
Business Processes: Approaches of Quality Management, Project Success Evaluation, and Effective Project Management Principles


Added on  2022-12-14

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Business Processes
Business Processes: Approaches of Quality Management, Project Success Evaluation, and Effective Project Management Principles_1

Table of Contents
Approaches of quality management and how it raise effectiveness in respect of quality......3
Several approaches to evaluate project success......................................................................5
Principles of effective project management and how it contributes in different elements of
project success........................................................................................................................6
Analysis of Several techniques that company used in processes improvement.....................8
Applied technique in respect of Asda in their business process...........................................10
Opportunities for innovation and growth or improvement in company...............................11
Implementation Plan.............................................................................................................12
Business Processes: Approaches of Quality Management, Project Success Evaluation, and Effective Project Management Principles_2

Business process is a methodology or a part of business function so that all the activities
collectively structured by the help of people. In this systematic sequence follow in order to
follow customised goods or services. Business process is the heart of business activity. It
facilitates several activities as well as resources for optimise utilising of resources. This is
the series of several activities that is executed in business cycle so that company can fulfil its
futuristic vision. Quality management facilities consistency about company goods or
services. It mainly aims towards both product as well as quality of services. This will leads
towards less waste and optimum consumer satisfaction goods in the business process. On the
other hand project management fulfil all necessary alignment of specified goal within
business process constraints. The chosen organisation in this report is Asda. It is
supermarket chain founded by Noel Stockdale in 1949. This company delivers Grocery,
financial services, merchandise. This report includes approaches of quality management in
order to raise effectiveness. It consist of approaches to evaluate project success as well as
principles of effective project management. This report aim towards techniques of business
process and how these can apply in the company. It also includes innovative opportunity or
growth to enhance existing good or services.
Approaches of quality management and how it raise effectiveness in respect of quality.
In business process quality management responsible or accountable in order to satisfy
quality of process, policies, procedure and objective of company. This will coordinate business
process so that they can provide valuable goods and services to their target audience (Bag, S and
et.al.,2020). This will contributes efficiency along with effectiveness in the process of business.
In context of Asda company they adopted following approaches of quality management so that
they will provide value to potential audience and generate more sales. This will provide unique
brand from its competitors.
Just in time- This is one of the best approach adopted by Asda company in order to
improve quality management (Brinch, 2018). By this approach company can save lots of money
limit cost of operation in respect of stock overhead expenses. It is one of the inventory strategy
so that they can align collective material when the demand is required in business process.
Business Processes: Approaches of Quality Management, Project Success Evaluation, and Effective Project Management Principles_3

Through this method company easily demand forecasting related with goods or services. It
contributes effectiveness of company to fulfil consumer requirement on time. This approach is
most suitable for manufacturer company. It will leads towards smooth functioning and
appropriate flow of stock. This maintain sufficient stock of goods and services.
Quality circles- the quality circle includes the management techniques that helps the
employee to resolve their problem related to the job in the organisation. although, circles are
created for collective employee working so that they can analyse quality problems and deliver
productive solutions for enhancement as well as improvement. In this type og approach similar
group of individual align in order to identify business process problem related with goods or
services quality (Del Giudice and et.al., 2018). The aim of this approach is to uplift quality,
performance, productivity, value in company so that total quality management will improve
along with brand name, This will happens because it provides expertise in similar field or group
of employee who contributes creative and productive idea generation. This will brings direction
in reducing complexities in business process and collectively resolve performance of quality and
uplift work life of company.
Total quality control- This is customer oriented approach that identify or limit
manufacturing errors in entity. In Asda, it will raise consumer experience as well as business
process or production (Dezi and et.al., 2018). It is a Japanese manufacturing company in order to
address errors. It is effective technique adopted by Asda to modify supply chain management
and trained workforce deliver better services to consumer. Main aim of this method to raise the
level of quality along with company output. This will lead towards up-gradation in business
practice of internal. It collectively involve those element that concern with production process.
This is responsible for raising overall production quality.
Process improvement- As per this approach Asda company able to find out best
practices or standard to raise quality so that they can provide valuable services. Asda analyse
and identify business complexities to improve quality and try to provide optimal
performance. It is one of the business process improvement methodology.
Total prevention maintenance- By implement this approach Asda company maintain
separately and accountable for their employee who operates their business process. This will
up grade the level of working environment as company are taking care of their workforce
Business Processes: Approaches of Quality Management, Project Success Evaluation, and Effective Project Management Principles_4

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