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Reflective Personal Development Report and Action Plan


Added on  2023/01/06

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This document discusses the importance of business psychology and explores the psychological approaches to understanding self and others in the workplace. It focuses on core skills such as effective communication, problem solving, and time management. The document also provides a reflective personal development report and action plan to improve these skills.

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Business Psychology

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Table of Contents
Reflective Personal Development Report and Action Plan.............................................................1
Brief evaluation of psychological approaches to understanding self and others in the
Reflective journals...........................................................................................................................2
Core skill 1.............................................................................................................................2
Core skill 2.............................................................................................................................3
Core skill 3.............................................................................................................................4
Summary Action Plan......................................................................................................................5
Identify and reflect of 3 areas for development. Please ensure that the chosen areas were
identified from one or more of the four reflective journals....................................................5
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Reflective Personal Development Report and Action Plan
Business psychology refers to the study and practice of improving the working life. It includes
the process of motivating and help individuals to regain their excitement as well as energy level
in order to perform in more effective as well as efficient manner. However, it involves the use of
specific therapies and motivational processes to influence the behaviour of staff positively in
terms of enhancing their productivity on regular basis (Xiao, 2019). The business psychology
can be considered as combination of understanding of science of human behaviour with
experience of the world of work in order to attain effective and sustainable performance for both
individuals as well as organisations. In context of this project, it will focus on psychological
approaches to understand self and other along with reflecting on core skills.
Brief evaluation of psychological approaches to understanding self and others in the workplace
Psychological approaches can be defined as an effective practices which can be used to
understand the self and others behaviour at work place to work together properly. It is favourable
to develop mutual understanding and perform collaboratively in more effective as well as
efficient manner. Meanwhile, it is observed that there are number of psychological approaches
from which effective one should be used at work pace to understand the behaviours of
employees to deal with them accordingly. It includes that psychological approaches are
psychodynamic approach, behavioural approach, cognitive approach, biological approach, cross-
cultural approach, evolutionary approach and humanistic approach. However, it its required to
select appropriate psychological approach to evaluate behaviour of staff members along with
encouraging their morale to enhance their performance.
In addition to this, it has been analysed that psychodynamic approach states that human
behaviours get influenced by several aspects such as unconscious mind, early childhood
experiences & interpersonal relationships for explaining human behaviour as well as in order to
treat mental health problems (Wolniak and Grebski, 2018). However, the behavioural approach
includes the perspective of focussing on learned behaviour that is favourable to make employees
learn to coordinate with other staff in respect of working effectively with each other. It is
beneficial to easily enhance the productivity of employees that impact positively on entire
productivity of organisation. Meanwhile, it has been evaluated that cognitive approach can be

