
Program Evaluation Plan for Child Welfare League of America


Added on  2023-06-04

12 Pages3103 Words478 Views
Professional Development
Program evaluation plan for Child Welfare League of America
Program Evaluation Plan for Child Welfare League of America_1

Majority of children and youths in America have become more vulnerable to various
issues in the society including unfair treatment, violence and social injustices which have
affected their growth and development. The rate of children vulnerability to abuse as well as
exploitation in the country has been increasing year after the other and hence raising concern to
the US states departments responsible in handling children welfare in the country (Mertens,
2014). In response to these growing statistics on cases of children exploitation, exposure to
violence and increased social injustices, a Child Welfare League of America Program was
developed to help in improvement of lives of the millions of children as well as their families
who are vulnerable to such injustices which are very prevalent in the society.
Mission and Objectives of the Program
The purpose of the program was to lead and engage a network of private and public
agencies as well as parties in the advancement of policies, collaborative efforts as well as the
development of the best practices. The aim objective of the program was to help in identification
of issues in the community that impact the youths, children and their families negatively by the
use of different experts in matters concerning children welfare (van der Put, C. E., Assink,
Gubbels & Solinge, 2018). It is also the objective of the program to reduce children vulnerability
rates to below 5% or zero rate cases in America.
Target Group
The program targeted to reach out to the young people, children as well as their families
who are vulnerable to violence, injustices, exploitation and unfair treatment in America. The
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understanding of this target group due to the sensitivity of the issues of analysis in the program
required the integration of experts in various medical and psychological fields.
Environmental influences within which the program operates
The primary ecological controls within which the program works include; increased
violence and family abuse, expanded unfair treatment for children or increased injustices among
the youths, children and their families.
Evaluation Goal/purpose
The primary purpose of this program evaluation is to establish the effectiveness of the
Child Welfare League of America program in the improvement or transformation of the lives of
children and their families in America. The evaluation will investigate the critical aspects of the
program that is key to the development of effective policies to address children welfare as well
as help the organizations or agencies concerned to develop effective strategies to fight and
advocate for the rights of children (Bailhache, Leroy, Pillet & Salmi, 2013). The evaluation will
also determine the funding necessary to help in improving the lives of vulnerable children and
their families.
Expected Effects
For the success of the program, it is expected that increased awareness would be done to
different families on the importance of available opportunities for child development as a short-
term measure.
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The expected long-term effect of the program is increased support from the community and the
relevant private and public networks in the fight against children and youth vulnerability and
achieves zero rates for vulnerability cases in the country.
Stakeholder Assessment and Engagement
The findings of the program will be utilized by various groups of people in the
implementation of favorable policies to improve the welfare of children, youths and their
families who are vulnerable. At the start of the program, we identified two main stakeholders
who form a partnership to build upon this program and its implementation (Arthur et al., 2017).
The two main stakeholders include the private and public agencies which are concerned with the
increased vulnerability. Due to the sensitivity of the issues analyzed under the program, the
program will consist of other stakeholders, who are experts and professionals in social injustices
cases, unfair treatment for children, violence as well as discrimination and alienation. These
experts will include pediatricians, child and drug counselors.
The private and public agencies involved as stakeholders will help in the determination of
whether the program should be funded by both agencies and how much funds will be required to
support the program based on how the program is involving (Chronis-Tuscano et al., 2015). On
the other hand, the different field experts will help in developing an understanding of the impact
of variables such as violence, unfair treatment and injustices impact child development and
provide feasible solutions from their field of expertise to promote the success of the program.
Pediatricians are specialists in matters concerning children, and therefore they will guide
the program directors in understanding children vulnerability to issues such as family violence,
injustices and how it impacts their growth and development (Chen & Chan, 2016). The drug and
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