
Business Plan for a Cafeteria


Added on  2022-12-30

11 Pages2201 Words296 Views
Business plan for a
Table of Contents
Business Plan for a Cafeteria_1

INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................3
Business Plan Overview .............................................................................................................3
SWOT Analysis .........................................................................................................................3
PEST Analysis ...........................................................................................................................4
STP Model .................................................................................................................................5
Competitors analysis...................................................................................................................7
Financial information..................................................................................................................7
Controlling and monitoring.........................................................................................................7
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8
Business Plan for a Cafeteria_2

Business is a ongoing legal entity which create their own value through specific idea and
innovation. To create a good brand image, every business need a appropriate and working idea
which helps to maintain the goodwill of the business. Business consider all the continuous
activities like manufacturing, production , development, promoting an delivering activities. The
main purpose of this report to prepare a business plan so that company can easily optimise their
target value. For this report, a business plan prepare related to the hospitality industry. The name
of business plan consider as a “ Marshmallow in Beans” cafeteria which shall be plan to open in
University in London. This report mainly deal with the business planning of new cafeteria and
also analyse SWOT analysis and PEST analysis so that internal and external strengths and
weakness identify and this report also conduct porter's five force model to understand the
competition level.
Business Plan Overview
Business is a continuous process and with the help of specific and creative idea any one
can establish a good business. Business can be open in many ways like public, private, non profit
organisation. This report mainly deals with the private business that is a new start ups which will
plan to open by 2 partners so this business plan comes under partnership firm. In partnership
business, both owners are responsible for the growth and decline of the business and both will
divide profit and responsibilities in a equal manner. The name of new business plan is “
Marshmallow in Beans” cafeteria which will plan to open in university of London.
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weakness
Cafe will provide healthy food which
helpful in boos the the immune system
of people.
Cafe will provide excellent services to
their customers.
Cafe will serve organic products in
New in market so it will difficult to
establish brand image.
Lack of resources.
Business Plan for a Cafeteria_3

form of fast food.
Opportunities Threats
Cafe will attract large number of people
to their low price products.
Cafe will provide high quality products
in pocket friendly cost .
Cafe will expand branches on other
Competition level will be the big threat
for cafe.
PEST Analysis
To analyse the influence of external factors its important to conduct the external macro
factor analysis with the help of PEST analysis. The description of this analysis as per
Marshmallow in Beans cafeteria are given below- Political Factors -In this factors, all the taxes, trade regulations and trade policies affect
the business. Marshmallow in Beans cafeteria is a new business plan so that its
mandatory to analyse the impact of political factors on new business. Mainly political
factors affect the new business because of some changes in country situations because of
Brexit and Covid. Economical Factors – These factors consider the economic growth and some changes in
country economic policies. Marshmallow in Beans cafeteria need to focus on each and
every movements of economy like recessions and changes in price regulation. Social Factors – These factors can affect the perception of people so that Marshmallow
in Beans cafeteria need to analyse these factors very carefully. These factor leads the
changes and discrimination as per the culture, religion, demographical and geographical
areas. So its necessary to prepare a working strategy according to the people buying
behaviour and their tasty and choices.
Technological Factors – In this time, any business can build their strong bran image and
position in a very short time through advancement of technologies. Marshmallow in
Beans cafeteria need to use latest technologies to establishment of their business and
Business Plan for a Cafeteria_4

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