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defined as way of focussing of several mental processes including memory, thinking, problem
solving, language and decision making. It is used with the help of considering the information
processing model for conceptualising how the data is acquired, processed, stored as well as
utilised respectively. However, the biological approach refers to evaluate the behaviour of an
individual on the basis of physical as well as biological basis. These approaches can be used as
per specific situation to enhance the morale and motivate staff members in order to achieve
improved productivity on daily basis in an organisation.
Reflective journals
Core skill 1
Effective communication is known to be an important skills which is required to be acquired by
every individual s it is favourable to develop appropriate coordination with others while working
together. It is favourable to manage the accurate sharing of relevant information between staff
members which facilitate to improve the entire performance. It is very important for people work
on their communication skills because it is beneficial to enhance the quality of work and provide
support to solve several work place problems easily (Strike, Michel and Kammerlander, 2018).
Meanwhile, it is required for people to acquire effective communications by work on them to
make their communication efficient. It includes several communication skills such as active
listening, use of simple language, clear words & easy words and maintain eye contact at the time
of communicating that make information more accurate to be shared with colleagues. It is
favourable in terms of reducing risk of occurring several tasks issues that facilitate to complete
the same in appropriate manner.
However, it has been analysed that some of important communication skills which must be
focussed to be improved among employees such as effective listening, straight talking, non-
verbal communication, stress management and emotion control. It will provide support to
enhance the communication skills in order to develop teamwork ability to perform
collaboratively with colleagues to complete specific operational task in appropriate manner
(Thaichon and et. al., 2019). Moreover, it will impact positively on overall productivity of an
organisation by increasing the same.
In addition to this, it has been evaluated that effective communication can be considered as key
skill which is favourable to study the psychology of employees in order to deal with accordingly.
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I believe that proper conversation is favourable to understand the behaviour of an individual that
is beneficial to find out effective way of influencing the same. Meanwhile, the proper
understanding about mind set and behaviour of staff members is favourable in terms of
formulating more effective as well as efficient strategies in order to encourage them effectively.
It will provide support to help employees to regain their increased energy level and excitement to
work that results into enhanced productivity as well as profitability of an organisation (Ryan,
Soenens and Vansteenkiste, 2019). However, the it is observed that effective communication is
suitable to develop mutual understanding between colleagues that facilitate the sharing of deride
information more accurately which impact positively on project outcomes. It is required for
employees to talk with each other that are helpful to increase the chances of successfully
completed specific task of project. Moreover, it has been analysed that effective communication
plays an important role to establish more effective as well as efficient coordination and
cooperation among staff members. It will provide support to reduce risk of occurring problems
and facilitate the completion of operational procedures with desired outcomes in proper way.
Furthermore, it includes the use of effective communication while superior provides training or
learning related to task procedures and relevant methods to make doubts clear of employees that
impact positively on their respective performance.
Core skill 2
Problem solving can be defined as an effective process of solving particular issue by using best
available method. It includes the criterion of improving the condition full of complexities and
difficulties in order to make it suitable to carry out the operations in appropriate manner.
Basically, it has been identified that problem solving is a process having number of steps which
are required to be followed to sort out specific issue properly. Initially, it includes to identify the
issues to remain clear about the specific problem that is required to solved by evaluating its all
the relevant aspects. Secondly, it consists the way of understanding interest of everyone to take
effective step and use best method to solve the same (Gloss and et. al., 2017). Thirdly, it involves
making a list of all possible solutions and evaluating them in terms of selecting the best one
option to solve particular workplace issue. Meanwhile, it includes the evaluation of the available
methods by determining their respective benefits and drawbacks. However, it is required to
select the best solution with the help of making accurate decision to sort out specific problem
occurred at work place. Moreover, it is necessary to document the agreement and agree on
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contingencies, monitoring as well as evaluation should be carried out. It is observed that problem
solving is critical tasks that needs to study the entire situation and them evaluate the possible
solutions in terms of selection the best option (Schermuly, 2018). It will facilitate to make the
circumstances stable and easy to further continue the operational procedures & activities
On the other hand, I have examined that problem solving has several stages which should be
considered such as define the problem, gather information, develop possible solutions, evaluate
ideas & the select one and evaluate. It is necessary for employees to work on skills required for
problem solving to become capable to sort out work place issue effectively. The problem solving
skills includes active listening, analysis, research, creativity, communication, dependability,
decision making and team building (Davidsson, 2016). Meanwhile, it is required to enhance the
problem solving skills via acquiring more technical knowledge in work field and seek out
opportunities to sort out the issues. The employees should observe their superiors to use the
appropriate practice for problem solving and manage the complex situation on their
responsibility. It will provide support to acquire the skill of analysing the situations for solving
the relevant difficulties. However, I have analysed that problem solving skills need to be
improved by staff members to increase their reputation as well as develop opportunities to
enhance the career.
Core skill 3
Time management can be defined as an important core skill which is required to be focussed
because time matters a lot in business. It includes the criterion of managing the available
duration of working hours in order to complete the operational tasks on time to fulfil the
demands of customers. Meanwhile, it is observed that demands of customer should be completed
on time in order to maintain the image of brand in market which is favourable to ensure long
term profitability. It is necessary to provide special learning to employees in regards to manage
their time for completing the operational tasks along with managing the extra burden of work
which occurs sometimes in an organisation (Schultz and Schultz, 2020). However, it is observed
that time management can be defined as an effective skill which impact positively to provide
various kinds of benefits. It includes the benefit of greater productivity and efficiency along with
developing a better professional reputation. It includes the criterion of less stress and increased
opportunities in respect of advancement. It will also helpful to gain greater opportunities to attain

