
Childhood Obesity Initiatives


Added on  2020-07-22

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Child obesity INTRODUCTIONChildhood obesity is one of the sparking issues across the international boundaries and affecting well being of millions of kids. Basically, it is a situation in which a excess body fat influence overall health of kids in a negative manner. Therefore, this poster is going to highlight various factors related with child obesity and its impact on children’s life. Moreover, throw some lights on reason behind this major problem which is faced by several society of UK and its causes. Furthermore, government statistics and initiatives is also outlining in this report in order to create awareness amongst overall nation or world. Overview and causesIn today’s scenario childhood obesity is one of the major serious problem which influencing millions of kids as well as adults also at global level. However, as per medical science this issues is seen as a medical obstacles in human’s life as because of this number of individuals can’t able to perform their day to day routine. Basically, child who is suffering from this health issue are above the average weight of their age or height and facing numerous of medical problem such as; diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and so on. PreventionObesity is influencing overall health of a children which affects them internal or externally due to which they are facing numerous of problems or issues in various manner. Along with this they can’t able to perform any activities and feel depart from their surrounding which may increase their stress level. In order to resolve it is an appropriate manner number of prevention is need to be carried for reducing this problem across the nation. Thus, various solution is describing as follows:- Provideplentyoffoods:- Initial step is to offer health foods such as green vegetables instead of harmful goods consist of large number of oil or fatness. In fact fruits are very useful for obesity patient because it aids in reducing unusual weight or make them healthy from internally. Constraintsoneatingjunkfoods:- As per this factor it is essential to limit eating of fast foods which increase the fat level of child. However, lack of nutrition is one of the major reason behind obesity because if kids is not having sufficient healthy food then he/she get suffered with this disease. Limitationonindoorgames:- Children or young generations are avoiding playing outdoor games due to emergence of various modern technology or indoor games such as; video games, Smartphone with full of applications, online services and so on. Beside this it creates amajor problem for kids life as they become more lazy as compare to previous generation. Limitationonsugarbeverages:- If a child is having a plenty of sweets like chocolates and various other beverages with high level of sugar then they might face a problem of diabetes due to which their normal weight also getaffected or increased. Thus, it is essential to have a limitation on sugar level of kids in order to control obesity. Legalsolutions:- As per this component number of acts or initiatives is taken by governing bodies in order to make necessary changes at European society. Basically, it is indispensable to create a society free from any diseases by enacting numerous of laws or acts. Moreover theycan also have the authority of conducting impressive awareness programmes or sessions for making society update about the advantages or disadvantages of obesity.Globalschemesondiet:- Childhood obesity is one of the most severe public health issue in 21st century which influencing maximum number of low or middle income nations. Globally, in 2016 around 41 million child’s are sufferingfrom obesity whomsoever are of under age group of five. In fact, amongst them most of them are facing a major health issues such as; diabetes or cardiovascular problem at a very small age. Thus, prevention of obesity becomes a matter of high priority because it affects the well being of maximum kids. Therefore team of WHO makes an effective plan or strategy in their 66th World health assembly and focussing on decreasing the various diseases such as; diabetes and obesity. Thus, number of schemes are introduced and various programmes are held by voluntary organization in order to overcomefrom this problem in a minimum time period.Obesity is having a greater impact on a children health as it shaken their body from internally and externally without any reason. In fact, it creates a major problem on the life of a kids and body is get affected by numerous of diseases which is going to explained underneath:- Psychological:- According to this element it is analysed that a children is usually feel emotional or feel shy due tobullying of their peers or friends. In fact, few of them are get harassed and discriminated from entire group because of their fatness or heavy weight. As a result they suffered from a emotional trauma and avoid to take part in various activities because of shyness or fear of discriminated. Hence, obese kids are facing a mental pressure while travelling anywhere and sometime they get suffered by mental stress. Beingbullied:- Children get tease by their friends because of overweight due towhich they fall under heavy depression and create a risk of low esteem.Behaviour or learning issues:- As per this component kids suffering fromobesity is feeling more anxiety and lack of social skills as compare to normalchildren’s. therefore, it create a problem for them while acquiring a knowledgein a classroom. Physical:- One of the major effects on health is physical becauseit influence a child from number of diseases and creates a major problem for them. Basically, it is also consider as a life threatening situations consist of number of dangerous disease such as; diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problem, laziness, cancer and several other disorders. Highcholesterol :- Due to poor diet and this disease is affecting arteries of a