
Communication and Job Satisfaction in the Workplace: A Study at Desklib


Added on  2022-10-16

15 Pages5187 Words277 Views
Chapter one
1.0 This chapter talks about various themes that have been underpinned in the
dissertation. This will include the background of the research, the problem
statement, and the objectives of the research, research questions and the lay of the
next chapter.
1.1 Introduction to the topic
Organizational effectiveness is something that institutions strive for as
owners become increasingly ambitious and nation increasingly modernized.
Employers now recognize that the happier their employees are, the better will be
their attitudes towards the work, the higher their motivation and the better will be
their performance. Thus in order to ensure an organization can compete with other
firms to retain efficient and experienced employees, it is crucial that the
organization has a motivated workforce. Famous philosophers like Abraham Maslow
in the year 1943 as well as Frederick Herzberg in the year 1959 represented an
approach on human relationships. This theory throws light up on communication
that exist between people with respect to work as well as social topics.
People are totally interdependent on each other for each and every tiny task;
people need help from others for security and success in businesses. Therefore, it is
crystal clear that in organization employees are the most important available
resources that ensure that the organization achieves all present objectives and
future goals. Locke (1976p.423) suggest that “ being satisfied in ones job increase
the organization profit, growth, overall operations and competence” Moreover,
researchers Chiang, Jang, canter& prince(2008p368) has found that
“communication is something that is necessary for human interaction” The author
supports this statement and further comment that effective communication is
something that determines whether positive or negative output/outcome can be
derived from any interaction, it be of social or professional nature. For instance
break downs in communication can be seen as causing conflict and other
undesirable effects which impact on human relationships. For example when a
message that is sent is not well decoded or misinterpreted or badly received
problematic issues can arise that can yield negative emotion/feeling from the
sender or receiver or both. Also the manner a message is communicated
determines its impact on the receiver. Example; there is a significant difference
between the way most subordinates will react to a list of tedious duties being
handed over them by a supervisor who is characterized as mild as well as polite or
rude as well as imprudent. Effective and good communication among various
employees is a path to achieve satisfaction towards job opportunities. An approach
towards development of human resources is the most essential part nowadays as it
allows giving more preference to people by realizing their needs and putting them
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forward. Sometimes employees within an organization talk with each other
irrespective of their positions that they hold inside a company and they discuss
about subjects not related to their work, this increase their ability to develop
bonding among themselves. Their discussion that revolves around about the ups
and downs in their personal lives, religious beliefs, their personal feelings,
objectives as well as backgrounds to which they belong and other discussions that
also have a great impact on their personality, attitude and their motivation towards
work. This also talks about personal life of colleagues and their productivity in the
organization also gets affected. Various topics actually not associated with work
relates to feelings of individuals, necessity of social interaction are also vital part of
communication processes as these impact on the employee retention in the
organization. It becomes clear from the above discussion that behind the success of
any organization, there always lies a workforce that is always motivated to work.
Satisfaction towards job as well as good communication must go hand in hand so
that advantage towards good communication can be ensured that in turn helps to
achieve respective organization goals as well as objectives. People holding different
positions inside a company should interact with each other regarding various types
of works.
Organization background
When was it createthd and by how
The main role
The agency consist of the different unit
Who is responsible overall
The communication channel used are email, meeting informal staff meeting
The agency has a workforce of no of employee ,the agency ensures a good work
culture that comprises of challenges associated with professionalism in training as
well as the benefit for development in various fields’ the employee are expected to
be very professional reliable and responsible towards their work. This allows to
reflect an excellent attitude and action of full commitment with respect to their
work. Communication channels within the agency are typically top down hierarchy
Statement associated with the problem
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There is no research to date that has been conducted to evaluate if communication
contributes to enhance job satisfaction within the spdf. Understanding the
communication needs of the employees, manager supervisors and team leader can
enhance employees’ satisfaction. This potential will improve leadership, job
satisfaction and productivity within the organization. According to Mullins (2000) the
quality of satisfaction in the workplace will fundamentally positively impact
devotion, attitude and professionalism of management, staff and positive changes
can only be attained if there is devotion and commitment of both parties. From this
viewpoint, it is clear that internal communication is one such area where the spdf
and the employees can benefit tremendously.
A pertinent issue at the agency is the noticeable decline in communication and
information flow between top management and ordinary employees. In order words
there seems to be issues with downwards and upwards communication. Vroom
(1995) states that managers should understand, satisfy the need of their
subordinate in order to attain the organization goal. The researcher carried out an
internal assessment in the beginning of the year 2015 in unit x. A total of 25
employees participated which represents 100% of the unit and 22% of the
organization workforce. The researcher interviewed the employees on issues
relevant to the chosen topic for this research. The majority of the employees were
of the view that the agency must not longer get with an evaluation that usually
comments on employees are happy, well paid and their working condition are
good. They must develop methods to engage and motivate their workforce since it
was noticed and thereby stated that whenever information is insufficient the more
difficult it was to accomplish daily tasks. It is worth nothing that many employees
who participated in the survey, voice their intensions for internal transfer from one
to the other as a result of poor relationship with superiors and bad communication.
It was evident that the main reasons suspected for this decision included low
morale and dissatisfaction in their work. Furthermore these concerns raised by staff
have made a tremendous impact on the attitude and performance of employees.
Therefore reflection on this should be of primal significance such that when
judgment is undertaken into the relationship that exists between communication
and job satisfaction it can be clearly understood.
Objectives and means to achieve them
The aim of the research is to investigate whether internal communication
contributes to enhance job satisfaction at the agency. The author wants to find out
in order to curtail any effects that ineffective communication might have on the
agency. As well as to reverse the existing, observable trend whereby request for
sectional transfers seems to be on the rise, something believe to be caused by
dissatisfaction. This topic has become an important as well as exciting portion of
research therefore it has been chosen by the author in the existing firm and it is
easier for analysis.
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Research objective
Sequentially to answer to the problem definition, the following research objectives
have been identified
To investigate the connection that exist in between satisfaction towards job
as well as communication that exist in spdf
To determine the factors that influence, enhance job satisfaction and
communication within the spdf
To identify the factors that have a negative impact on communication as well
as satisfaction towards job at the workplace agency.
Ways to find a solution for above issue, therefore following research questions were
Are employees satisfied with the overall quality of communication they are
subjected to?
Where do the employee receive most of their information from?
What are the causing barriers in communication within the agency
What are the factor affect job satisfaction within the agency
Chapter Number 2
Literature review
The focus of this chapter will be a critical review of various authors on a number of
important themes that comes to the fore in this study as the author goes about the
task of looking at the issues of communication within his workplace and its link with
job satisfaction. Specifically the review will focus on the definition of
communication, intra organizational communication. Channels of communication,
the efficiency that communication creates barriers to ineffective communication,
theories related to job satisfaction, the importance of job satisfaction, factors
influencing and affecting job satisfaction and the consequences of job satisfaction in
the organization.
The definition of communication
“Communication can be defined as the exchange of information between a sender
and a receiver where the message flows from one point to another and the
communication are linked together by channels”kalla (2005). The author defines
communication as the process of sharing ideas , information, and messages with
others in a particular time and place. Communication includes writing and talking,
as well as verbal, non-verbal, visual and electronic communication. It is a vital part
of personal life and is also important in business, education, and any situations
where people encounter each other Kalla (2005) further states that “communication
the heart of business, is the most important of all entrepreneurial skills. The destiny
of the business depends on the quality of your relationships, your ability to transmit
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