
ICT's Impact on Global Relationships


Added on  2020-05-16

13 Pages4696 Words75 Views
Due date: Thursday Week 11 (2PM AEST)
Part: Written Assessment
Weighting: 30% of total assessment.
Submission: Electronic (see course website for details)
It will be necessary to use literature/online resources to complete this assignment,
please ensure you cite and reference any such materials using the Harvard format.
DO NOT copy content directly from either the text or Internet resources: this
assignment is to be in your own words. You will lose marks if you do not use your
own words!
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responses where indicated.
DO NOT delete the marking criteria page – changes are permitted to the formatting
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ICT's Impact on Global Relationships_1

There are ten (10) tasks, one for each week: the tasks are detailed below. There is a
table to complete for each task. Please fill in the information required. An example
of a completed task is below. Note the first response is good – so aim for something
like this. The second response is not acceptable, so if you submit anything like it, you
won’t pass the assignment! The reasons? Poor resource selection (Wikipedia), no
Harvard reference and a block cut and paste from the site (no citation, no original
Task Find two resources that explain aspects of IT Service Management.
Title and Reference:
Ibaraki, S 2014, online, COBIT versus ITIL, viewed 29/01/2015,
This resource is a blog entry discussing the differences between CoBIT
and ITIL. I chose this resource as there is a lot of confusion about the
way in which ITSM is applied and the distinction between the CoBIT
and ITIL implementations is frequently unclear. Ibaraki explains that
CoBIT provides the governance and metric structures while ITIL
delivers on the actual mechanics and “how-to” processes. The author
makes an interesting observation that it is wrong to simplify COBIT as
providing the ‘why’ and ITIL providing the ‘how’ because both ITSM
mechanisms have considerable overlap and both need to be used at the
same time. I found this article very useful in explaining the differences
and similarities between these two aspects of ITSM.
Title and Reference:
This pages talks about ITSM. It says that IT service
management (ITSM) refers to the entirety of activities – directed
by policies, organized and structured in processes and
supporting procedures – that are performed by an organization or part
of an organization to plan, deliver, operate and control IT services
offered to customers. It is thus concerned with the implementation of
quality IT services that meet the needs of customers, and is performed
by the IT service provider through an appropriate mix of people,
process and information technology.
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Note: Each resource summary should be a maximum of 300 words.
Week 1
Task The past decade has witnessed tremendous advances in
computing, wired and wireless communication, and storage
technologies. Discuss the main features and applications of two
mass storage technologies namely: direct-attached storage and
network-attached storage.
Summary Title and Reference:
Olson, C. (2018). Getting started with storage.
Understanding SAN vs NAS vs DAS.. [online] Vanilla Video.
Available at: https://vanillavideo.com/blog/2014/started-storage-
understanding-san-nas-das [Accessed 30 Jan. 2018].
DAS (Direct attached storage): It can be considered as a basic
form of storage which is externally hard drive connected by
means of USB cable. It is very much simple as it sounds to be.
However it can be stated that when we consider the concept of
storage the user tend to have a prospective of multiple drive
which work or act together in some way. The DAS concept can
be considered to be same regardless it is 24 drives or one drive
and usage of different cables are focused upon. Taking into
consideration a large DAS system the USB can be considered to
be very much slow. The DAS is not so much used in the concept
of hardware of lower level due to the factor that it is not market
friendly and intuitive. When large array of storage are to be
initiated then the acronym DAS are used. In this aspect to the
computer the storage device can be attached without using a
network infrastructure.
NAS (Network Attached Storage): A network attached Storage
is relatively simple. A computer regardless of the number of
storage or number of size relating to storage availability, can be
considered to a NAS only if it acts in a network as a file server.
In simple words the concept of network attached storage (NAS)
can be stated as a computer device which shares files over any
network. The main advantage of using NAS is that it is very
much economical in a way of providing a large storage to many
computer system at one time. It can also be used for better
utilization of computer resources. The main disadvantage which
is related to the concept is that it requires an IP address and
basically takes up a network space. It could be also related to
slower latency rate and potentially maximum issue related to data
Week 2
Task Real-time operating systems are operating systems that guarantee
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a certain capability within a specified time constraint. Discuss the
main benefits of real-time operating systems for the health sector.
Summary Title and Reference:
Newelectronics.co.uk. (2018).
Real time operating system architectures are important for
medical designers. [online] Available at:
designers/35970/ [Accessed 30 Jan. 2018].
The medical device manufacturer can understand the importance
of the operating system (O.S) and the contrary which is related to
the common practice related to the embedded design system. The
medical team selects the OS first before they choose the board.
The business needs which are related to the need of the OS
selection are much like those of other devices and requirement
like quality, cost, vendor history, track record of vendor and
ecosystem. The things which should be looked forward in a good
operating system are basically a quality management
environment and a good process related to manufacturing for
example ISO 9001. The aspect of claims related to safety which
may include data testing and the concept of verification of design
with attachment of proper certification such as IEC 61508 and
IEC 62304. The OS can be considered as a tool that can directly
provide concrete evidence related to behaviors and functionality
in a system. The prospective which should be covered in this
context is the system profiling, code coverage and the memory
analysis artifacts. The consumer grade devices which are medical
related failure implies inconvenience. Taking into consideration
the devices whose failure may result in serious consequences the
key OS characteristics that should be followed mainly include the
concept of dependencies of the machine, multicore support,
power management, platform dependencies. Since the
architecture of the OS can be have an effect which is profound on
the dependability of the system it should be the first concept that
should be put under scrutiny. The most common RTOS
architecture which can be taken into consideration are the
monolithic, executive and the microkernel. Taking into
consideration any system the availability of the system is very
much essential for example a heart monitor that loses the
connective can result in the failure of alarming which can result
in dire patient consequences.
Week 3
Task Mobile Cloud computing has gained a wide acceptance for
organisations as well as individuals by introducing computation,
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