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To what extent is climate change the result of human activities


Added on  2023/06/07

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This essay analyzes the extent to which climate change is caused by human activities and its impact on the environment and human life. It discusses the difference between climate change due to natural resources and human activities, the impact of greenhouse gases, and the importance of maintaining the pH level of acidic water. The essay concludes with the need for government policies to prevent climate change and the importance of carbon dioxide in keeping the planet in a livable temperature.

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“To what extent is
climate change the
result of human

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Table of Contents
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changing of climate is the major problem faced by everyone. The IPCC report
depicts the change in climate affects the people and infrastructure of cities. A
consistently changing of climate is due to the human activities or natural process. The
change of climate is due to emission of gases which affects the environment. According
to scientists research, it has been observed that there are various causes that affect the
energy which reach and remains in the climate. Changing of climate is real and it will
get speed up if not controlled now. The gradational transformation in climate is easy to
adapt instead of sudden swings. The alteration in climate endanger the humans life and
ecosystems. The effect of C02 and the earth emit the infrared radiation which is
absorbed by gases trapped in atmosphere causes global warming. Rise in temperature
and ocean level can also be a cause for climate change but it is considered as this are
in normal range in the limits so does not effect the weather. Global warming causes the
liquescent of glaciers but they are increasing and decreasing from natural resources.
The continue rise in ocean level leads to the natural disaster like tsunami, floods,
hurricanes and cyclones. As of now there is rise in the occurrence of natural disasters
and weather is changing suddenly which cause the loss in economy, humans and other
species too(Shin and Preston,2021).
The climate change is related to the fluctuation in temperature and weather, this
can be due to natural, human activities or variations in solar cycle. The main reason
behind changing of climate is global warming. This considers the increase in
temperature, change in sea level, shrink of glaciers and transformation in plants life-
cycles. The humans are responsible for change in climate is due to emission of green
house gases such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Burning of fossil fuels,
keeping lights on, crop failures and many more. The transformation in climate has
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changed the weather patterns, increase in floods and droughts this causes the
disturbance in growing and harvesting seasons.
The using of vehicles causes air pollution, noise pollution, throwing garbage on
roads causes land pollution, acidic rain, the industries alteration, depletion in ozone
layer, deforestation, soil erosion and sea level affect the climate(Druckman and
McGrath, 2019).When the natural resources are not balanced then also it causes the
change in climate. The activity of natural resources like metal and minerals, forest, fossil
fuels are rising quickly which cause the damage in environment.
The difference between climate change due to natural resources and human
activities. Anthropogenic climate change occurs due to the emission of green house
gases through human activities. It is direct link to fossil fuel, aerosols, land modification
and deforestation. This happens over the previous few 100 years. In this the pattern of
change in climate is not consistently but contribute a major role in change of climate.
The global warming is the main reason in change of climates(Williams, Abatzoglou,
Gershunov and et. Al, 2019). The carbon di oxide is soaked in eart6h's atmosphere
which impact little on climate. Natural climate change occurs due to change in
balances of inward and outward of energy. The major factor contributes to naturally
change in climate is earth's path around the sun. It also includes the body of water
naturally cooling down and the cycle of warming and the fixed variance in volcano
process. The importance in changing of climate is pattern or the consistently change in
climate. It will affect the health of human beings. The high pH level of acidic rain affects
the marine life and reduces the growth of Coral Reef. The PH level is decreased due to
the industrial revolution. Due to this acidic rains the infrastructure of cities get harm for
example – the Taj Mahal turns in yellowish colour because of this acidic rain. To
maintain the pH level of acidic water, it has been observed that the CO2 increases and
absorbed by water bodies assists the rate of photosynthesis and increase of ocean life
like phytoplankton which helps to keep the ocean water alkaline.
The change in climate affect the human beings- it causes the lots of disease and
unsafe for the people. As a human being it is the duty to keep the environment safe,
emit less gases so it does not affect. The cutting down of trees for making furniture, use
of papers and does not recycle it, use of plastic bags this are also the reason for

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changing in climate. The natural variability affects the long term warming. The green
house gases are absorbed by the water bodies and does not mixed in atmosphere
which impact on the aquatic animals(Vogel, Zscheischler, Wartenburger and et. Al,
While destroying the environment nobody never thought, ignored the warnings
and alerts from scientists and weather forecasts. But if the future generation decided to
keep safe environment they can. If they want the clean and fresh air, fresh water, and
re-construct the planetary where all surviving belongings can grow or consistently
decrease the path of self termination. The government should introduced policies
regarding prevention of climate change. Carbon dioxide plays an important role in our
planet. It absorbs the green house gas and hold heat in atmosphere and keep the
planet in live-able temperature(Hoegh-Guldberg, Jacob, Taylor and et. Al, 2019). It's a
natural process to keep the carbon cycle in balance – carbon & carbon de-oxide are
continuously repetition between lands, water bodies, environment and living things,
either carbon is cloistered or kept belowground.
It is concluded that the rapid change in climate is because of natural process
and human activities both but majorly due to the human activities. The emission of
green house gases, methane and carbon dioxide, these gases majorly affect the
environment. The impact on climate changes also considers the agricultural process,
forest loss and industry revolution. The major and important component which affect
the climate is global warming. The recent rise in temperature and changes in weather is
because of imbalance of energy, external forcing- hazardous gases, solar luminance,
volcano eruption and transformation in earth's itinerary., aerosols & cloud, drift in lands
surfaces. The change in climate harms the human beings and other species and its
danger for planet.
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Books and journals
Williams, A.P., Abatzoglou, J.T., Gershunov, A., Guzman‐Morales, J., Bishop, D.A.,
Balch, J.K. and Lettenmaier, D.P., 2019. Observed impacts of anthropogenic
climate change on wildfire in California. Earth's Future, 7(8), pp.892-910.
Vogel, M.M., Zscheischler, J., Wartenburger, R., Dee, D. and Seneviratne, S.I., 2019.
Concurrent 2018 hot extremes across Northern Hemisphere due to human‐
induced climate change. Earth's future, 7(7), pp.692-703.
Druckman, J.N. and McGrath, M.C., 2019. The evidence for motivated reasoning in
climate change preference formation. Nature Climate Change, 9(2), pp.111-119.
Shin, F. and Preston, J.L., 2021. Green as the gospel: The power of stewardship
messages to improve climate change attitudes. Psychology of religion and
spirituality, 13(4), p.437.
Hoegh-Guldberg, Jacob, Taylor and et. Al, 2019.The human imperative of stabilizing
global climate change at 1.5 C. Science, 365(6459), p.eaaw6974.
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