
Business Environment


Added on  2022-12-29

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Business Environment
Business Environment_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
The type, size and scope of the BBC..........................................................................................1
The interrelationship of functions on organisation structure......................................................2
Internal and external influencers via a PESTLE and SWOT analyses on business operations.. 4
The influence of globalisation on organisational strategy and decision making........................7
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9
Business Environment_2

Business environment refers to the sum of internal and external factors of company that
have an impact on its production system. It is significant collection of individuals and and
several significant internal and external factors that controls performance and productivity. It
helps business to understand about the various factors that have an impact on its performance
and productivity. BBC is an public service broadcaster channel, it known as British Broadcasting
Corporation operates at broadcasting house Westminster, London(Aggarwal, Mittal, and
Rasheed, 2019). BBC is world's oldest national broadcaster and also largest broadcaster by
number of employees. Organisation is employing over 22,000 staff. In this report information
about type, size, scope of BBC is included, also interrelationship between the various function of
organisation structure, to analyse internal and external factors that have an impact on the
organisation PESTEL and SWOT analysis is included. And in the last various influence of
globalisation on organisational strategy and decision making process.
The type, size and scope of the BBC.
Type of BBC organisation:
The BBC is an public sector organisation, it was established by Royal Charter, and it was
founded by licence fee paid by United Kingdom. An public sector refers to the organisation that
are owned and operates by the government authorities, exists to provide various services to the
citizens of the country. These organisations does not run for the profit maximisation. The main
motive of these organisations is to provide welfare by the product and service. BBC is an public
service organisation that operates under the public operations.
Size of BBC organisation:
British Broadcasting corporation is one of the largest mass media broadcaster in the
world. Organisation has 22,000 staff in total that are largest in the world, 1600 are in public
sector organisation. The total number of BBC staff of 35,402, including flexible, part time and
fixed contract staff. Total revenue of company is 4.88£9 billion, net income is £69 million,
operating income £52 million, and total asset is £1.172 billion. Organisation is largest and oldest
broadcaster in the world and operates with high turn over and revenues (Ahmad, Masri, and
Lee, 2019).
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Scope of BBC organisation:
Organisation is one of the largest and oldest, main purpose of company is to provide
accurate news and information to help the people by engaging them and connect them around the
world. They support learning for the people of all ages, that help them in understanding about
what is happening in the world and knowledge and information. BBC shows most creative,
highest quality output and services that helps citizens to connect with outside world in most
creative way. BBC work with different values and ethics, they work for making trust of people
on the organisation they think they are honest, independent, impartial. That helps their
organisation grow and have highest viewers in the world (Boone, Kurtz, and Berston, 2019).
They provide better content to their audience that so that people can feel connected to them. All
these values and purpose of organisation helps in better growth in the future and increase the
level of revenues and turnover of the company. BBC has future scope to expand its channel in
multinational country that provide wide range to its network and increase the profit share.
Thus with the type, size and scope of the BBC its can be understand that company is
public sector organisation and operates for the better growth and provide information to its
The interrelationship of functions on organisation structure.
In business there are various functions, that helps in better growth and success of the
company, and every department of company is interlinked with each other, and there processing
is depended on each other. In the context of BBC company operates various functions in the
company that are interlinked and connected (Crudu, 2019). Below are detail explanation of
various functions that have an impact on the its performance and how they are interrelate with
each other.
Marketing and human resource department: Marketing department of the BBC helps
in better promotion and advertising of company and also helps in its growth. Whereas,
human resource department ensure the proper functioning of the company and also
provide better production and management in the company. These functions of BBC are
interrelated with each other. The marketing and human resource department department
of the company work with the support and flow, marketing department helps human
Business Environment_4

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