
Reasonable Solutions Available in Cases of Unethical Conduct.


Added on  2022-08-28

22 Pages6013 Words19 Views
Professional DevelopmentNutrition and WellnessPolitical Science
SUBMISSION DATE: 28 August 2022
Reasonable Solutions Available in Cases of Unethical Conduct._1

Executive Summary:
Ethics generally means principles and rules that provide guidelines Business ethical values
differs from company to company and are further defined by the behaviors and worth that
prevails in a business environment. Business ethical values are a set of statutory guidelines that
give confidence to individuals in an organization to formulate decisions complying with the
company's affirmed beliefs and approaches toward business observance in the industry. Every
company must ensure five standards of ethics such as utilitarian approach or the principle which
states that principle that asserts that morally correct actions provide the widest range of benefits
over harms for the maximum number of people, the right approach or principle which puts
human dignity as the foremost important factor for living and every person must engage in such
activities which should not cause harm to their dignity, the fairness or justice approach promotes
that every act must be done in such a way so that it can result in an impartial way, the common
good approach promotes that every act should be done in such a way so that it can promote the
greater goods to the people of every community, the virtue approach focuses on attitudes,
temperaments, or characteristic attributes that facilitate people to act in such ways which help in
developing human perspective. The aim of this study is to identify different factors of business
conducts that are necessary to follow for the successful running of a business by both the
business organization and their member. Further, this study will show reasonable solutions that
are available in cases of unethical conduct.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................1
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Case Scenario I:...............................................................................................................................4
Will you be ethical in this situation? If yes how? And if no! Why?...............................................4
If you be ethical, how you will survive your business....................................................................4
Case Scenario II:..............................................................................................................................4
Are Marian’s co-workers correct in their evaluation?.....................................................................4
Should Marian confront the co-workers?........................................................................................4
Should Marian file a discrimination suit?........................................................................................4
Should Marian go to the supervisor?...............................................................................................4
What else could Marian do?............................................................................................................4
Case Scenario III:............................................................................................................................4
Was the suspension fair?.................................................................................................................4
Did Sylvia act responsibly?.............................................................................................................4
Should Joan be fired?.......................................................................................................................4
Should the babysitter be fired?........................................................................................................4
Was Sylvia fair in her actions?........................................................................................................4
Is there ever a solution for working mothers?.................................................................................4
Should working fathers take turns staying home?...........................................................................5
Case Scenario IV:............................................................................................................................5
Were any ethical norms or principles violated by Sandoz?.............................................................5
Are liquid diet products ethical products?.......................................................................................5
What moral responsibility might Sandoz have considered when developing its promotion
messages for the customers?............................................................................................................5
Case Scenario V:..............................................................................................................................5
What do you think can be the outcomes of accounting fraud to the society and business at large?
Why do you think that the history of accounting fraud repeats itself, such as so many frauds
which we have heard after the Enron scandal?................................................................................5
Case Scenario – VI:.........................................................................................................................5
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Since J.R. was over the purchasing department and had final decision authority, should
purchasing have gone through the normal bidding routine?...........................................................5
Is it acceptable for a V.P. to bypass the normal routine to do business with a family member?....5
Was J.R.'s decision not to request bids an ethical choice?..............................................................5
What should the college purchasing agent do?................................................................................5
Should anyone else at CCVU have any interest in this activity?....................................................5
Has Tiddley's Cripple Creek franchise owner been wronged?........................................................5
Should Jim have made the sale? Received a commission?.............................................................6
A business ethical value differs from company to company and is further defined by the
behaviors and worth that prevails in a business environment (American Library Association
2019). Business ethical values are a set of statutory guidelines that give confidence to individuals
in an organization to formulate decisions complying with the company's affirmed beliefs and
approaches toward business observance in the industry (McQuerrey n.d.). It is important for
every company to follow minimum ethical values to be in the long run for their business. This is
important due to various factors like if a company is ethically strong then it will definitely thrive
to ensure their employee's interest and offers them with such principles that comply with the
moral and ethical values. Further, every employee wants to be a part of an ethically strong
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company. This due to the fact that in an unethical environment, employees do not get a chance to
grow their skills, which adversely affects their career graph. Therefore, every company must add
the minimum standard of ethical value in the value statement of such a company so that more
skilled and efficient employees can join the organization and be a part of its success wheel. The
major ethical concerns are conflict of interest, bribery, employer or employee interest and insider
trading. Therefore, every business organization must make policies that eradicate the rise of
these above-mentioned risk from the company .
Case Scenario I:
Will you be ethical in this situation? If yes how? And if no! Why?
Yes, I will be ethical in this situation adopting the core values of ethics in a business such
as fairness, virtue, and morality. My fairness or justice approach, in this case, will be applicable
for my rivals as this approach elaborates fair treatment to every person and fairly choosing one's
action which can be resulted in the benefit and harm of a larger group of people. This is further
required for justice to business (Josephson, 2015). Therefore, opening the envelope will cause
injustice to the rival and their rights to win in such auction (Anon., 2017). Through the Virtue
approach, I will further restrain myself from opening the envelope, as the virtue approach
elaborates that one should adopt an honest, moral and honorable character which reflects through
one’s work. Further, my morality approach will be reflecting through my business conduct.
Therefore, I will follow the intuition of my morale. This is further necessary for the protection of
my business’s reputation in the market.
If you be ethical, how you will survive your business?
It is important to be ethical to run a business for the long run, as a business owner has
some additional duties like legal duties (Anon., n.d.). Therefore, if in the present case I prefer to
cheat and upon investigation by the regulatory bodies if this fact of cheating gets disclosed, then
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I might face consequences that will rupture my business reputation as well as I might have to
face huge monetary punishment. Such monetary loss might be huge than the loss I am facing or
will face in the future in case my business does not work. Therefore, to save my business I need
to focus to be more business mind maintaining all ethical standards necessary for a business
rather than choosing the shortcut which might cause me huge legal consequences in the future.
Case Scenario II: Discrimination in the Workplace
Are Marian’s co-workers correct in their evaluation?
It can be seen from the fact of the case that Marian is performing really well in her job.
Furthermore, she topped the corporation's management training program out of the total trainees
who were with Marian at the training (Anon., 2017). Further, the facts stated that she is doing
exceptionally good and over-performing that what can be expected from her to do at this initial
stage. Therefore, the allegations made by Marian's colleagues are totally baseless. This can be
said because they were not unhappy with her performance but because of her appearance and
over the rule of the company which makes it mandatory for the appointment of a female in their
team. Therefore, their allegation is said to be discriminatory against Marian.
Should Marian confront the co-workers?
Marian, in this case, should definitely confront her colleagues as it is always preferential
to resolve a dispute through a peaceful talking between the person having such a problem with
each other (Hill, n.d). Therefore, Marian should definitely have a discussion and asking them
why they possess such a negative opinion about her. Further, if they have any complaint
regarding her work and performance Marian can definitely ask them to point that out so that she
can work on them (Mujtaba, 2005). Further, if they have a problem with her gender then Marian
can make them understand that she got selected for the position because of her efficiency and not
for her Gender or some legal guidelines which makes it mandatory for the hiring of women in
such a position.
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