
Report for the Portfolio


Added on  2023-06-04

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Report for the Portfolio
Report for the Portfolio_1

Communication is a rudimentary process in the lifecycle of every single human being.
Whether it takes place between equal and an equal parties, its primary function is to make sure
that we pass across information with the intended meaning to the recipient. With this in mind, it
is therefore necessary to know that communication doesn’t just happen but it requires a clear
understanding of the context and the knowledge level of those involved. In the same line, the
basic function of education is to enlighten somebody through enabling them to be in possession
of the ability to communicate effectively through proper organization of thoughts ranging from
abstract to more ones that are tangible.
In this case, the main reason for being educated is to acquire relevant knowledge that
would establish us in terms of how we perceive the world and try to find solutions to the existing
problems surrounding us. The acquisition of this knowledge is what brings out the difference in
the way we think and formulate ideas that are responsible for the course of action we take (Janus,
2018). This has actually unfolded itself out when I attended attend a workshop in which I was
taught about design thinking which latter transformed my way of perceiving things in the world
at all angles.
Critical self-analysis
Prior to this exhibition, personally I could not associate ideas within my mind. It used to
be very difficult to relate abstract thoughts to more tangible ideas that would have helped me to
critically analyze situations and come up with viable solutions for those problems. The
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involvement in the discussion groups did actually help me to come up with a new way of looking
in to situation in a whole different perspective. The topic on design it rather restructuring of ideas
has become of great benefit to me since it helps in redirecting an individual’s thoughts to such a
manner that he/ she can generate solutions to problems.
This fueled up discussion in each group where most of my fellow group members came
up with diverse ideas concerning design. Both funny and serious ideas were incorporated in the
discussion where at long last we managed to note down that design thinking involves thinking in
a systematic and critical manner to come up with solutions for the prevailing condition. At the
end of the discussion, we were allowed to exchange our papers with other groups to see what
their opinion was in reference to design.
Design thinking involves having the ability to think beyond the prevailing situations and
coming up with viable solutions for anticipated problems that may occur in the future. This is
what blackberry firm lacked. I also learnt that the inability of the firm to protect their competitive
advantage was also a reason for their downfall. Failure of adapting a digital strategy that could
have seen it dominating the global market. I also learnt that we need to allow our mode of
thinking to be multidirectional so that we may not become victims of rigidity. Given the fact that
I am an aspiring head of a future company, this case has enabled me to develop the ability to
view situations at all angles without biasness thus being at the front through incorporating
flexibility to emerging trends in the market. This involves changing our mindset and the core
values in our possession.
It becomes like an on-going journey in the sense of profession since it requires skills,
experience and more of determination in order to get somewhere. My experience in this course
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has been of great help as it has helped in bringing a whole transformation in the mindset.
According to my own understanding, this unit of study is relevant to all individuals irrespective
of their profession. Through my own assessment about my dreams, I do find it important to take
this course so that it can help me in decision making.
Knowledge development
Design thinking refers to the technique or method that is used by designers in ideation
and development. It concentrates the needs of client thus trying to meet their desires and also
ensures that an organization remains relevant throughout its operation (Kurtmollaiev, 2018). It
integrates the needs of people looks into the possibilities of utilizing technology and that is
needed for a business to be successful. I also came to learn that putting yourself in the shoes of a
designer can help transform the manner in which a firm manufacture and develops their goods
and services (Mintrom, 2018). Sharing of thoughts and developing the ability of being open
minded to new ideas through tuning our minds to relate abstract information to real life situations
is the key opener to development of new ideas (Kurtmollaiev, 2018). Design thinking involves
having the ability to think beyond the prevailing situations and coming up with viable solutions
for anticipated problems that may occur in the future.
I did also come to realize that to have a clear mindset refers to being open to ideas and
discussions from other people in addition to skepticism so that one can generate informed
decisions about an action to be undertaken. Ability to utilize tools with deeper understanding that
can only be achieved through wide experience (Luotola, 2017). . The main objective of dividing
ourselves into groups of four was to try and come up with ideas concerning mindset. To be
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