
Implementing Standards in Youth Work Context


Added on  2023-01-17

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Implementing Standards in Youth Work Context_1

1. Provide an example for each of your chosen two standards of how you would apply
these standards in a youth work context.
The Children and young public in care are provided with facilities and chances in order to
attain better and early learning and education which helps them to fulfill their potential,
increases life opportunities and make a greater contribution. A better early educational
service and opportunity will lead to a better developed outcome for the child. Facilitating
children with early education and improvised facilities will help them achieve a better future
and supporting the children with early childhood education before they head towards formal
schooling is one of the most effective manner to help all the children reach their capabilities.
It is important that children in the care should receive equal educational opportunities like
those of the other children. Enabling free access to educational setting and resources will
help the children in the youth work context to achieve appropriate education. Also providing
teaching class in the setting for children will also help them lead towards successful life
(McGimpsey 2018).
The young people transitioning towards independence are a process that used in order to
prepare the children for their future. The major issue youth face is to lead an independent life
and developing their skills, and also it is found that interest and abilities helps them to make
their place in the society. They require physical as well as emotional support. A transition
from the youth care plan is to embrace the details that will support to access reasonable
accommodation, health care services, education and training, and service and income source
and the plan needs to be revised on regular basis. It will be helpful, if proper training and
Implementing Standards in Youth Work Context_2

practice sessions are implemented in the youth care setting that will be helpful in work field
will increase various scopes for them in future (Jamshidi et al. 2018).
2. Discuss the context that each standard is based in (e.g. social, political, economic,
historical, and cultural). Include consideration of statutory and professional
The growing rates of youth under employment and unemployment build a massive barrier to
young people’s chances and ability to become independent, the critical steps are education
and transition to adulthood. It is very important to survey how local and global conditions
and processes build the intimidating economic and social surrounding for the youth in which
the urban youth hunt for livelihood. Only then it is possible to identify the ways in which
development can be induced in the services to help children with education and becoming
successful. It is first important to understand the role of various factors that are affecting he
youth settings and on which the standards are focused on (Markovic and Markovic 2017).
These educational and transitional standards are associated with all the factors such as
social, economic, historical, political and cultural. These factors influence the circumstance
of forming the youth care settings which helps the youths to develop and gain success in their
lives (Miller et al. 2015). The youth get opportunities to enhance their abilities and
knowledge in order to attain success in life. Social support, economic background, and the
historical background provides a better chance to explore more in the field of youth
development centers.
Implementing Standards in Youth Work Context_3

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