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Case Study Analysis of Byklyn: Pivoting During The COVID-19 Pandemic


Added on  2023/06/07

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This case study analysis discusses the challenges faced by Byklyn during the COVID-19 pandemic and proposes alternative solutions to sustain the business. It covers the situation, problems, proposed plan of analysis, current positions, and alternative solutions.

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Case Study Analysis

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Explain the situation in the case..................................................................................................3
Statement problems in the case, proposed plan of analysis........................................................4
Current positions facing by the company ...................................................................................7
Alternative solutions to the problems and issues .......................................................................8
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9
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Business refers to the activity of making one's living or making money through producing
or buying selling of products. Businesses are important because it improves the quality of life
into two different parameters. It basically provides high quality goods and services to the people
which has been required for their comfort, enjoyment and health. In the present report, a case
study is taken into consideration which is named as Byklyn: Pivoting During The COVID-19
Pandemic. The case study is about the exercise bike fitness studio Byklyn. From the impact of
COVID-19 the city had been on lockdown for over two months. According to this critical
situation, she has only three options which include to reopen the Byklyn at its current premises
with reduced capacity(Borck., 2020). Next is about converting the studio to a virtual facility and
offers the classes on the online basis. The third option is about to move her facility outside and
set up the outdoor exercise bike fitness studio into a different location of Brooklyn. The last
option is about shutting down the business on the permanent basis. The main aim of the Byklyn
is that they have to find out the solution for standing strongly even after the impact of pandemic
situation and find out the alternatives to to sustain into pandemic situation. The immediate goal is
that to achieve break even and also important to keep the brand alive, their clients satisfied, their
people employed and not losing money money in doing it. The main objective of the Glosser's
was to find a way to continue operating her business. The present report will cover discussion
about the problems, challenges and issues faced by the firm. In addition to this, the report will
cover analysis about the situation of the case and also about the analysis and findings as well.
Moreover the report will cover discussion about the proposed solution to problem.
Explain the situation in the case
According to the case study, Byklyn is the company which has been established by the
Glosser in the year of 2014b where a local spin fitness centre called cycle bar which was
purchased in the total amount of $ 15000. It was basically a five year old assets and it comprised
of thirty exercises bikes, a sound system, a telephone, a printer, office furniture, some weights
and also the most valuable of all assets(Gonçalves., 2019). From the impact of COVID-19 the
city had been on lockdown for over two months. According to this critical situation, she has only
three options which include to reopen the Byklyn at its current premises with reduced capacity.
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Next is about converting the studio to a virtual facility and offers the classes on the online basis.
The third option is about to move her facility outside and set up the outdoor exercise bike fitness
studio into a different location of Brooklyn. The last option is about shutting down the business
on the permanent basis. The impact of COVID-19 is that fitness centre has started running
classes on the online basis over video conferencing programs such as Zoom and social networks
such as You tube, Facebook and Instagram. There are many fitness centre who has their own
apps and online services in order to deliver exercise and work out plans on the online basis
(Madden., 2018). There is a certified Consultant KH Hart who has provided consultant services
to the Byklyn and also offered the business advice to Glosser. From the perspective of future of
Byklyn, it is important that fundamentals should be good into the long run manner so that they
can perform into appropriate terms. So in the overall manner, it is important that to understand
the situation into deeper terms so that the case can be analysed into appropriate terms.
Statement problems in the case, proposed plan of analysis
According to the case study, the main problem is that with the impact of COVID-19
situation it becomes very difficult to run the fitness centre from the long run perspective. So for
this purpose, they have only limited options which include to reopen the Byklyn at its current
premises with reduced capacity. Next is about converting the studio to a virtual facility and
offers the classes on the online basis. The third option is about to move her facility outside and
set up the outdoor exercise bike fitness studio into a different location of Brooklyn. The last
option is about shutting down the business on the permanent basis.
For analysing the situation into deeper terms it is very important that to understand the
problem into deeper terms and then take possible actions towards it into effective manner. It is
necessary to take small steps for resolving the problem into result oriented terms so that the
problem can be resolved on a higher scale with the right kind of approach(Marinakis and,
2020). It is important to find out certain number of options for the possible solutions and after
that select the best solution out of it. There are certain techniques which can be used in order to
analyse the case study into effective terms. For gathering the data, they can use observation
techniques, statistics, experiments and documentary analysis as well.
According to the case study, for solving the problems into effective terms there is a
model which is named as Problem-solving model. There are mainly ten steps involved which the
team will encounter and these steps are defined into the following manner:

