
Cloud Computing Implementation in Telstra and Vodafone: A Comparative Study


Added on  2023-06-11

15 Pages7715 Words364 Views
BCO6653 Management of Information Technology
Semester 2, 2014
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Cloud Computing Implementation in Telstra and Vodafone: A Comparative Study_1

This paper has focused on conduction of an Interview with two companies with proper
literature analysis and comparative analysis of the responses gathered. The interview has been
based on the Cloud Computing in their organization. The paper starts with a general
introduction of the topic Cloud Computing. The content of the paper has been able to provide
information about implementation of the Cloud Computing in both companies. The paper
discusses about IS planning stages. The responses of the interview has been provided in the
next sections of the paper. A comparative study of the responses for both companies have been
done properly.
Cloud Computing has grown to an extent in various organization. Cloud Computing
has been providing various services to the companies. Cloud Computing have helped in
providing flexible services in the companies. The accessibility factor of the cloud computing
has been creating a lot of opportunities for the companies in the market. The security of the
data and information has been a major issue for the company. Therefore, interview has been
conducted for gathering responses of the executives form both company related to the cloud
computing. The use of the cloud computing in the companies have been discussed in the
Organisation background
Telstra Australia
Telstra Corporation Limited, or usually named as Telstra, is a main media
transmission association in Australia. Telstra had first started in a joint effort with Australia
Post as the Post Master General's Department. It used to control the media transmission
administrations of whole Australia through the Post Master General's Department. With a few
deteriorations later, it at long last began to function as an individual association after the split
in 1992. It was privatized in three unique stages casually alluded to as T1, T2 and T3. Since,
the whole association manages the media transmission administrations of the whole Australia,
it manages one of the major discrete and individual information of its clients. In the year
2011, Telstra had declared that the association would advance in executing another procedure
with the dispatch of Telstra Digital, drove by Gerd Schenkel of National Australia Bank.
The underlying motivation behind this dispatch was for enhancing the utilization of
computerized channels for client administrations. In any case, changes in a media
communications based association in Australia ought to keep up moral direct according to
Australian law proposes. Along these lines, it is fundamental that Telstra has cutting edge
digital safety efforts to ensure the basic and discrete information of their clients from being
hacked or abused by pernicious programmers. In Australia itself, the whole association of
Telstra had executed divisions in the hierarchical structure, basically committed to the digital
security group. The group divisions secure propose an arranged structure through which the
security group is actualized. The security framework is then organized in rates, making it
dependable to address every one of these divisions as indicated by their needs. Out of the
whole workforce in the digital security group, 38 percent need is committed to review the
security framework. 36 percent of the organized errand stays devoted to chance evaluations of
the whole framework.
The Head office is situated in Melbourne Australia. It is one of the tallest structures in
Australia and is situated in 242 Exhibition road. The landing page URL of the association is
https://www.telstra.com.au/. The individual who is met for this specific task is Stephen Eloph,
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Cloud Computing Implementation in Telstra and Vodafone: A Comparative Study_2

the Technology and development official of the organization (Telstra - cell phones, prepaid
telephones, broadband, web, home telephones, business telephones 2018). He is as of now
situated in Sydney and is in charge of keeping up the digital security issues of the
Vodafone Australia
Vodafone Australia is a media transmission association working on Australia which
gives settled and portable broadband administrations. The system covers in excess of 21
million Australians and its broadband administrations and extends its administrations in
territorial focuses and capital urban areas. The association was made as a joint wander
between Hutchison Telecommunications and Vodafone Group Plc. The organization has
strong digital security specialists and have improved their group capacities after the
vulnerabilities distinguished by Specter and Meltdown.
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Cloud Computing Implementation in Telstra and Vodafone: A Comparative Study_3

The organization has legitimate 4G arrange benefits and keeps up the IT frameworks
proficiently. It has more than 120 Retail stores all around Australia and has its primary
headquarter at Sydney, 177 Pacific Hwy. The landing page URL of the organization is
The individual who is met for this specific task is the central innovation officer of the
organization to be specific Kevin Millroy. Kevin Milroy was delegated as the main
innovation officer by Vodafone in July. He was in charge of dealing with the IT branch of the
organization. He was the general administrator of the organization and was in charge of
extending the IT anticipates and revealing the system overhaul. He was associated with the
Mobile dark spot program as well. As the leader of the IT division his activity is to grow the
current VHS organize and conveying the required broadband inside the following year
(Mobile Phone, Tablet and Mobile Broadband Plans 2018).
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Cloud Computing Implementation in Telstra and Vodafone: A Comparative Study_4

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