
The Impact of China's Family Planning Policy on Women's Careers in China


Added on  2023-06-12

29 Pages11612 Words199 Views
Literature review
The Impact of China's Family Planning Policy on Women's Careers in China_1

Table of Contents
Topic: The impact of Chinas Family Planning Policy on women careers in China........................1
Aim and objective...................................................................................................................2
Rationale for selection............................................................................................................2
Literature review questions....................................................................................................3
Main Body of literature review........................................................................................................3
To review about the various Chinas family planning policy, comprise of the one child policy,
two child policy and new three child policy...........................................................................3
To evaluate about the impact of Chinas Family Planning Policy on women careers in China
especially of the new three child policy...............................................................................12
To investigate women's experience and perception of the family planning policy..............16
To recommend some effective ways and strategies that would support and explore the better
women’s career advancement in China................................................................................19
The Impact of China's Family Planning Policy on Women's Careers in China_2

Topic: The impact of Chinas Family Planning Policy on women careers in
It has been seen that the government of the China has announced that it will allow the
couples to have up to three children, after census data showed a steep decline in birth rates
(China allows three children in major policy shift, 2022). Thus, the new Chinas family plnnaing
has scrapped its decades-old one-child policy in 2016, replacing it with a two-child limit which
has failed to lead to a sustained upsurge in births. During the times of 1970 and early 80 the
China tend to have and adopted the One child policy that is an official program lead by the
central government with the main aim and purpose of the limiting the great majority of the
family units and slow down the population growth rate through having one child policy but this
tend to lead and reduce the growth rate of China in an enormous way (Xie, 2019). Thus, China
has announced the new family planning policy where couples are allowed to have up to three
children. Further, it has been also seen and evaluated that the Chinese government has enacted a
policy called “The Universal Two-child Policy” that is also known as the “Two-child Policy” the
main focus and emphasis of which is on to alleviate the situation. Further, this two child policy is
also tends to be focused and based in determine that the Chinese labor market is facing the issue
of the shortage and lack of employees in the future based on the one child policy. Thus, at that
time the coming up and launching the two-child policy is vital and essential by Chinese
government thus, this policy tend to get popularizes within the whole country. Along with this,
based on the negative consequences of the one child policy that leads to shortage of young
generation and individuals in China the two child policy tend to get effectively relates to every
Chinese citizen and also affects society, economy, labor market, and other aspects. Beside this, it
has been seen that the two-child policy has a positive effect on labor market shortage, but also
causes some social problems, so the effectiveness of the two-child policy needs some other
policies to support (Zhang and et. al., 2022). Therefore, a new family planning policy and
strategy based on the three child policy is seen to be coming up and formulated by Chinese
government. Thus, it tends to become vital and important to have a discussion about the
effectiveness and necessity of the family planning policy within China. The current study is
The Impact of China's Family Planning Policy on Women's Careers in China_3

focused at review and discuss the impact of China's family planning policy on women's careers
along with investigate women's experience and perception of the family planning policy.
Aim and objective
Research aim
The main aim of current investigation is “To review and discuss the impact of China's
family planning policy on women's careers”.
Objectives set for literature review
To review about the various Chinas family planning policy, comprise of the one child
policy, two child policy and new three child policy.
To evaluate about the impact of Chinas Family Planning Policy on women careers in
China especially of the new three child policy.
To investigate women's experience and perception of the family planning policy
To recommend some effective ways and strategies that would support and explore the
better women’s career advancement in China.
Rationale for selection
The selection and choice of current topic based on the review about the Chinas family
planning policy is tend to be suitable and rationale as it tends to have significant impact and
influence on the society, economy, labor market, and other aspects along with it also influence
the market needs to match the growth of GDP. Besides this, selection of current topic is also
important and significant as it supports the analysis of the impact of Chinas Family Planning
Policy on women careers in China especially of the new three child policy and also presents the
women's experience and perception of the family planning policy. Along with this the selection
and making use of the current literature review is also tends to be effective and rationale from the
personal view of the researcher also as it tend to meet the academic as well as the personal
interest level (Yu and Cui, 2019). Apart from this, undertaking of current literature review on the
topic of the Chinas family planning policy, comprise of the one child policy, two child policy
and new three child policy would lead to and ensure higher understanding and knowledge level
along with leading better understanding about the impact of Chinas Family Planning Policy on
women careers in China especially of the new three child policy that would support better future
opportunity and growth level.
The Impact of China's Family Planning Policy on Women's Careers in China_4

