
Business Research: Workplace Diversity and Religious Discrimination


Added on  2023-03-30

19 Pages4712 Words397 Views
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Business Research: Workplace Diversity and Religious Discrimination_1

The Literature Review.....................................................................................................................3
Research Methodology....................................................................................................................5
Summary of findings.......................................................................................................................5
Business Research: Workplace Diversity and Religious Discrimination_2

Team Charter
Member 1- Conducted the literature review part
Member 2- Conducted the research proposal part and helped in identifying the research question
and also completed the referencing part
Member 3- Helped in defining the research methodology and writing down the findings
associated with the research question.
Member 4- Developed the introduction and conclusion part and was responsible for ensuring that
the project deliverables were met and conducted proof-reading of the entire report.
Business Research: Workplace Diversity and Religious Discrimination_3

The previous research focused on conducting a literature review regarding research proposal of
workplace diversity, the various associated concepts of workplace diversity such as cultural
diversity, religious diversity etc. The literature review conducted in the previous assignment also
focussed on identifying the various factors which affects the attainment of religious diversity in
the workplace. The literature review which was conducted in the previous assignment also
focussed on highlighting the benefits which are offered by practicing religious diversity in the
workplace and also highlighted the challenges which are faced by business organizations
regarding attainment of religious diversity in the workplace. The research problem which was
identified in the previous assignment was that it did not help in highlighting the reason of
discrimination which is shown towards various other religious groups in Australian workplaces
and the recommendation to solve the issue. The research question for the current project is
“What steps needs to be taken in order to avoid religious discrimination in workplaces and the
society in order to promote religious diversity in workplaces?”The report will proceed by
summarising literature review which was conducted during the course of the previous
assignment. Also, current article will define the research methodology which has been selected
for the study. After defining the research methodology, the report will provide insights regarding
the findings which were associated with the research and which will help in addressing the
research problem identified in the previous research. Finally the report will end by providing a
conclusion of the research problem and the findings which have been made during the course of
the research.
The Literature Review
The concept of workplace diversity is defined as the process by which business organizations
aim to manage the diversity in their workforce in terms of gender, culture, ethnicity, race, age,
orientation, religion and citizenship. It is significant for enterprises to manage diversity in their
organization as the workforce of organizations which were once uniform in nature and have
become diverse in nature as a result of accumulation of various individuals in the organization
who have different religious and ethnic identity. (Das, 2014) In order to manage diversity ion the
workforce it is being observed that business organizations have adopted various diversity
management processes in the form of gender diversity management, culture diversity
Business Research: Workplace Diversity and Religious Discrimination_4

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