
Gender Wage Gap in Australian Finance


Added on  2020-05-16

17 Pages2517 Words43 Views
Running Head: Business ResearchBusiness ResearchImpact of the gender wage gap on business performance in Australian financial industries
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Business Research1Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................2Project Objective.............................................................................................................................3Project Scope...................................................................................................................................4Literature Review............................................................................................................................5Research Questions/Hypothesis.......................................................................................................6Research Design and Methodology.................................................................................................7Research Limitations.......................................................................................................................9Time Schedule (Research Plan).....................................................................................................10Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................12References......................................................................................................................................13
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Business Research2IntroductionGender wage gap is defined as the gap between the payments made to the different employees working at the same position due to gender difference. Gender wage gap and gender inequality isa major issue which is affecting the quality of the life of employees at the workplace. Gender paygap has acted as a perplexing issue for the Australian labor market. Gender wage gaps have resulted in income inequality and adverse impacts on the quality of life of women. Gender wage gaps are considered as direct discrimination (WGEA, 2018). Different legislative changes have been implemented by the government of Australia so as to cope with the issue of gender wage gap inequality. These legislative changes were targeted at the equality of pay for the equal work. Attention has been paid to the issue of inequality in wages due to gender so as to ensure that the impact of this issue is reduced by reducing the number of cases (WGEA, 2017). This research program will discuss the concept of gender wage gap, its impact on the performance of the business in Australian financial industries and measures taken by the government for solving the issue. Data will be collected regarding the impact of gender wage gaps on the business performance. Data will be assembled with the use of different methods or approaches. Quality of the data is based on the methods selected for the process of data collection.
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Business Research3Project Objective Gender wage gap is an important issue which has affected the quality of the workplace as well aslives of the employees. Impact of the gender wage gap can be seen in the performance of the employees which create an impact on the performance of the business. Various initiatives have been taken by the government of Australia for coping with this issue. This research program has been conducted with a motive to analyze the effect of the gender wage gap on the performance of the business in Australian Financial Industries. This research program will develop knowledgeof the effect of gender wage gap on the performance of the employees.
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