
Characteristics of Organizational Structures - PDF


Added on  2021-02-20

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Characteristics of Organizational Structures - PDF_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSATHE ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR.......................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 An analysis of the characteristics of different organisational structures...............................11.2 An explanation of how the culture of an organisation can impact on the effectiveness ofthe organisation...........................................................................................................................21.3 An assessment of the impact of learning on the effectiveness of employees.......................31.4 An evaluation of how working in teams can improve employee effectiveness....................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................42.1 Evaluate different leadership behaviour theories..................................................................42.2 Analyse theories relating to work relationships and interactions..........................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................63.1 Analyse the benefits and issues with involving employees in organisational decisionmaking.........................................................................................................................................63.2 Explain different ways to motivate employees.....................................................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
Characteristics of Organizational Structures - PDF_2

INTRODUCTIONMarks and Spencer is British multinational which is in retail business. The company ishaving its headquarter in Westminster, London. The company's founder is Michael Marks andThomas Spencer. The company is having the number of employee as 80000 plus. Revenue thecompany is having is £10000 plus. The company is located in almost 1500 location over theworld. The company was founded in the year 1884. The financial performance of the companykept on improving year on year which is really commendable. The chairman of the company isArchie Norman. The organisation has a large impact on which structure the organisation isfollowing. Which leadership the organisation is following pros and cons of it(Xiang and et.al.,2017). TASK 11.1 An analysis of the characteristics of different organisational structures.There are heterogeneous organisational structures which an organisation follows, eachstructure is having its own characteristics. Here in the organisation Marks and Spenser, which isa British multinational retail company. The company is having its operation in clothing andwhich of high quality, home products and food products. Some of the organisation structures arementioned below:Hierarchical StructureUnder this structure, which is very popular structure, All employees are having sole supervisorwhich is common for all and all the employee are grouped with each and every employee. Thereare few factors which on the basis of which grouping is done(Xiang and et.al., 2017). Some areFunction, which can be finance, hr, it, etc.Product, which is the result of process or action.Geography, organising the peoples of the organisation in the location which is remote.Matrix structureThere is no one supervisor here but different manager for different function, in whichpeople with the similar skills are placed for assignment of the work and one which will result inreporting to more than one manager(Pasiecznik And et.al., 2017).This resutlts in makingchains of commond whch are two and and both are separate. The roles of the manager arenot fixed and are fluid which will is good for the manager who wants to work in a flexibleworking environment.1
Characteristics of Organizational Structures - PDF_3

Horizontal/Flat structureThis structure is purely very beneficial for the small organisation and it will not work forthe large organisation. Here in this structure many of the middle level of the management in theorganisation are eliminated. This makes employees of the organisation to take much quickerdecision. This is also transparent for the small organisation and if the employees of theorganisation is well trained they can be productive in decision making using thisstructure(Salzberg, Gough, and Suen, 2019). Which will help the company in quick doing of thework and the chances of corruption will also decline.Because training of the employees of theMarks and Spenser is everything and the company believes if the employees are well trainedthey will bring effective and efficient result by increasing the productivity of the company.Marks and Spenser, uses Horizontal/Flat structure because, the organisational is havinglimited management levels between the administration level and the employees at the front line.1.2 An explanation of how the culture of an organisation can impact on the effectiveness of theorganisationThe culture of an organisation can greatly impact on the effectiveness of the organisation,Marks and Spenser, which is considered taking Handy model which includes four types oforganisational culture and they are as follows:Handy Organisational culture considers:Power organisational culture, power remains in the hands on few individuals, whichinfluences the entire organisation, Marks and Spenser and its effectiveness(Pantaleo,2019). In this structure all in the organisation is decided by the one who is having power,for example if the employee is judged by what they have achieved rather than consideringthe process of them to achieve that thing. This can results in making quick decision, Sothe effectiveness of the organisation such as Marks and Spenser can decline due to thisand also can happen visa e versa if the ruling power is fair enough in decision making.Because the Fair ruling power will take fair decision and which will result in fairevaluation of the employees.Role organisation culture, in this type of cultural structure, which is based on rules, suchrules are made considering the details of the organisation's structure, which is tall and notflat. It is like very bureaucratic to the organisation(Jena, and Pradhan, 2018). This can2
Characteristics of Organizational Structures - PDF_4

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