child. Asthma:- Encountering problem while running. Sleepy :- Failed in performing any activity or feel lazy. Symptoms:- Identification of obesity is a very easy task and everyone can determine that a child is suffering from fatness issue by seeing them. Therefore, various symptoms or sign of obesity is describing as follows:- Body mass index :- As per this factor an individual can easily recognize that a child is suffering from overweight by measuring their normal weight. It helps in comparing actual or projected data in an appropriate manner. Avoiding outdoor games:- If kids are ignoring to playing games in parks or outside of the house then it is a major sign of increasing their weightwhich may influence their overall well being. In fact, in today’s scenario it is analysed that most of the kids are love to play advanced games in mobile phones in order to ignore those games in which extra stamina is required. Ignoring healthy foods:- Busy in having junk foods due to whichstart hating healthy foods as a result it may hamper their health and indirectly affects the health of kids. Not taking part in competition:- As per this factor most of the children’s are avoiding to getting involved in school competition due to which it may create a laziness in their behaviour.According to survey report it has been analysed that almost 61% of adults and around 28% of children’s age between 2 -15 are suffering this obesity problem which is a very risky situation for them as it create a chance of various types of diseases such as; diabetes, cancer and heart problem. Along with this excess weight is kind of major obstacle for kids while performing various activities as well as act as a barrier while taking part in a sports activities. Moreover, influencing mental health of a person. Reduction in excess overweight of kids.. Improvement in health hazards problems Removal of diseases. Major actions taken by governing bodies are further explained:- Assisting :- Encourage people to help others by assisting or guiding towards corrective path. Foodchoice:- Eat or drink healthy materials.. Activeness:- Be more or more active. Changeforlife:- Provide suitable suggestion to society about proper diet and benefits of performing physical activity. Labellingsystem:- Trying to enhance the labelling system on food or drinks in order to make aware society from ingredients involved in a specific products. Therefore it aids in selecting best or appropriate diet. Correctiveinformation:- As per this elementrestaurant or various other seller of foodproducts need to provide accurate data orinformation about specific goods in order to CONCLUSIONFrom the entire content of poster it has been summarized thatobesity is one of the severe health problem which is faced by today’s generation due to emergence of various advanced technology as well as availability of numerous of facilities. Basically main objective of this subject is to explain the drawbacks of obesity as it influence the overall well being of a children and act as a major obstacles in a success or development of kids. Moreover, role of governing bodies in overcoming this issue is also identified and several programmes which was conducted by local or state bodies to reduce obesity problem. Causes:- Determination of obesity is one of the easy task because anyone can recognize that a child is facing a obese problem by analysing his/her health or weight. Basically, number of reasons are identifying due to which a child is encountering this issues that are describing as follows:- Genetic:- First or foremost thing due to which infants are suffering from obesity is their ancestors health because everyone is a resemble of their parents or any family member. For example; if Mr. X is having a overweight then his children is also affecting by this because of similar genetic or body connection. This cause is determined by medical science because according to them nothing is happen without any reason. Hence, it is analysed that child get obese because of their family members.High level of income:- In today’s world most of the multinational companies are emerging with creative ideas due to which employment opportunities get increased and almost entire UK is getting succeeded in raising their standard of living. As a result their income level increased which influencing their desires or wants. Therefore, children’s of rich people or middle class surrounded with advanced facilities such as;video games, online services, modern vehicles and so on which changes their entire life style. Hence, they become more lazy and neglect to do any activity where there is requirement of hard work. Availability of junk foods:- Now-a-days children’s are loveto eat oily foods full of calories, chips, noodles, cold-drinks and various other products which consist of high level of fat due to their taste. Thus, junk food is also one of the major cause behind emergence of obesity and most of the kids are suffering from this because parents are not stopping them because of love or care. Social practices:- Number of communities are utilizing various of practices which is either beneficial or detrimental for health. Thus few of them are; quality of lunches at school, access to dealing with advanced machines or junk foods, promotion of candies or fast food, costing of healthy or unhealthy foods and so on. Instead of all this there are number of causes are identifies which create a problem of obesity for a child such as; behaviour of a person, depression, health issue, side effects of medicine, extra care, community environment and several one.EffectsonhealthREFERENCES Hurley, K.M., Cross, M.B. and Hughes, S.O., 2011. A Systematic Review of Responsive Feeding and Child Obesity in High-Income Countries–3. The Journal of nutrition, 141(3), pp.495-501. Creighton, M.J., Goldman, N., Teruel, G. and Rubalcava, L., 2011. Migrant networks and pathways to child obesity in Mexico. Social Science & Medicine, 72(5), pp.685-693.Initiatives taken by government
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