
Comparing level of sustainability achieved in construction in both developed and developing Countries Research Report 2022


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Comparing level of sustainability achieved in construction in both developed and developing
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Comparing level of sustainability achieved in construction in both developed and developing Countries Research Report 2022_1

Executive Summary
Sustainable development is considered as fundamental objective aimed to improve quality of
life of both developed and developing countries’ population. It is improved by improving
wellbeing living situations for current as well as future generations. It is linked towards
economic, social as well as environmental development. The construction industry is
included worldwide dimensions involved to adopt governance practices and promotion of
partnership for the sustainable development. This research report is provided with summary
of the three pillars of sustainability levels which are compared with developed and
developing countries. There is also discussion of the tools and methods which are used to
measure and maintain sustainability in the environment. The developed countries are focused
on green buildings to improve its construction work so that they can deliver sustainable
buildings with energy as well as water savings to the project clients and public. The
developing countries are also in way of sustainability to focus on poverty, unemployment,
waste and other sustainability challenges. By the year 2030, the developing countries will
meet with its sustainable goals of end poverty, hunger among population and better
educational standards and healthcare system. Both the developing countries and developed
countries are also focused on achieving gender equality, sustainable economic growth at the
time of promotion in jobs as well as stronger economics. It is recommended to understand
reasons of conflicts caused due to unsustainable exploitation of the natural resources as well
as deterioration of the environment. There is also required to implement sustainable
development program to aware the population for economic, social as well as environment
Comparing level of sustainability achieved in construction in both developed and developing Countries Research Report 2022_2

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the research..............................................................................................4
1.2 Aims and objectives.........................................................................................................4
1.3 Research questions...........................................................................................................5
1.4 Rationale of the study..................................................................................................5
Chapter 2: Literature Review.....................................................................................................6
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................6
2.2 Relationship between pillars of sustainability in construction.........................................6
2.3 Description on the tools for measuring and maintaining the sustainable development in
2.4 History in gaining sustainability levels in both developed and developing countries.....8
2.5 Challenges faced in sustainability development in both developed and developing
2.6 Compare the sustainability development in both developed and developing countries
through the local and international practices.........................................................................9
2.7 Methods adopted by the international firms and local firms to attempt for sustainability
in both developed and developing countries........................................................................10
2.8 Pros and cons in achieving the level of sustainability in construction...........................11
2.9 Summary........................................................................................................................12
Chapter 3: Research Methodology...........................................................................................13
3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................13
3.2 Research Philosophy......................................................................................................13
3.2.1 Justification for selecting chosen research philosophy...........................................13
3.3 Research Approach........................................................................................................14
3.3.1 Justification for selecting chosen research approach..............................................14
3.4 Research Design.............................................................................................................14
3.4.1 Justification for selecting chosen research design..................................................15
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3.5 Data collection methods and techniques........................................................................15
3.5.1 Data sources............................................................................................................15
3.5.2 Data techniques.......................................................................................................16
3.6 Timeline.........................................................................................................................16
3.7 Ethical considerations....................................................................................................17
Chapter 4: Data Analysis.........................................................................................................18
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................18
4.2 Case study of Developing Countries Sustainable Development....................................18
4.3 Case studies of Developed Countries Sustainable Development...................................20
4.4 Summary........................................................................................................................22
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations........................................................................23
5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................23
5.2 Linking with research objectives...................................................................................23
5.3 Recommendations..........................................................................................................24
5.4 Limitation of the study...................................................................................................25
5.5 Area for further research................................................................................................25
Comparing level of sustainability achieved in construction in both developed and developing Countries Research Report 2022_4

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
Asdrubali et al. (2015) stated that the sustainable development is identified as a way
to build cities, reduce poverty as well as protection of natural environment. There is an aim to
achieve a relation among economy, society as well as environment by the idea of sustainable
development. Kamali and Hewage (2017) mentioned that sustainable development is aimed
to achieve social as well as economic system for current as well as future generations. It is
mentioned that the international policies besides organizations are being shaped by taking the
conception of sustainable development. The thought of sustainable development is remained
unclear in the urban areas into the developing as well as developed countries.
According to Alwan, Jones and Holgate (2017), due to emerging challenges like
climatic changes, quick urbanisation, degradation of the environment, increase in the poverty,
insecurity of the food along with financial crisis. In both developing as well as developed
countries, sustainable development is required. Developing countries such as China is making
progress to achieve economic dimensions towards the sustainable development. Tabassi et al.
(2016) suggested that it is required to modify living quality. It remains a dream in the
developing countries due to two main factors like rapid urbanisation as well as increase in
poverty. Similar case in the developed countries, as it is focused on economic aspects of the
sustainability. In this case, the sustainability issues are lack of education, training on
technologies used for sustainability construction and lack of knowledge on implementing
sustainability practices.
1.2 Aims and objectives
The aim of this particular research study is to explain the stage of sustainability
achieved in the construction industry in developed as well as developing countries. Following
are objectives of this development work such as:
To explain relationship between pillars of sustainability in construction and compare
sustainability levels in developed as well as developing countries
To study on challenges of sustainability development in both developed and
developing countries
To compare sustainability development in developed and developing countries
constructed throughout local as well as international practices
Comparing level of sustainability achieved in construction in both developed and developing Countries Research Report 2022_5