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Define the problem: Within this step, the team will identify the problem into concreter
and specific manner as well. It has been observed that PFD help in terms of defining the
problem into result oriented terms. When the problem has been identified then the
further step help into context of measuring the extent of the problem(Marizzi and,
2018). According to the case study, the main problem statement is that from the impact of
COVID-19 situation, the new fitness centre can't continue their business into effective
terms because there were higher chances of spreading out the COVID-19 virus into fast
pace manner.
Measure the problem: Under this head, it is important to collect the baseline data on the
present process if they don't exist on the earlier basis. The team has to collect the data and
make a decision on how to collect the baseline data. If the data has been collected on the
daily basis then it is important that to consider it under one month period of time. In this
way, the standard control chart can be used. Data which has been collected for less than
one month then it has its limited usage. At this stage, the team must have measurable
evidence that the problem exists. According to the case study, for analysing the problem
they can consider the data through different sources such as newspapers, online basis and
the trend can be majorly analysed through bar graphs and charts as well.
Set the goal: It is important to state he goal which are into measurable context and team
can also evaluate the progress towards the goal. As the team imagines the goal then it will
benefits of achieving the solution to the problem. According to the case study, they have
to set a goal that how fitness centres will exist in the pandemic situation and how much
they have minimum target to earn so that they can survive themselves in this difficult
period of time.
Determine root causes: Within this step, the team have to study why the process is
working the way it is. It is important to determine whether the process is in control or out
of control. If the process is out of control then team should pinpoint the special causes
and move to the further step(Mengelkamp and, 2018). If the process is “in control”
then team will need to use tools such as cause and effect analysis, scatter plots and
experimental design formats for identifying the root causes currently in the system
producing common causes variation. According to the case study, it is important to find
out the root cause of this pandemic situation. This situation has occurred from the Novel
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Coronavirus infected Pneumonia which has appeared among residents of Wuhan which is
the capital city of Hubei province in central China. This illness had ben transmitted to
humans from wild animals which were illegally being sold in the Human Seafood
Wholesale Market in Wuhan. In the year of 2020, the World Health organisation which
has declared the COVID-19 a pandemic due to its global nature.
Select best strategy: Within this step, organisation people has to brainstorm and plan out
the solution strategies into strategic manner. Within this step, it can be supported by the
Fish bone diagrams and benchmarking as well(Noor and, 2018). For solving the
problem, they have to reach consensus on the best possible strategy.
Implement Strategy: Under this step, an action plan has been developed which include
who will do what by when to implement the solution.
Evaluate results: The team evaluates the effective the solution has been. According to
the case study, she has certain number of options in order to stay into the market. It
includes to reopen the Byklyn at its current premises with reduced capacity. Next is about
converting the studio to a virtual facility and offers the classes on the online basis. The
third option is about to move her facility outside and set up the outdoor exercise bike
fitness studio into a different location of Brooklyn.
Implement appropriate changes in the process: It is the step which an ongoing process
in order to assure that the gains stay in place for the long term(Rae., 2021).It happens
when the problem is determined but the system or process to keep the problem solved
which has not been successfully adopted.
Continuous improvement: It is the step which is a conscious decision in order to allow
others to innovate and to point out red points in the process which the team has worked
hard to improve it.
Celebrate: This is the step which includes the recognition celebration and disbanding of
the team.
In this manner, this model can be applied in order to find out the solution of problem into
practical terms with the right kind of approach. This model properly supports the parameters of
problem faced by the company because this model can be properly applied on the given situation
within the situation. So its easier to find out the solutions into appropriate terms with the right
kind of approach and also into result oriented terms as well.
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Current positions facing by the company
According to the case study, it has been find out that fitness centre is performing well but
due to impact of COVID-19 they have to face certain kind of challenges and difficulties as well.
According to the study of the year of May2020, from the study of 10824 fitness club members in
116 countries it has been found out that 46 percent clients had no intention of returning back to
the physical fitness centres(Reeck., 2018).According to the study, it has been also found out that
more than third of the fitness club members on the world wide basis had cancelled or intend to
cancel their memberships. Glosser's main objective is that was to find out the way to continue
operating her business. Her immediate goal is to achieve the break even and also it is important
to keep the brand alive, their clients satisfied, their people employed and also not losing money
in doing it. According to the current position of the company, she has an idea of setting up an out
door facility which has been occurred to Glosser when she saw the classes of small yoga and
boot camp which has been conducted in the open air spaces in the month of June. For operating
these facilities into successful terms, she has assumed that holding the out door classes must have
been approved by the authorities at the local level. This reopening can only be possible through
the government's approval of business.
Glossar has started doing research for opening of an outdoor facility and also contacted
the local authorities into context of the use of public park. For holding the exercises in the public
parks of New York City, there was no fees has been charged on the business. She has also found
out the courtyard which is outside an old warehouse that has been located near the different
transportation facilities in Brooklyn. Glosser has been offered with the three month lease in order
to begin. She has also think that she has enough time for her outdoor fitness experiment of
business (Shrestha and, 2019). For setting up an outdoor fitness studio, Glossar has started
researching all the necessary renovations. She has also not considered the prices that they can
charge but the cost of investment for the renovation is around the $12000 which include music
licensing fees for the silent sound systems which has been delivered over headphones and to
avoid the excessive restrictions. She has different kinds of options for the reopening of the
According to the problem solving model, the steps which has been taken by the Glossar
has totally followed the application of the model of problem-solving. With support of this model,
it is easier for Glossar to reach towards the conclusive decision of the problem faced by her