Literature review questions
what is meant by the various Chinas family planning policy, comprise of the one child
policy, two child policy and new three child policy/
What possible impact of Chinas Family Planning Policy on women careers in China
especially of the new three child policy?
What can be understood by women's experience and perception of the family planning
Which possible recommendation of effective ways and strategies can be made that would
support and explore the better women’s career advancement in China?
Main Body of literature review
Literature review comprise of the piece of the academic set of the writing that aim and focus
on the demonstrating of in-depth knowledge as well as the higher understanding of the past set of
the academic literature based and related with a specific and chosen topic placed in context.
Further, the literature review tends to comprises and includes of leading and determining and
having of a critical evaluation of the pre-existing form of the research material to get a better
underdoing and glimpse of the selected topic (Liu, Jia and Wang, 2022). Thus, literature review
tends to forms out an important part of academic writing that tend to set a base and vital
framework for effective knowledge creation and generation based on a selected research topic.
The current literature review is tend to be based on the topic of the review and discuss the impact
of China's family planning policy on women's careers. To meet and achieve the set objective and
developing better underdoing about the selected topic, use of various online article, journals and
past report and research work has been made a discussion and analysis of which has been
provided below:
To review about the various Chinas family planning policy, comprise of the one child policy,
two child policy and new three child policy
With respect to the view point of the Che, L., Du, H. and Chan, K.W., 2020, it has been analysed
and seen that the concept of the family planning is related and associated with the controlling the
number of the children that a couple could have along with fixing other criteria such as the
interval required between birth of each child. Thus, the family planning strategy tend to have a
The Impact of China's Family Planning Policy on Women's Careers in China_5

direct and efficient impact on the overall growth rate and population level of the country. Apart
from this, the family planting policy is also vital and crucial to determine about the level of
employment and presence of number of workers and other market and social impacts together
with society, economy, labor market, and other aspects (Chen, Ayoun and Eyoun, 2018). It has
been analsysed and reviewed that the having and developing effective family planning strategy
and policy by the government tend to supports and leads to bolster of the economy and tend to
contribute in the more suitable way of development by the way of making and taking better steps
towards the empowerment of women through leading them to complete btheore education along
with supporting join the paid labour force. Further, it has been also seen that effective family
planning policy tend to supports better career development for women by the way of making
them more productive in their jobs through supporting better health and equal opportunities for
the women to earn higher incomes and increase savings and investments through supporting
pursuing of their education and bringing higher financial security (Li and et. al., 2018). To
ensure and maintain proper family planning along with leading a suitable policy that supports
betterment and empowerment of women and improved career development and improved health
in women various family planning policy are implicated by the government of China. A
discussion and analysis about the Chinas family planning policy, comprise of the one child
policy, two child policy and new three child policy has been provided and discussed below:
One child policy- It tend to comprises and includes of the vital programme launched by the
government of China with the main purpose and aim of the limiting the most of chinses families
with one child each that was tend to get implemented at the national wide level. The official
programme of the one child policy tends to get started and launched during the year of late 1970
and implicated around the early 1980s by the central government of the china (Su and et. al.,
2018). Further, the man purpose of the launching and coming up with the one child policy tends
to includes and comprise of the limiting the great majority of the family and population of the
china in the country to one child only. Further, it has been seen that the government of the China
stated and began the promoting of the implication of the one child policy through leading and
exerting control on the birth of child along with support stricter family planning policy that
allows only one child for each family unit. Along with this, it has been also seen and reviewed
that the implication of the one child policy was tend to be associated and based on the country’s
new pragmatic based of the leadership that is tend to be get headed by Deng Xiaoping that was
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