
Employee Attrition & Organizational Change


Added on  2020-02-18

12 Pages2992 Words32 Views
Running head: FUNDAMENTAL OF MANAGEMENTFundamental of Management[Critiquing the Functions of Managements in the Changing Environment]Name of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
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1FUNDAMENTAL OF MANAGEMENTExecutivesummaryThis paper summarises the impact of managerial nature on the contemporary employees.Millenials are very keen to work in a comfortable and friendly environment. This assignmenthas shown the issues surrounding the different challenges at the contemporary workplace. Ithas also depicted the importance of bringing changes to the workplace in order to retain thepotential employees. Moreover, this effectively lets its readers know about the currentworkplace challenges and the appropriate solutions to all those.
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2FUNDAMENTAL OF MANAGEMENTTable of ContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................................3Contemporary workplace environment......................................................................................3Impact of contemporary managers.............................................................................................5Current challenges to the managers...........................................................................................6Appropriate solution...................................................................................................................8Conclusion..................................................................................................................................9References................................................................................................................................10
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3FUNDAMENTAL OF MANAGEMENTIntroduction The contemporary working environment has seen a dramatic change in relation ofmanagement styles and the working environment. An incrementing number of participationof Millennials at the workplace has contributed significantly in the change, which hasgenerated many challenges that needs serious repair from the contemporary managers (Fullerand Unwin 2014). However, very few mangers have a realisation of the importance, whichsuch required changes carry with it. Nevertheless, it is very important for the mangers thatthey research it thoroughly the importance of bringing the changes in the workplaceenvironment (Griffin 2013). The main purpose of this assignment is to analyse thefunctionalities of the modern mangers in the existing workplace environment. After analysingthe exact functionalities, the assignment would also recommend some solutions to thecontemporary mangers for overcoming the identified challenges and produce a significantimpact on the workplace. Contemporary workplace environmentThere has been a drastic change in the workplace nature. The traditional workplacewas different to the exiting workplace in many respects. The very first difference is in theparticipation rate of different generations such as Millennials, Boomers and Baby Boomers.The current workplace is occupied in high numbers by the Millennials. Additionally, thefuture workplace would be dominated by the presence of Millennials (Stein 2013). Anincreasing participation of Millennials has also brought increased demands and expectationsfrom the management. They have numbers of demands, which they expect to be fulfilled bythe mangers. However, on the other hand, managers have their own thought process. Theyfeel otherwise. They are attached to the business, which is why they think of profitablethings. Most of the demands of Millennials are meaningless to the managers because they do
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