
Corporate Social Responsibility at Charlotte Street Hotel


Added on  2020-02-05

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Corporate Social Responsibility at Charlotte Street Hotel_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSTASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................4P1 Aim and Objectives of project ..............................................................................................4P2 Project management plan .......................................................................................................4P3 Workbreak down structure and Gantt chart...........................................................................4P4 Small scale research by suing quantitative and qualitative methods......................................5TASK 3 .........................................................................................................................................10P5 Tool and techniques for research..........................................................................................10P6 Recommendation and Conclusion for research ...................................................................13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................15P7 Reflection gain from conducting the project........................................................................15REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................172
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TASK 1 P1 Aim and Objectives of project Topic “ Implementing CSR activities within organization to meet sustainable objectives”Background of studyCorporate social responsibility plays important role in every organizations. With thehelps of this polices they can assist to society to solve their problems. Through this policesbusiness firm develop their relationship with society and also maintain their business growth forlong term. Organization which want to take advantage of competitive business environment needto understand importance of the CSR. Its make bale to company to develop partnership withdifferent social communities and make investment in different types of social projects. Inaddition, it is also important to understand benefits of the CSR to workers of Charlotte Hotel andways to implementation of CSR polices within organizations. The present report is based on thebenefits of the corporate social responsibilities polices to organization and how this is link withthe sustainability and competitive advantages of entity.Aim - To analyze the importance of CSR activities in enhancing business sustainability - Astudy on Charlotte Street Hotel. ObjectiveTo analyze the importance of corporate social responsibility.To determine impact of CSR activity on business performances TO recommend strategics to improve CSR practices for sustainable management Question related to researchExplain role of corporate social responsibility in business environment ?Determine link in between corporate social responsibility polices and businesscompetitive environment? 3
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P2 Project management plan Following are the project management plan of CSR activitiesTask NameDurationStartFinishPredecessorsTotal SlackPlanning 4 daysTue 6/13/17Fri 6/16/170 daysResearch findings 10 daysMon6/19/17Fri 6/30/1710 daysProblems of statements 3 daysMon 7/3/17Wed 7/5/1720 daysAllocation of time andresources 4 daysThu 7/6/17Tue 7/11/173,20 daysImplementation 6 daysWed7/12/17Wed7/19/17419 daysMaking review ofliterature 18 daysWed7/12/17Fri 8/4/173,40 daysSelection of researchmethodologies 12 daysMon 8/7/17Tue 8/22/1760 daysAnalysis of data 20 daysMon 8/7/17Fri 9/1/175,67 daysResults evaluations andtheir outcome 15 daysWed8/23/17Tue 9/12/1770 daysProject closure10 daysMon 9/4/17Fri 9/15/17814 daysConclusionandrecommendation 8 daysWed9/13/17Fri 9/22/178,90 daysOutcomesofdocumentation 6 daysMon9/25/17Mon10/2/17110 daysSubmission of report 3 daysTue 10/3/17Thu 10/5/17120 days4
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P3 Work breakdown structure and a Gantt ChartIn the above critical path actives which are highlighted with the red color which are importantand mandatory activities which cannot be delay or overlapped. The activities which arehighlighted in the blue are those activities can be delay or overlapped as it will not have mucheffect of the overall research plan. TASK 2 P4 Tool and techniques for research`In order to the advantage of competitive environment many organizations is applyingdifferent types of social responsibilities (Boud, Cohen and Sampson, 2014). Through thispolices they develop healthy corporate practices and assist to society to solve their problems. Inthis Charlotte street hotel is also implementing CSR polices within its business practices whichhelps to them for survive in today's competitive environment. For this entity is conductingmarket research which helps to them for implementation successful CSR polices in its business5
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practices. There are different types of tools and techniques which can be used by the marketingmanager for conducting research (jmal, Helo and Kekäle, 2010). These tools and techniqueshelps to hotel for understanding market trends and different ways to implementation of CSRpolices within organization. Following are tools and techniques which applied by theorganization for implementation of CSR polices. Research designResearch design is the process which suggested different ways and types of instrumentsshould be used in gathering and analyze data collection. Through the research design marketresearchers can develop strategy which helps to them for conducting research study in logicalway. With the help of research design researchers gather all information and process it in rightmanner (Kerzner, 2013). It also has effects on study and findings. There are different types ofresearch design such as descriptive, correlations, review etc. any one of them can be selected byfirm for conducting market research. The aim of conducting market research by Charlotte hotelis to gather useful information regrading implementation of CSR polices within enterprise.Through this research design they can choose most appropriate tool for implementation of theirCSR polices (Mackey and Gass, 2015). In this report researcher explained different types ofmethod and plan for conducting research and determined interrelationship in between socialresponsibilities and competitive business environment of Charlotte hotel. Research philosophyIt is belief the way in which data gather, analyzed ad used by researchers for conductingresearch (chwalbe, 2015). Its shows different types of assumptions on which data are gather andcollected. It helps to research for conducting data in systematic manner. Through this philosophyresearcher can understand different hypothesis and practices which is used by them forconducting market research (Seddon, Calvert and Yang, 2010). There are different types ofphilosophy such as Interpretvitism, realism and positivism which can be used by marketresearcher for conducting research. Interpretvitism is based on this assumption that data shouldbe collected in qualitative manner. On the other hand positivism is based on this assumption thatstatistical data use for conducting investigation in highly structured method. On order toconducting market research Charlotte hotel need to understand main purpose of market research6
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