TABLE OF CONTENTS BRETT JONES IN TANZANIA - WHAT TO DO WHEN A MANAGER “GOES NATIVE”?..1 Organizational culture.................................................................................................................1 Impact about corruption..............................................................................................................1 Analysis.......................................................................................................................................1 Recommendation........................................................................................................................2
BRETT JONES IN TANZANIA - WHAT TO DO WHEN A MANAGER “GOES NATIVE”? Organizational culture Hydro Generation, a US based organization has flat structure as its vice president was Graham Steinberg and Brett Jones was hired as project liaison specialist. The organization's CEO is Lawrence Bretelet was devout Christian along with regular attendee of national prayer breakfast.AllbusinessactivitiesalthoughsecularmustembodyChristianvalues.Each subordinate was with full responsibility for purpose of implementing decisions but must be accountable for outcome. Impact about corruption In this case, there was presence of major issue about tribal ritual as this dam will replace 700 villagers so negotiations must be made with Tanzanian government. The river home was with sacred spirits so with permission through Hydro Generation quarter, Jones hires specialist in African religion so as per his advice, spirits could not be moved so appease them at right price. Aggregately, Hydro Generation cost of $17500 for evidently appeasing those spirits. This is referred as corruption as it is probably a sham being a pagan. This will impact image of Hydro Generation along with offend of various Tanzania's Christian majority and Muslims within country as well. In the similar aspect, it might be construes through some quarters as sarcasm of tribal custom and being a contribution in hostile environment for Hydro Generation. Analysis It had been analysed that Brett Jones was appropriate person for this Tanazian project as he is combination of professional training and experience with Hydro Generation and familiarity with its host country. With the announcement of this project, Jones was highly fascinated as he got this project. Jones was very business minded person as he could afford to live with his upscale neighbourhood but he preferred Tanzanian neighbourhood and declined to visit churches and club so he could form connection with local people around the place where dam was going to be constructed. The issue created through John as it lead to nepotism for hiring employees for Hydro Generation which is legal for Tanzania business dealings but unethical for Hydro Generation, US based organisation and anti corruption to appease sacred spirits which will lead to damage the brand image and offend to Tanazania's Christianity and Muslims as well. 1
Recommendation On basis of above study, it had been considered that Brett Jones was right person for Tanzania's project as he is familiar to culture, government and has connections as well. It comprises start-up activities such as getting license, installing telephones, utilities and finding local people for purpose recruitment. However, it had been recommended to hydro energy or its vice president Graham Steinberg that decision related to staffing at operational phase of project had to be taken so he should transfer expertise who are very familiar to their organization's rule (America) so combination of these both will lead to attain success for purpose of construction project. In simple words, it could be elaborated the hiring practices of John could be improved with instruction of his supervisor as nepotism is originated with risk as employee connection might encourage in extortion process. 2