
Introduction to Information Technology


Added on  2022-12-22

12 Pages3583 Words62 Views
Introduction to
information Technology
Introduction to Information Technology_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Role of IT in the success or failure of a business...................................................................3
Ethical and social issues while running a business................................................................5
Differentiation between different type of networking technologies.......................................7
Importance of social media in a business...............................................................................8
Explanation of different stages in software development cycle.............................................9
Introduction to Information Technology_2

Information and technology plays a crucial role in today's modern world. Information and
technology uses modern machinery equipments like computer systems,internet,electronic devices
and hi-tech systems in order to facilitate transformation of information from one source to
another. IT also helps in data interpretation for an user which is very essential in performing any
task. In recent times IT has changed work patterns in various organisations and institutes and has
made them to function smoothly (Alfalah, 2018). This report will cover role of IT in success or
failure of a business, ethical and social issues associated with running businesses. This report
will cover differentiation between different types of networking technologies and the importance
of social media in a business. This report also covers different stages of software development
In this report example of HSBC Bank is taken into consideration for better understanding the
given topics. HSBC Bank was founded in the year 1865 at Hong Kong,China. HSBC is
headquartered in London. HSBC Bank is one of the major bank in UK and conducts its banking
operations all over the world.
Role of IT in the success or failure of a business
IT play a major role in business operations and promotes a business to a next level which
means that it is important for a business to implement IT functions. HSBC bank has deployed all
necessary modern equipments in the business in order to ensure prosperous banking operations.
Information technology can change environment of a business which is very essential in the era
of stiff competition (Brooks, 2017). IT mainly impacts the external and internal environment
of a business in which plays an important role in the functioning of a business. IT can lead to
development in a business and absence of IT can put a business into a trouble. Various
Advantages of IT which can lead to success in a business are mentioned below:
Role of IT in the success of a business
Quick data transfer- Information and technology helps in transferring of data from one
source to another in a quick manner. IT has developed various methods like email,mobile
phones and websites which are powerful in transferring appropriate information in a
Introduction to Information Technology_3

quick manner. HSBC bank generally uses email which is effective in transferring safe
information to other banks.
Helps in effective communication- Communication is important in this modern world as
it is essential for a multinational company to communicate for its global operations
(Chae, 2018). In order to communicate in a fast manner HSBC uses upgraded
information and technology to make ensure its communication is done in a precise
manner. In Banking functions communication plays an important role as HSBC is a
multinational bank all the information is passed through proper IT channels.
Maintains data privacy- Data privacy is important to the organisation in order to protect
stealing of crucial information of an organisation. As HSBC performs banking operations
of high monetary value,it is important for the bank to apply data privacy in its
transactions. Customer information is crucial and confidential for a business,use of
Information and technology enhances data privacy for the organisation.
Role of IT in failure of a business
Information and technology has disadvantages also which can lead to failure in a
business,IT also has major drawbacks which can lead to a sudden fall in a business and it can
also bring obstacles in a business. Various IT factors which could lead to failure in a business are
mentioned below:
Creates a financial burden- Information and technology is costly for a business which
may increase expenses and can put a financial burden on the company (Dong, 2017). It
can also increase liabilities for a company in long run which creates a debt on a firm and
can even lead to the path of organisational failure.
Chances for data theft- In today's world banking sector is dependent on information and
technology in a major sense. HSBC has stored all the necessary information related to its
operations on internet,so ethical hacking could be a major threat to the company
(Hendon, 2017). In today's world chances of ethical hacking are increasing day by day
and is a major threat to most of the organisations.
Creates complexity- Complexity is a major hurdle in information and technology sector
as Information and technology sector includes complex and rigid operations which can be
hard for an organisation to maintain. It is responsibility of IT professionals to manage
operations in a business,with respect to rigidity in the business operations it becomes hard
Introduction to Information Technology_4

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