
Competency Demonstration


Added on  2023-01-18

9 Pages3153 Words44 Views
Competency Demonstration
This section forms a key component of the experience assessment. Upon completion of this section, you will have completed
your submission for the IHRP Certification Experience Assessment.
As this is an evidence-based assessment of your HR experience across IHRP’s Body of Competencies (BOC), you will need to
reflect and share examples of your work and describe your experiences across the following areas:
Functional Competencies
Foundational Competencies
Mindsets and Behaviours
Tips for sharing examples of your competencies:
1. Share a few succinct examples reflecting:
What's the context (i.e. situation, stakeholder)?
What action did you take?
What's the outcome achieved?
2. Provide succinct examples as short paragraphs or bulleted lists.
3. Maintain confidentiality of the scenario by masking names and organisation.
4. Indicate clearly which competencies each example covers.
5. Select examples that demonstrate your ability to meet the performance expectations of the level applied.
6. Use the same example/scenario if it can cover multiple competency areas.
7. Enter N/A if you do not have relevant examples for any of the competencies. While we require the demonstration of
competencies across the breadth of Functional, Foundational and Mindsets & Behaviours, we will conduct a holistic
assessment of your application to consider your case.
Refer to the following samples to give you a sense of what is required:
Example 1:
I was involved in a retrenchment exercise affecting a group of bargainable staff due to the economic downturn. In planning for
this difficult exercise, I had to carefully review the past performance of staff to be retrenched and design the communication
strategy and plan for the affected staff, as well as the union. Additionally, I also developed the wider communication plan for the
company staff and the press. Together with a team of HR specialists; I was involved in putting together the redundancy
package to be paid according to Labour Laws and Collective Agreement. We provided assistance to affected retrenched staff to
find suitable jobs with alternative employers. While retrenchment of staff was not easy, I believe we managed to deliver a good
outcome for the affected staff and all stakeholders involved. I am also pleased to have worked collaboratively with the union to
find alternative jobs for the displaced staff within a short period of time after their retrenchment.
Competencies addressed:
Functional: Separation, Engage.
Foundational: Relationship & Communications; Labour Policies & Legislation.
Mindsets & Behaviours: Uphold Professional Conduct
Example 2:
I created a self-service electronic platform for employee to access and get answer to their routine HR-related queries.
To drive up the take up rate, I designed and implemented a Change Programme. I persuaded the respective Department
Heads of business benefits (improved productivity higher staff engagement, and improved response time of staff HR-
related queries).
I worked with the Department Heads to conduct 5 lunch time road shows for their department staff.
The take up rate has since doubled.
Competencies addressed:
Foundational: Technology & Operational Excellence
Mindsets & Behaviours: Demonstrate Change Leadership
HR Functional Competencies
Competency Demonstration_1

I provide clarity including less obvious perspectives or considerations to support decision
Cite one example of how you have applied the above competency to lead the development and
execution of each the following HR functional activities:
We recommend that you include:
situation encountered
stakeholders involved or impacted
your actions taken to address the situation
results achieved
This refers to HR-related activities undertaken by an organisation during the annual business planning
cycle involving manpower/resource planning, financial budgeting, as well as long range strategic
workforce planning. It also encompasses organisation development interventions to prepare the
organisation for change.
I had participated in a financial budgeting of an organization, where I collaborated with the financial
managers of the organization for creating a successful budget planning that will include all the
financial regarding the raw material purchasing, product pricing along with the transportation cost
(Biswas, Cascio and Boudreau 2013). In the process of planning, I summarized all the past budget
information and planned the current budget keeping the increasing profitability and revenue in
mind. I had to provide great effort to the particular planning as it would directly affect all the
suppliers, employees as well as the entire organization. The future outcome of it will result in
increasing the annual revenue.
It involves sourcing, selecting, securing and onboarding of suitably qualified people into an
organisation to enable the delivery of organisational strategies and business plans.
I conducted a recruitment process for an organization in order to select suitable people for the
organization to increase the productivity of it. In the first stage, an advertising of the particular
process had carried out in order to attract the sanguine individuals. After that, I had I conducted the
selection process carefully, considering all the requirements that would best suit for the position.
The outcome of this process was a bunch of suitable candidates who had chosen to enlarge the
productivity of the organization.
This is about the on-going investment by an organisation in developing the capability of its workforce
required to deliver its organisational strategies and business plans. It encompasses learning and
development, career development, performance management, talent management, and succession
I had performed an effective succession planning for a company, where the company had asked
me to identify the new leaders within it. In this entire process, I collaborated with the other
managers of the company and analysed the past records of all the capable and experienced
employees, who are supposed to replace the old leaders. The planning comprised with a
systematic integrated approach and finally the suitable candidates had selected for playing the role
of efficient leaders, who will show right and productive direction to the organization.
This relates to keeping the workforce of an organisation motivated to deliver organisational strategies
and business plans. The functional activities span across core HR domains such as compensation
and benefits management, people engagement, cross cultural management, as well as managing
labour relations.
I was involved in the activity of providing promotions to the employees of an organization. In the
planning process of this particular activity, I collected the organizational data of those employees
who had nominated for getting the promotion. The work efficiency, attendance, productivity as well
Competency Demonstration_2

as loyalty for the organization are the major factors that need to be considered before conducting
such responsible activity (Sushil 2013). Therefore, along with the HR specialist team, I conducted a
research, keeping an eye to the employment policy of the organization. The stockholders that are
affected by this process are the employees and the organization. The particular process will help to
motivate the employees in return, increase the organizational productivity.
This is the stage that signifies the ending of an employment relationship through voluntary exits,
involuntary exits and retirement. Voluntary exits and retirement happen when an employee chooses to
resign or elect to retire from work respectively, whereas involuntary exits refer to dismissal,
redundancy and termination due to performance or business needs and conditions.
The company had asked me to conduct a retrenchment exercise, which directed the involuntary
exist of a bunch of employees within it. While performing this complex exercise, I had to thoroughly
review all the performance records of each employee. Consulting with the team leaders and other
HR specialists, I gather the data about some employees who had involved in less productivity.
Those employees had handover with the employment termination letter. I personally believe that
though it was necessary, yet it will affect the stakeholders along with the other staffs of the
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