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company which is named as Brooklyn. She has searched for various kinds of options for
reopening her business but finally she has decided for the one option which she can implement in
order to operate its business into effective and result oriented terms. So this is the current
position of the company into the market where they exist into proper terms as well.
Alternative solutions to the problems and issues
For overcoming from this pandemic situation, she has different kinds of options in order
to run the business into successful terms. It include to reopen the Byklyn at its current premises
with reduced capacity. Next is about converting the studio to a virtual facility and offers the
classes on the online basis. The third option is about to move her facility outside and set up the
outdoor exercise bike fitness studio into a different location of Brooklyn(Stokes and Breetz.,
2018).The best solution Glossar has find out that has started doing research for opening of an
outdoor facility and also contacted the local authorities into context of the use of public park. For
holding the exercises in the public parks of New York City, there was no fees has been charged
on the business. She has also found out the courtyard which is outside an old warehouse that has
been located near the different transportation facilities in Brooklyn. Glosser has been offered
with the three month lease in order to begin. For setting up an outdoor fitness studio, Glossar has
started researching all the necessary renovations.
Recommendations and the action plan of limitations of the study
It has been recommended for the fitness centres that they have to made certain changes
into the design and structure of the centres so that it can provide an open large space in order to
over come from these kind of critical situations. It has been recommended that precautionary
measures must be strictly followed so that proper rules and regulations can be followed. From
the perspective of future fitness centres have to more focus on the online classes so that it act as a
support system or alternative for any kind of critical situation. It has been also recommended for
the fitness centre that to completely convert themselves into digital solutions and also update the
communication channels as well (Summerfield., 2020). It is important that they have to focus
on the ambience parameter of the fitness centre so that people feel attracted towards and retain
there for longer period of time.
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An action plan refers to the detailed plan which outlines the actions which has ben
required in order to reach towards more than one goals. It is a kind of sequence of steps which
must be taken or activities that must be performed into well mannered way(Treiblmaier., 2020).
For the strategy to succeed. In context to Byklyn, it is important that they have to work on those
parameters which are weak for them and have to focus on the new opportunities which help the
fitness centre to grow themselves into positive manner with the right kind of approach.
The above stated report concludes that Brooklyn is the company which has been
established by the purchasing of five year old assets of around fifteen thousand dollars. It has
been concluded that it is basically the exercise bike fitness studio that has been impacted by the
pandemic situation. It has been determined that the fitness centre has to face problems and
challenges in order to stand themselves strongly into the market. The company has certain kind
of options for saving themselves but the Glossar has find out the alternative option for it where
she has thought of establishing the out door facility which must be approved by the local
authorities. It has been observed that up to a certain extent, the fitness centre got impacted but
they have start taking online classes due to which they save their some percentage of loss
specially in this coronavirus situation. The best alternatives and certain kinds of
recommendations has helped the company to stand strongly into market from the perspective of
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Books and Journals
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