
Complex Project Management - Assignment


Added on  2020-05-16

22 Pages6366 Words267 Views
Running head: COMPLEXITIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTComplexities in Project ManagementName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor’s Note
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1COMPLEXITIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1. IntroductionThe paper mainly focuses on the concepts of complex project management. It isidentified that in this paper, proper explanation on the causes, environments as well as propertiesof project management are elaborated. The paper reflects on the utilization of projectmanagement tools and techniques for managing various types of complex projects. Properreviews on different project cases are critically analyzed. According to Ahern, Leavy and Byrne(2014), complexity is generally utilized in order to illustrate projects that are quite difficult toexecute as per the understanding of the project team members. The complexity of the projectscreates negative impact on the progress of the project and it enhances time as well as budget ofthe project. There are number of causes of complexities within the project and the causes of thecomplexities mainly include unhelpful behavior, failure to appreciate systemicity, simplisticproject management as well as over-ambitious strategic management (Schwalbe 2015).The paperfocuses on the design as well as construction of T-REX project that faces complexities inmanaging the project. The paper elaborates the causes, environment as well as properties ofcomplexities that are mainly associated with the T-REX project (Puerto, Shane and Gransberg2013). The T-REX case study suggests that proper environment awareness program is needed incomplex project so that the project environment will properly execute the project. The propertiesof project states that if a project manager faces difficulty in executing the project due to any ofthe technical or management related issues then the project is considered to be complex. On the other hand, the paper reflects on the Arrow construction company that managesproject complexities by using appropriate project management tools and techniques. The use ofproper tools and techniques are quite important for resolving the complexities that theconstruction company faces. The tools of the project are generally identified as per the nature of
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2COMPLEXITIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTthe project so that they must suit with the project complexity (Bing.com 2018).The perception ofproject complexity is greatly influenced due to the experience as well as personal capabilities ofthe key stakeholders who are mainly involved in the project for making proper judgment incontext to the project (Kerzner 2017). The project also highlights on the nature as well as degreeof the projects in order to analyze the importance of appropriate project nature. The paperdiscusses that proper analysis on project nature is generally necessary in order to identify theexpected level of complication at the starting of the project so that the project stakeholders canbe able to control as well as monitor the project effectively.2. Discussion2a) Causes, environments and properties of complex projectsi) Introduction and SummaryAccording to Fleming and Koppelman (2016), understanding complexity in projectmanagement is considered significant for the project managers due to the differences that ismainly associated with the goal attainment as well as decision making processes. It is identifiedthat projects have become much more complex due to number of increasing factors like turbulentenvironment, large amount of required resources, as well as due to large number of diversity inthe actors of the project. The significance of project complexity in the process of projectmanagement can be properly acknowledged with the help of factors that includes planning,coordination as well as control. In addition to this, it is stated by Svejvig and Andersen (2015)that every project has its unique problems however, the challenge of the project is amplified incontext to complex environment and thus proper environmental awareness by project managersis needed during complex situations. Furthermore, it is opined by Verzuh (2015) that complexity
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3COMPLEXITIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTis generally relative to the understanding of an individual. It is suggested that complexity is oneof the property that is always encountered in activities at the frontiers of knowledge andtechnology of the individual who are generally involved with the project.ii) Evidence and examples Causes, environments and properties of complex projects with proper evidence andexamples The design build of T-REX project is considered complex. It is identified that the projectmanager needs to integrate the construction as well as design of multi modal project that is verymuch complex. With the selection of design, build method the project was completed by thecontractors two years ahead of the schedule (Puerto, Shane and Gransberg 2013). However, it isanalyzed that the project has lots of parts as well as interconnections. The contractor faces lot ofdifficulties in executing all the parts of the projects and their interconnections in a very much lesstime in comparison to the estimated time. The causes of complexity within the project of T-REX are elaborated below:Unhelpful behavior: According to Svejvig and Andersen (2015), complexity in the T-REX projects mainly occurs as people with different interest, cultures, loyalties as well asinteractions are put together in order to deliver a specific project or program. It is identified thatpeople are not always rational in context to a specific decision, which helps in making theirbehavior liable to get involved and difficult to predict. For example, the unhelpful behaviors ofthe team member’s delays decisions making process and interfere with the design andconstruction of T-REX project.
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4COMPLEXITIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTFailure to appreciate systemicity: As the project manager of T-REX project facesdifficulty in breaking the project successfully into number of constituents then the entire projectas a whole will become complex for the team members.Simplistic Project management: In T-REX project, one of the mental models that isbought by the project managers is that they faces difficulty in understanding the appropriate toolsand techniques that are helpful for the management of the project and as result number ofcomplexities occur within the project (Verzuh 2015). For example, a simplistic model of riskmanagement is not used then it is quite difficult to manage the risks that are mainly associatedwith the projectThe challenges that the contractor of T-REX project faces in completing the numerousparts as well as interconnections two years before the estimated deadline by utilizing designbuild method can be amplified in context to complex environments. In order to work effectivelyfor making the project successful, the project managers needs to start environmental awarenessprogram so that they can manage the project challenges within the complex environmenteffectively (Browning 2014). The PMI mainly identifies six main conditions that help inenhancing the chances of project successes within a complex environment. The conditionsmainly include leadership, portfolio management, proper collaboration, performancemeasurements as well as aligning various structures of the organization (Locatelli, Mancini andRomano 2014). In addition to this, it is also very much necessary to understand the complexenvironment of the project by scanning it appropriately with the help of SWOT analysis. It is stated by Klein, Biesenthal and Dehlin (2015), that nearly all large as well as smallprojects help in exhibiting characteristics of complexity. It is identified that in T-REX projects,
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5COMPLEXITIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTthe challenges for management stem from various assumptions must be made before theplanning of the project. The main properties of complex project are that it is mainly relative tothe understanding of the individuals (Heagney 2016). It is analyzed that the project which arecomplex, creates problems for the team members in understanding however there is limits to theunderstanding of the people who are involved with the project and as a result complexity isconsidered as a characteristics of project. The tools and techniques of project management areutilized for reducing the complexities of the project. iii) Conclusion It is can be concluded that the design and construction project of T-REX faces lot ofcomplexities in completing the project before the estimated time by utilizing design buildmethod. The steps or reasons of complexities in the projects are properly illustrated. It isanalyzed that in order to resolve the project related challenges, the organizations need to utilizeenvironment awareness program so that the challenges of the project can be easily resolved inspite of the complex environment of the organization. In addition to this, it is very muchnecessary to analyze the properties of complexities quite effectively so that the level ofcomplexity can be identified easily.2b) Tools and techniques for managing complex projectsi) Introduction and SummaryIt is stated by Conforto et al. (2014) that traditional project management approachesmainly assumes that the context of the project are unchanging and thus the key factors that are inspite of their complexities are reducible to various unambiguous elements for control andmanagement. While the assumptions have simplified the entire task, it is identified that that the
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