
Chronic Illness Management


Added on  2022-12-19

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Disease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and Research
Chronic illness management
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Chronic Illness Management_1

This essay is based on the case study of Mrs. Anna Lenska, 68 year old female who is
having ongoing treatment of an ulcer on low right leg with history of Type 2 Diabetes which
requires hypoglycaemic and, hypertension. Anna is an old widow who lives alone, her leg ulcer
is dressed twice in the week by community Registered Nurses. The right leg ulcer is slow in
healing. One day, when Anna arrived at the community center for normal dressing, she
complained that she is feeling bit faint and asked the nurse to check the blood sugar level.
Initially, the BSL reading recorded as 3.5mmol/L and further by following the recommendation
of hypoglycaemia her BSL increased to 6.2mmol/L. After having conversation with Anna, nurse
observed that Anna is not taking the meals properly and she is not able to go for the shopping
since her helping neighbor is out of the town and sometimes she forgets to take her medicines on
time as well. Additionally, she was wearing old pair of shoes as the comfortable shoes became
too broken to wear. Therefore, this essay focuses on the potential health concerns related to
Anna’s condition, client education, self-management of condition, client education strategies
along with self-reflection.
Potential health concern related with case
As per Anna’s case study, complication of diabetes is diabetic ulcers which sources to
augmented general morbidity. The six stages of a diabetic foot explained by the 7th Practical
Diabetes International Foot Conferences is normal foot with no risk factors, high-risk foot,
ulcerated foot, celluticic foot, necrotic foot and foot which cannot be rescued. In the wound care,
character of nurse and podiatrists are vital. The nurse’s goals is to provide healthcare, care
connect, educate, consult, lead, research and support the right of the patients (Moore, 2017).
The autonomic nervous system regulates heart, stomach, sex organs, bladder, intestines and eyes.
Complications in diabetes can affect the nerves of these organs which leads to hypoglycemia,
bladder related issues, constipation, loss of appetite, problem in swallowing the food, sweating,
alterations in eyes adjustment in light to dark, increased heart rate, sharp drops in blood pressure
which leads to fainting, erectile dysfunction, and dryness in vagina. Diabetic Autonomic
neuropathy (DAN) possibly affects the tract of autonomic nervous system, systemic-wide
disease, encompassing a large range of structures which leads to significant upsurge in mortality
and morbidity and it occurs within the year of diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. The incidence of
these conditions with Type 2 Diabetes might be related with possible modifiable cardiovascular
risk factors comprising an upsurge in level of triglycerides, increase in body mass index, smoke
and hypertension (Hopman, 2016). These findings and studies are essential in the development
of threat reduction plans. Furthermore, the physical area includes various aspects of pain along
with swelling, discharge, odor, and numerous aspects associated with mobility. Additionally,
social areas are also affected because of leg ulcers.
Chronic Illness Management_2

Client education
Client education is an essential constituent of finest practice care of persons with leg
ulcers. Patient education is defined as the procedure of self-management techniques wherein
healthcare professionals like nurses imparts the knowledge regarding to chronic illness with the
objective of the enhancement of their health status. Self-management education tools are used for
the education of patients who have diabetes for the increment of self-confidence and fostering
the motivation level of patients so that they can manage and advocate their chronic illness
(Probst, 2019). Therefore, as per Anna’s case study, it is required to educate Anna about the
implication of interventions like compression, diet and elevation of the leg. Educational
interventions are delivered in various formats like information leaflets and computer aided
format. Furthermore, focusing on healing will not solve the issue of reoccurrence, therefore,
preventative practices also required to be considered in this case study. Improvement in patient
education provides more informed patient selection, expansion of a collaborative measure among
nurse and the patient. Furthermore, Health promotion activities are effective in chronic disease
management. However, with leg ulcers, major challenge is to reduce the reoccurrence of the
ulcer and associated risk factors with peripheral vascular disease. Therefore, client education
strategies will be including lifestyle modifications, physical activities, skin care and elevations.
Continuation of education with reinforcement of knowledge is required for this patient regiment.
Therefore, to implement an effective strategy, the patient requires perceiving value in the
alteration which might arise from assignation in the proposed activities (Miertová, et al.,
2016). Apparent physical development, feeling improved, reinforces from the optimistic effects
of the education provided. Furthermore, understanding the requirement and appropriate usage of
compression for the prevention of reoccurrence will enable Anna to be informed and correctly
knowledgeable and motivation for the adherence for the management of demands of their
condition. The objective of health education is the creation of active contributions,
communication and serious evaluation of results. Therefore, health education contributes to
complete health and social improvement, therefore from the improvement of patients, more
active and healthy lifestyles are attained. Additionally, usage of assistive apparatus like
application of compression stocking and removable devices can be used for the administration of
leg ulcers among older people who can follow the healing techniques (Isaac & Watson,
Self-management plan for client
The nurse who performs the interventions of leg ulcer is a wound specialist and well-
versed in the usage of compression bandages, wear and put the compression stockings, physical
activity , well informed skin care routine and required high protein diet for the patient.
Additionally, the intervention nurse held the educational meetings. The educational sessions will
be including pathophysiology of leg ulcers, wearing compression stockings, isometrics exercises
in the region of the lower extremities, physical activity and high protein nutritional diet intake
(Franks, 2016). Additionally, educational sessions will include tissue removal techniques,
Chronic Illness Management_3

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