's hospitality
a) Deregulation of business
b) Disinterest of consumers in availing services
c) Difficult to pay and retain employees for regular and specialised functioning
Q6) What are the impact of Brexit over hospitality industry of London?
a) Increased costing
b) Limited access of talented candidates
c) Hard to retain employees
Q7) According to you, what are the ways would be use by business manager for retaining
employees during the situation of COVID 18 and Brexit?
a) Providence of bonus according to employees performance
b) Provide more flexibility to employees
c) Encourage virtual social time for moral-building
Q8) Does mangers and employees are main factor of business growth and decline?
a) Yes
b) No
Q9) According to you, who have more rights and responsibility in improvement of business
growth and achievement of long term goals or company?
a) Mangers
b) Employees
c) Any other
Q10) Provide any recommendations to the hospitality industry in improvement of its growth in
any kind of situation.
Document Page
Frequency Distribution analysis
Q1) Do you have knowledge regarding the role of employees and
mangers in improving business success and growth?
a) Yes 25
b) No 5
Q2) What are the roles played by employees for achieving business gaols
within hospitality sector of London?
a) Satisfied employees helps in attracting more customers 10
b) Successful employees meet deadline 10
c) Help in building the brand through positive customer interactions 10
Q3) According to you, what are the contributions of managers in
accomplishment of business goals and objectives within London's
hospitality sector?
a) Motivates all employees 12
b) Assign tasks to each of the employees 8
c) Communicating company gaols 10
Q4) In your opinion, staff turnover is major issue within London's
hospitality sector?
a) Strongly agree 8
b) Agree 12
c) Strongly disagree 4
d) Disagree 6
Q5) What are the impact of COVID 19 or social distancing on growth of
London's hospitality sector?
a) Deregulation of business 13
b) Disinterest of consumers in availing services 7
c) Difficult to pay and retain employees for regular and specialised
Q6) What are the impact of Brexit over hospitality industry of London? Frequency
a) Increased costing 12
b) Limited access of talented candidates 10
c) Hard to retain employees 8
Q7) According to you, what are the ways would be use by business
manager for retaining employees during the situation of COVID 18 and
a) Providence of bonus according to employees performance 13
b) Provide more flexibility to employees 7
c) Encourage virtual social time for moral-building 10
Document Page
Q8) Does mangers and employees are main factor of business growth and
a) Yes 25
b) No 5
Q9) According to you, who have more rights and responsibility in
improvement of business growth and achievement of long term goals or
a) Mangers 16
b) Employees 12
c) Any other 2
1 out of 37
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