
Planning for Growth: Considerations, Ansoff Matrix, Funding Sources, and Succession Options for Captify


Added on  2023-06-18

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FinanceLeadership ManagementEntrepreneurship
Planning for growth
Planning for Growth: Considerations, Ansoff Matrix, Funding Sources, and Succession Options for Captify_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
P1 Consideration through evaluation with growth and opportunity............................................3
M1 Options for growth through analytical framework................................................................5
P2 Ansoff growth matrix.............................................................................................................6
P3 Sources of funding..................................................................................................................7
M2 Evaluate source of funding....................................................................................................8
P4 Business growth plan............................................................................................................10
M3 Suitable formwork of detail business plan..........................................................................11
P5 Succession option.................................................................................................................13
M4 Succession plan option plus exit plan.................................................................................15
Planning for Growth: Considerations, Ansoff Matrix, Funding Sources, and Succession Options for Captify_2

Planning process is much effective methodology that will leads to increased more profit
generation for company. It is mainly associated in terms of strategic business format. It will
conduct some kind of business facilitate ownership of business in appropriate plan through
organic plan to generate revenue with proper growth of the business with aid of planning that
linked with optimum allocation of all resources for more profitability. The suitable planning will
track the record for fulfilling goals of company (Bi, 2017). This will conduct to handle proper
allocation of resources that will contribute most limited resources which reflects upon brand
image of company. This will facilitate proper ensure through digital face through proper with
disturbance with differentiation effort within competitors. Planning for long and short term will
extend to achieve target of respective industry. It will raise more effective positioning while
competing. This will refers as more important step to stand out and build unique selling
proposition. The chosen company in this report is Captify . This is leading SME of UK
launched in 2011 by Adam and Dominic. This deal in data driven display specialist in search
intelligence as well as media decision. The report include consideration that contribute growth
and opportunities. Report involve options for growth within competitive edge. This report also
highlighted Ansoff model. It also covers topic such as potential funding sources, plan of business
advancement and succession options.
P1 Consideration through evaluation with growth and opportunity
Planning process is much linked and contributed towards proper defining with appropriate
evaluation in terms of variation that is essential for company achievement to fulfill objective.
Planning for Growth: Considerations, Ansoff Matrix, Funding Sources, and Succession Options for Captify_3

This process in company is much important for balancing their preferences towards desire at
specific time (Todorović and et.al., 2019). Here this Captify SME is much concerned with
appropriate development with expansion of business in terms of country. As Higher level of
competition deliver more advantage with help of this framework that is mentioned below
Porters generic
This will count as effective and optimization strategy in order to identify suitable options
that reflects upon competitive edge in market. It will contribute effective kind of strategy as it is
much effective for Captify so that they can implement these strategy to create to opportunity for
Porter generic strategy
This strategy is effective one that will direct proper direction so that easily reflect it
analysis of competitive advantage while competing with other competitors by building their
strong ability. It will count 4 best strategy which consists of appropriate direction while
developing strong position to stand out from other competitors (Bautista and et.al., 2019). This
will consider proper achievement to gain higher competitive edge. That's why porter generic will
reflect better kind of fascinating facilities for useful of business in Captify.
Cost leadership- The strategy is highly linked with company benefits that deals in
product offerings as well as service. This will consider minimum category for effect of price. It
will provide most suitable support to fulfill vision in order to complete proper target to beat thi
competition level. Captify is associated by implementation of this strategy to boost it's loyal base
of consumer by providing them most higher standardized quality level in range of products and
services to face competition level.
Differentiation - This consists high range of optimum kind of strategy that will introduce
aspects of innovation and creativity to contribute product and service (Ingley, 2017). Here it will
reflect upon specific target to capture market share so that they can easily enhance volume of
sale. While adopting this strategy Captify will develop own products or services in current
market with this effective strategy. This will gain maximum advantage while facing higher
competition. Here they can develop own base of loyal consumer so that it can uplift limit to
maintain consumer.
Cost focus- It will reflect upon effective strategy that is used by organization in order to
cover niche market. This will facilitate proper range of product and service by allowance of
Planning for Growth: Considerations, Ansoff Matrix, Funding Sources, and Succession Options for Captify_4

