
Computer Forensics: A Literature Review


Added on  2020-03-23

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Computer forensics investigation plan for UniCareer Pty. LtdNameInstitutionProfessorCourseDate
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Executive summary Human life aspect has changed drastically in relation technological advancements that has beenimplemented in business operations. Technological innovation has shown that, it is quite usefulin despite challenges it presents to operations of daily business. With high absorption oftechnology in the today’s organizational operations, it poses a lot of threats to activities of theday through use of organizational information systems. In this case, UniCareer Pty. Ltd has beenthe company of focus and its security has been threatened and compromised by absorption oftechnology in their business operations. With technology advancement and absorption inbusiness operations, cyber security has been a major threat which has been facing organizations.UniCareer Pty. Ltd has been on the same trend of cyber security threats since it has sufferedsecurity attacks that has been used by competitors to advertise their business by sending emailsto students and staff. Similarly, one of the organizational employee has been using organizationalnetwork to watch pornographic materials which is against the rules of organizations. In regard tothese two cases, UniCareer Pty. Ltd has been seeking possible ways to establish the origin of theattacker and the measures possible to prevent their occurrence. In order to be able to dig deeperto the root cause of these security lapses, there is need to establish strict organizational rules andregulations that would guide operation of company. In this regard, there is need to carryoutforensic investigation in order to be able to make outstanding decision on the cause of cybersecurity lapses. It is through forensic research that UniCareer Pty. Ltd would be able to unearth,gather and analyze possible evidence which would help in coming up with final solution. Contents
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Executive summary...................................................................................................................................2Introduction.................................................................................................................................................4Company background...........................................................................................................................4Objective of the report..........................................................................................................................4Scope of the report.................................................................................................................................6Justification of Current Methodology and Computer Forensic Methodologies...................................6Digital Forensic Methodologies............................................................................................................6Steps involved in digital forensic investigations..................................................................................7Resources used in collecting Forensic evidence.......................................................................................8Preparation plan in digital forensic investigation...............................................................................8Tools in digital forensic research..........................................................................................................8Skills required by forensic investigators..............................................................................................9Forensic investigation tools and other peripherals.............................................................................9Forensic Acquisition of evidence..............................................................................................................9Plan for forensic evidence acquisition..................................................................................................9Contingency plan.................................................................................................................................10Tools used in data Acquisition............................................................................................................10Validation and verification of forensic data......................................................................................10Phase of Forensic Investigation..............................................................................................................11Analyzing hidden data and files..........................................................................................................11Time frame, network and email analysis...........................................................................................11Information Security Policies for UniCareer Pty. Ltd......................................................................12Conclusion and Recommendations........................................................................................................12References................................................................................................................................................13
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Introduction Company background UniCareer Pty. Ltd is a Company based in United States of America. It is a leadingeducational provider with ability to provide various study qualifications in education industry.Some of the qualifications offered by the company include; OCPJ, CFA, OCAJ, FRM andCCNP. Within its 5 years of establishment, the company is celebrating a huge margin of successin education industry. The company has a population of 25,000 students and 10 campuses within5 different areas in various states. It employs more than 50 staff members which are involved invarious service delivery from within the organization. UniCareer Pty. Ltd has a well surfacedinformation technology infrastructure which gives a boost to its service delivery taking intoaccount the amount students served and mode of service delivery used. Though organizationrelies heavily on technological service delivery, it is pathetic UniCareer Pty. Ltd has not updatedits technological infrastructure for quite some time. It makes use of both laptops and mac OS intheir daily operation of business. Security features related to network including organizationalfirewalls segmentation have not been updated for some years and is poorly implementedthroughout the organizational network covering several states. Security parameters such asintrusion detection and prevention have been set up in the organizational network but does notprovide required services to the organization which corresponds to waste of resources. Due togrowing industry market, UniCareer Pty. Ltd is facing severe competition from companies suchas ABC Pty Ltd and should address security threats arising from its competitors. Objective of the report Recently, there has emerged some claims which poses security threats to organizationalindustry success. UniCareer Pty. Ltd students and staff members have complained of receivingan email which convinces them to join ABC Pty Ltd, a competing firm in professional education
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