
Change Management for Walmart: Models and Plan


Added on  2023-05-31

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Change Management for Walmart: Models and Plan_1

Executive Summary
Change management is an integral part of the dynamic business environment and is taken up by
all the companies at large at one point of time in order to improve their positioning in the market.
Hence, the aim of the given report is to highlight the case of one such company named Walmart
which has been facing customer service problems and used the change management models in
order to recommend the organization on how to improve their positioning. The change
management plan and measures of monitoring have also been discussed.
Change Management for Walmart: Models and Plan_2

Table of Contents
Definition and discussion of Organizational Change......................................................................3
Why this organization was chosen..................................................................................................3
Identification of Organizational Change Models............................................................................4
The 2 Change Models and application to Walmart.........................................................................5
Overview of a Change Management Plan.......................................................................................7
Change Management for Walmart: Models and Plan_3

Definition and discussion of Organizational Change
Organizational change can be stated to be a process whereby an organization undergoes
an extensive change with respect to the structure of the firm, the methods in which the operations
are carried out, the different technologies used or the particular culture of the firm at large
(Aladwani, 2001). These changes which are generally made in a firm possess the power to
impact the overall working of the organization which often tends to lead to a sense of resistance
from the employees. According to Todnem (2005), Organizational change is an important
procedure which all the companies go through at one point of time and it thereby becomes
important for the firm to ensure that their change either takes place continuously or at distinct
time periods. However, the organizational change in an organization cannot be absurd in nature
and is expected to be quite processed and aligned which can be done with the help of different
models. The organizational models can be rightfully stated to be the guiding paths which assist
the organization in achieving overall success for the firm. Cummings, Bridgman and Brown
(2016) state that although there are a large number of models available which a firm can
successfully make use of like the Kotter`s model, ADKAR, Bridges transition model, Lewin`s
Change models and others. It is recommended by the authors that in order to find success at the
workplace, the company needs to adopt one model using which it can become successful.
Why this organization was chosen
Recently, the organization Walmart has been facing a large number of problems with
respect to the customer service issues. The customer satisfaction index of the firm has dropped
considerably and with respect to this, the departmental store`s rank has gone down considerably
which means that the American consumers are greatly disappointed with the different
departmental stores of Walmart (Forbes.com. ,2018). The customer satisfaction can be
Change Management for Walmart: Models and Plan_4

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