differentiation with minimum or moderate range of price. It will develop proper expansion in
organization through ultimate analyze to capture highest growth of market. It will satisfy
optimum needs as well as desire through effect or base of consumer as they will provide
standardized quality of goods with low range of price.
Differentiation focus- This will count as effective approach that is adopted by Captify as
it will deals in standardised level of products range with features of diversified so that they can
easily target their respective industry to develop own consumer. It will ensure proper range of
company that will counter exclusive kinds of over with unique features in its products and
services. The proper utilization in terms of long terms achievement for greater success towards
overall goal. This will captured more market development (Casas and et.al., 2019). This will
boost the level of loyal consumer. Captify is premium competitive range so that with this
strategy they will conclude offerings range with loyal consumer. It will contribute premium
range within revenue level to uplift level of sale within this process to tackle hindrance of
environment issue of company.
Capabilities -
Capabilities are the manner of the power by which the business might gain competing
benefits at the field of the market. The Capabilities of Captify is that they functions and manage
their consumer with high term of standards as with high services to attracts individuals who like
their key role of facilities. The basic set of Captify is to meet the wants and needs of consumers
by offering services and facilities as per to their demands.
Core Competencies -
The management should determine their core competencies in respect to present the term
of the competition in the field of the market. The core competencies of Captify are the abilities
and experiences of its force that will create them specific and assorted from challengers. By the
manner of the power of the management that might gain contending boundary and contend with
its challenges in Market.
M1 Options for growth through analytical framework
The ultimate framework through proper analysis with highly liked with environment
through aspects of macro that impact upon performance of Captify. This will explore more
optimum options with high expanding of competition. The differentiation forces contribute
measure of analysis in below
Planning for Growth: Considerations, Ansoff Matrix, Funding Sources, and Succession Options for Captify_5

Political- It will represent interpretation among stage of government in UK. This will
reflect upon appropriate instructions or laws uplift by government (Tinits, 2020). They need to
be followed by company with Higher standardised opportunity through optimum level of
development. Captify will linked through variation benefits of UK Government by introducing
acceptability with aid of certainness.
Economic- This combined of several factors which connects with economic
circumstances, inflation rate, country foreign exchange. This will reflect entire value of
economic in UK. This is much associated with developing stable and valuable opportunity in
country specific. It will count of premium level towards business expansion.
Social- this will reflect as greater share for believe through optimum standard within
society perspective. This linked directly through effect of Captify with standardised quality range
to influence high base of consumer. It will aid comps by balancing familiar consumer satisfied
with high quality.
Technological- In Captify they focus to high level of technology with features of wifi in
order to improve their services with changing taste and prefence of consumer so that they gets
attached with most attracting service through proper allocation of resources. This will contribute
most highlights upon talent to attract consumer.
Legal- Legal factor is connected will fulfill legal formalities within company. It will reflect
to understand or handle some aspects of safety and security to uplift consumer base. This will
accomplish proper effect while updating high quality version.
Environmental- It is linked with proper application towards ecological balance of
conversion for overall protection with ultimately substance through application of products and
services. The sustainability in environment will reflect some basic elements of benefits within
kind of Beverage Company.
P2 Ansoff growth matrix
Captify has to manage competitive edge in their SME industry that is why they focus upon
Ansoff model which is given below
Market penetration- In this strategy it will present some model that showcases their
product offerings and services in existing market through advance level of sharing (Haleem,
2019). This will turn around more benefits in case of Captify so that it will linked with abundant
Planning for Growth: Considerations, Ansoff Matrix, Funding Sources, and Succession Options for Captify_6

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