1.3 Research questions
Based on the identified research objectives and aim, the researcher is focused on
following research questions such as:
i. What are the sustainability pillars in construction industry?
ii. What are the factors used to compare sustainability development in developed and
developing countries?
iii. What are the challenges faced in sustainability development in developing as well as
developed countries?
1.4 Rationale of the study
The research is conducted on the sustainability development in the construction industry
for both developed and developing countries so that the reader can identify the sustainability
pillars relations. The sustainable problems are also identified which is socially as well as
economically conceivable. The rationale of this paper is that it described meaning of
sustainable development along with study on the history in gaining sustainability levels in
both developed and developing countries. The study also discussed on methods adopted by
international as well as local firms to to attempt for sustainability in both developed besides
developing countries. Therefore, this study will help to determine pros and cons in achieving
the level of sustainability in construction industry.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
The literature study will converse on the symbiotic relationship between pillars of
sustainability in construction and also a comparison between sustainability levels of
developed and developing countries in construction. The researcher is also discussed on brief
description on the tools for measuring and maintaining the sustainable development in
construction. A history to gain sustainability levels are also discussed here in both developed
as well as developing countries. There is deep study on challenges faced in sustainability
progress in both countries. The researcher is also reflected on comparing sustainability
development in both developed and developing countries after being constructed through the
local and international practices. There is discussion of pros and cons in achieving the level
of sustainability in construction.
2.2 Relationship between pillars of sustainability in construction
According to Hua, Oliphant and Hu (2016), there are three main pillars of
sustainability in the construction such as economic, environmental as well as social. The
construction industry is looking towards balanced approach of social, environmental along
with economic objectives. In both developed as well as developing countries, the industry is
under pressure to deliver sustainable services as well as products.
Environment pillar: In developed and developing countries, the construction
companies are focused on reduction of carbon footprints while performing building works.
Carley and Spapens (2017) discussed that they are also focused on water usage and reduction
of waste. The companies are found that there is positive financial influence on the
atmosphere. The developed countries are focused on zero-carbon as well as waste measures,
so that they can achieve higher level of sustainable development.
Social pillar: Mani et al. (2016) illustrated that social pillar is poorly definite idea like
social license. The sustainable corporate is taking support as well as approval from the
employees and stakeholders to achieve social sustainability. The developed countries are
always taking approval from stakeholders while developing countries are not focused on it.
In order to engage the community in sustainable development, the companies are focused on
fundraising, investment in the local projects, sponsorship and others (Chan et al. 2018). In
Comparing level of sustainability achieved in construction in both developed and developing Countries Research Report 2022_7

some cases of the developing countries, the companies are taking approval from stakeholders
while some are not.
Economic pillar: Gan et al. (2015) stated that the economic pillar of the sustainability
is where most of construction industries are feeling on firm ground. In order to achieve
sustainability, the corporate is required to be moneymaking. Baumgartner and Rauter (2017)
mentioned that the activities which can fit with economic pillar are managing risks,
governance structure besides compliance. It is not globally, mainly it is done by North
American countries and developed countries, the developing countries are not focused on
economic sustainability. Abel-Smith (2018) argued that economic pillar as well as profits are
making possible for the construction business to originate on panel with sustainability
2.3 Description on the tools for measuring and maintaining the sustainable
development in construction
According to Kibert (2016), sustainability tools are used for measuring and
maintaining development in the construction. The tools are used to measure impacts of the
social, environment as well as economic indicators affected by sustainable policy and
program. Following are list of sustainability tools:
Risk assessment: Reith and Orova (2015) stated that this tool is utilized to
characterize adverse of the human health as well as environmental effects of hazards. This
tool can include forecasting of increased incidence of the hazards from the environmental
exposure. Ecological risks are also measured by evaluating likelihood of ecological effects
resulted from the environmental hazards. Carley and Christie (2017) argued that important
consideration of sustainability action is whether the environment and health of human is
better or worse. This tool is used in both developed and developed countries.
Life cycle assessment: It is used for analyzing environmental influences of products
and changes in the environment. This tool is also used to compare environmental influences
of transportation fuels and verify if biofuels are meet with carbon emission reduction needs.
Berardi (2017) discussed that this tool is used for producing of raw materials to disposal and
it is required tool for sustainability analysis. This tool is used in both developed and
developing countries.
Sustainability impact assessment: According to World Health Organization (2016), it
is mentioned that this tool is used for analyzing effects of the social, environmental plus
Comparing level of sustainability achieved in construction in both developed and developing Countries Research Report 2022_8

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