
Contribution of Cultural Diversity in Promotion of Innovation in Workplace


Added on  2023-01-10

21 Pages6829 Words48 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataLanguages and Culture
Contribution of Cultural
Diversity in Promotion of
Innovation in Workplace
Contribution of Cultural Diversity in Promotion of Innovation in Workplace_1

1.1 Title of study..............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Introduction................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Background.........................................................................................................................1
1.2.2 Questions of Research........................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Aim of study.......................................................................................................................2
1.2.4 Objectives of Research.......................................................................................................2
1.2.5 Significance of research......................................................................................................2
2.0 Critical Review of literature......................................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................3
2.2.2 The concept of workplace diversity....................................................................................3
2.2.3 impact of maintaining cultural diversity on work environment of company.....................4
2.2.4 the way cultural diversity assists in promotion of innovation in company........................5
2.2.5 The way workplace helps the organisation in attaining success in market........................6
2.2.6 Conceptual framework of diversity in workplace..............................................................7
3.0 Research Methodology..............................................................................................................8
3.1 Ethical Consideration...............................................................................................................10
3.2 Timeline...................................................................................................................................10
4.0 Results and Findings................................................................................................................12
5.0 Discussion................................................................................................................................13
6.0 Conclusion and Recommendations of research.......................................................................14
Contribution of Cultural Diversity in Promotion of Innovation in Workplace_2

The aim of study is to ascertain the contribution of cultural diversity in promoting
innovation at workplace. Volkswagen is one of the leading organisation which has culturally
diverse workplace. The key purpose of this investigation is to analyse the impact of cultural
diversity on working environment of company along with its contribution in promoting
innovation. There were many amounts of actions done by researcher. Literature review is the
activity of research that was used for gathering secondary data from books and many other
aspects. Research gap was fulfilled by using research questions. Different approaches such as
interpretivisim philosophy, inductive method, exploratory study project etc. were used by
researcher for gathering and analysing secondary type of data. Gantt chart was done by
explaining time period of each activity effectively.
Contribution of Cultural Diversity in Promotion of Innovation in Workplace_3

1.1 Title of study
A study on contribution of cultural diversity in promotion of innovation in workplace. A
study on Volkswagen.
1.2 Introduction
1.2.1 Background
Diversity in the workplace is employing employees who belong to different cultures and
are not similar with each other. These differences may be associated with the national origin,
education, age, gender, physical appearance, sexual orientation or religion of an individual.
Cultural diversity is defined as the diverse cultures, as opposed to global monoculture or a
homogenization of culture. Cultural diversity within the workplace is an outputs of values,
practices, beliefs or traditions of workers based on race, ethnicity, religion, age or gender. The
modern workforce is made up of people of different genders, ages, ethnicity, religions, and
nationalities. There are different benefits of having diverse workforce at workplace for an
organisation such as increase productivity, increase creativity, a Varity of perspectives, help in
boosting brand reputation, increase innovation etc. These are major benefits of workplace
diversity that helps an enterprise in improvement of its success at national as well as global level
(Al-Jenaibi, 2017). However, there are number of issues that can be face by a company like high
employee turnover, poor innovation, reduced success, lack of growth, etc. if it is having lack of
cultural diversity. All these are major issues that an organisation may face is due to lack of
diverse staff in the workplace (Cho, Kim and Mor Barak, 2017). For addressing these issues and
ensuring growth and success of company, it is very crucial to properly execute and manage
diversity in workplace as it will assist organisation by enhancing innovation, gaining competitive
advantage and increasing creativity etc. that ultimately leads the company to success and growth.
This research grounded on automotive industry that comprises a wide range of
organisations and companies involved in the development, manufacturing, promoting and selling
of motor vehicles. Volkswagen is a given automotive organisation that was founded in 1937 by
German Labour Front.
Key basis for choosing this topic is to increase awareness regarding the impact of diversity
at workplace. This research is wide scope because it will help individual, organisations and
societies by providing information regarding the workplace diversity in promoting of innovation
Contribution of Cultural Diversity in Promotion of Innovation in Workplace_4

(Burke, 2016). Along with this, main reason for selecting automotive industry or Volkswagen is
it is a large organisation that supports societies by providing job opportunities, improving living
of standards etc.
1.2.2 Questions of Research
What is the concept of workplace diversity?
What is the impact of maintaining cultural diversity on work environment of company?
In what way cultural diversity assist in promotion of innovation in company?
How diversity in workplace help the organisation in attaining success in market?
1.2.3 Aim of study
The aim of this investigation is “To study the contribution of cultural diversity in
promotion of innovation in company. A study on Volkswagen.”
1.2.4 Objectives of Research
To understand the concept of diversity in workplace.
To assess the impact of cultural diversity on workplace environment.
To determine the contribution of cultural diversity in promotion of innovation in
To identify the relation between diversity in workplace and success of company.
1.2.5 Significance of research
This investigation is based on the topic “to investigate the contribution of cultural diversity
in promotion of innovation in work place”. Investigating this topic is significant for researcher as
it helps in gaining deep insights on the topic. It assists in understanding the workplace diversity
concept along with the impact of cultural diversity on work environment of firm. This research
also assists in analysing the contribution that cultural diversity makes in promoting innovation at
workplace and determining the relationship between workplace diversity and success of
organisation (Barak, 2016). The study is also significant for academic purpose as other scholars
can use it as base for doing further investigation. This helps the company in determining the
influence and maintain cultural diversity in the work place so that creativity and innovation can
be promoting effectively in the workplace on continuous basis and help organisation to get
competitive advantage over rivals in the market and attain sustainability for long term in an
effective and efficient way.
Contribution of Cultural Diversity in Promotion of Innovation in Workplace_5

2.0 Critical Review of literature
2.1 Introduction
Literature Review is characterised as the systematic procedure for identifying and
synthesizing data and information. In the review of different literatures, the opinions and ideas of
different authors are compared and the gaps existing in the literature are determined. In addition
to this, critical evaluation of information is done in literature review section in which a lot of
information over the topic is collected by the researcher. In this investigation, different article
and journals which are published previously are reviewed by the investigator on the specific
topic on which this particular investigation is based (Ellemers and Rink, 2016). This is the
appropriate way to gather secondary information on the topic. This literature review is performed
on the title “To study the contribution of cultural diversity in promotion of innovation in
company”. In this, the review of articles and journals is done based on the distinct themes
associated with the area of study (Burke, 2016). The literature review in relation to different
themes associated with this investigation is discussed below:
2.2.2 The concept of workplace diversity
According to the view point of Talathi (2020), Workplace diversity is the concept which is
associated with the workplace which is composed of workforce with different characteristics
including ethnicity, gender, race, sex, sexual orientation etc. When there is broad range of
characteristics as well as experiences available in the organisation among the employees, then it
can be said as workplace diversity. Variety of differences exist in the organisation provide it with
various advantages including innovative culture, improve productivity, enhanced performance,
competitive advantage etc. Diversity not only involves the way people determined themselves,
but the way other people perceive them (Cho, Kim and Mor Barak, 2017).
As per the view point of Sophia Lee, (2019), Workplace diversity helps in fostering
mutual respect among workforce and provides a variety of benefits to the organisation in terms
of improved productivity, wider talent pool, more innovation and creativity, better performance
of employees, increase profits (Diversity in workplace – challenges and benefits, 2019). It helps
in developing good environment and culture within the workplace where employees are able to
work more productively towards accomplishment of organisational goals. It helps in bringing
innovation and creativity in the workplace as when different ideas and talents are available in the
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