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essential life as well as career goals. Moreover, it has been analysed time management skills is
required to be focused because ignoring this skill is responsible for developing some of
undesirable consequences such as missed deadlines, ineffective work flow, poor work quality, a
poor professional reputation as well as a stalled career. It is also responsible for developing
higher levels of stress which impact negatively on personal as well as professional life of an
individual (Lowman and Cooper, 2018).
On the other hand, it has been analysed that time management skills must be focused by with the
help of considering several important elements. It includes the criterion of using several key
components such as eliminate the unnecessary, plan your work, multitasking, know when to
multitasking and reduce the interruptions which facilitate to manage the all the work on proper
time. Meanwhile, it is necessary to work on effective as well as efficient time management
strategies such as organisation, prioritisation, goal setting, communication, planning, delegation
and stress management (Dahlstrom and Nygaard, 2016). It consist the working through
remembering four key of time management including daily priority, schedule, assert & advocate
and action which impact positively on management of operational tasks that facilitate completion
of entire project on time. However, it has been analysed that four D’s of time management plays
an important role in terms of improving the respect skill which is favourable to develop career
opportunities in order to gain bright future respectively. It involves the criterion of gaining
proper training and learning for enhancing the time management skill because talent as well as
knowledge is only successfully when it makes work done in desired time. In addition to this, it
has been identified that effective strategies should be used for boosting up time management
skills that are mentioned here. moreover, it consist potential skills related to time management
such as make a schedule to stuck to it, prioritise the important tasks, set some boundaries to
work, account for good distractions, stay away from the bas distractions, get some technological
help of support and never procrastinate.
Summary Action Plan
Identify and reflect of 3 areas for development. Please ensure that the chosen areas were
identified from one or more of the four reflective journals
Considering the three areas of development, I have analysed that effective developmental action
plan is requited to be formulated in order to improve the respective skills. It is necessary to
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understand the appropriate method which is beneficial for in respect to enhancing the regular
performance at work place (Abhari, Vomero and Davidson, 2020). However, I believe that
improved skills are favourable in order to develop new and innovative opportunities that are
responsible for gaining growth and development in career. It is required to develop appropriate
plan and follow the same for become more capable to improve performance.
Action plan:
Skill to
Objective Method Duration of
To analyse the
methods in order
to improve the
skill to make it
more effective as
well as efficient.
It includes to
read books and
novels along
with attending
classes for
polishing my
skill to make it
much effective to
with other
3 months It has been
founded that my
skill has been
improved by
respective classes
that impact on
my working. I
can work with
my colleagues
with cooperation
along with
avoiding disputes
with them.
Problem solving
To determine the
use of effective
methods and
strategies which
are beneficial to
enhance my
problem solving
It includes attend
training sessions,
and observe the
superior or
experts of
problem solving
to manage the
6 months It has been
analysed that
training session
is helpful for me
to understand the
way of
evaluating the
entire situation of
Document Page
situation. relevant aspects
which is helpful
to develop
appropriate ideas
to solve the
same. It is
favourable for
me to gain the
way of
solutions and
then select the
best one option
in respect of
solving specific
situation with
complexities in
proper manner.
To evaluate he
strategies and
practices in order
to enhance my
skill at work
It includes to
learn about
several strategies
by attending
relevant training
programs to gain
knowledge about
effective ways
such as
delegating tasks,
prioritising work,
creating schedule
8 months The training
programs of tie
skills is very
helpful to me as
it improve my
knowledge about
practices or
delegates the

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etc. work,
prioritisation of
tasks, develop
accurate schedule
to manage work,
set up deadlines,
deal with stress
wisely, avoid
multitasking and
start early.
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Books and journals
Xiao, L.Y., 2019. A primer on the legal regulation of loot boxes: history, business, psychology,
law and regulation.
Wolniak, R. and Grebski, M.E., 2018. Innovativeness and creativity as factors in workforce
development–perspective of psychology. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i
Zarządzanie/Politechnika Śląska.
Strike, V.M., Michel, A. and Kammerlander, N., 2018. Unpacking the black box of family
business advising: Insights from psychology. Family Business Review, 31(1), pp.80-124.
Ryan, R.M., Soenens, B. and Vansteenkiste, M., 2019. Reflections on self‐determination theory
as an organizing framework for personality psychology: Interfaces, integrations, issues, and
unfinished business. Journal of personality, 87(1), pp.115-145.
Gloss, A. and et. al., 2017. From handmaidens to POSH humanitarians: The case for making
human capabilities the business of IO psychology. Industrial and Organizational
Psychology, 10(3), pp.329-369.
Davidsson, P., 2016. A “business researcher” view on opportunities for psychology in
entrepreneurship research. Applied Psychology, 65(3), pp.628-636.
Schultz, D.P. and Schultz, S.E., 2020. Psychology and work today. Routledge.
Dahlstrom, R. and Nygaard, A., 2016. The psychology of co‐branding alliances: The business‐to‐
business relationship outcomes of role stress. Psychology & Marketing, 33(4), pp.267-282.
Abhari, K., Vomero, A. and Davidson, E., 2020, January. Psychology of Business Intelligence
Tools: Needs-Affordances-Features Perspective. In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences.
Lowman, R.L. and Cooper, S.E., 2018. The ethical practice of consulting psychology. American
Psychological Association.
Schermuly, C.C., 2018. Client dropout from business coaching. Consulting Psychology Journal:
Practice and Research, 70(3), p.250.
Thaichon, P. and et. al., 2019. What to expect after the honeymoon: evolutionary psychology of
part-time franchising. Journal of Strategic Marketing, pp.1-25.
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