
Conflict Resolution Strategies in Diverse Settings


Added on  2020-05-03

21 Pages5004 Words46 Views
Running head: CONFLICT RESOLUTION Conflict Resolution Name of the studentName of the universityAuthor note
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1CONFLICT RESOLUTIONTable of ContentsQuestion 1..................................................................................................................................................2Introduction.................................................................................................................................................2Conflict creation..........................................................................................................................................3Methods of dispute resolution....................................................................................................................5Negotiation..................................................................................................................................................6Mediation....................................................................................................................................................7Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................8Question 2.................................................................................................................................................10Introduction...............................................................................................................................................10The significance of culture in conflicts.......................................................................................................10Cultural variables.......................................................................................................................................12Communication tools for understanding culture.......................................................................................13Importance of cross cultural knowledge for effective dispute resolution.................................................13Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................16References.................................................................................................................................................18
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2CONFLICT RESOLUTIONQuestion 1Introduction As a social being, man has to constantly interact with other human beings in social andcommercial settings. Their interactions are not always continued in a smooth manner due toclashes and disagreements as views may be different and opinions may vary. These differencesmay vary from simple issues to complex matter and are known as conflict range. Not onlyconflict is a pervasive part of human life but also is a much maligned word. The overtone of theword is negative which makes people shy away from it. How conflict is managed by people isinfluenced by different factors. The nature of the conflict, the culture of the parties and thepersonality of those who enter the conflict are used to derive the conflict managementapproaches1. Just as various reasons exits in relation to the creation of conflict, there are a few methodswhich can be deployed with respect to managing the conflict. However while selecting one of themethods of conflict resolution one must be care to whether such method can effectively managethe dispute2.This paper discusses the principles of conflict creation through academic literatures inrelation to the conflict which has been caused between Sammy and Ben. In addition the paperalso discusses two methods of conflict resolution which are appropriate for addressing thedispute between Sammy and Ben.1Wallensteen, Peter.Understanding conflict resolution. Sage, 2015.2Avruch, Kevin, and Peter Black. "Conflict resolution in intercultural settings: Problems and prospects." (2014).
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3CONFLICT RESOLUTIONConflict creation Conflicts have been defined by authors like Rapoport as debates, games and fights.Another definition of conflict is that it is an escalated competition taken place between two ormore parties where each of the parties aims to achieve an advantage. This advantage can be inrelation to resources interest, fulfillment of needs and power over the other party. As defined byRonald (2016) the incompatibility of values and goals between two or more parties arising out ofa relationship along with the having antagonistic feeling towards the other and attempting to gaincontrol over the other result in conflict3. Conflict can take place whenever a failure ofcollaboration, community, connection, inability of understanding necessary interconnectednessarises as well as the characteristics of human nature. Most living organism behave in a uglymanner when they are in the position of conflict and humans are no different which makes themhide their interconnectedness and essential beauty. The conflict tends to be over when suchqualities are noticed by them. Conflict may also result out form the inability of a person to learnfrom their past failure and to recognize the mistakes as an opportunity for improvedunderstanding and growth. As defined by Autesserre conflict can be seen as a disagreement a view or perceived orreal incompatibility of interest a set of behavior or inconsistent world views4. The position ofconflict may be real but may also be a result of the perception of the parties involved in it.Therefore it can be stated that conflict take place between emotional, behavioral and cognitivedimensions. There are various sources of conflicts such as economic conflict, value conflict,3 Fisher, Ronald J. "Third party consultation: A method for the study and resolution of conflict." Ronald J. Fisher: A North American Pioneer in Interactive Conflict Resolution. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 37-71.4Autesserre, Séverine. Peaceland: conflict resolution and the everyday politics of international intervention. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
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4CONFLICT RESOLUTIONpower conflict, miscommunication and misperception conflict, emotional conflict, structuralconflict Multipart conflict, intergroup conflict, role conflict and international conflict5. An economical conflict takes place when there is a competition between the parties forscarce resources. All the parties to the dispute strive towards fulfilling their needs. These partiesput all their feelings and emotions in one direction so that they are not outsmarted by the otherparties. Therefore it can be provided that a buyer would want to purchase an item for the lowestpossible price whereas the seller would want to maximize its values. In the given situation it hasbeen provided that Sammy wants to get his car repaired but in not willing to invest much moneyas the as the car has become old. He seeks to achieve the maximum benefit at the lowest possiblecost and thus approaches Ben who promises to repair the car at a lower cost. However frustration(which is a cause of conflict) builds upon Sammy as the car is not being repaired in the providedtime and the deadline is being extended again and again. It may have been common for Ben asper the values of mechanics to extend the deadline. However the same values are not possessedby Sammy as where there is a difference in value there arises a conflict. The scenario furtherprovides that a hefty bill has been sent by Ben to Sammy in relation to the car. This bill was notsent in order to charge for a repaired car but for the time given by Ben towards the car and thecost of replacing the car. According to the economic theory of conflict Ben is also seeking profitmaximization as where the car has not been repaired still he has sent a bill to Sammy. Thissituation is bound to create a conflict where the needs of both the parties are different. According to Douglas emotions are those catalysts which escalate and fuel conflicts6.They add on to strength, courage, perseverance and energy which support people to continue5 Fisher, Ronald J., Herbert C. Kelman, and Susan Allen Nan. "Conflict analysis and resolution." (2013).6 Fry, Douglas P., and Kaj Bjorkqvist, eds. Cultural variation in conflict resolution: Alternatives to violence. Psychology Press, 2013.
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5CONFLICT RESOLUTIONwith the conflict. They act as a powerhouse for the parties to the dispute. Applying the theory tothe given situation it can be stated that Sammy is emotionally attached to his car and therefore hewants to keep the car as long as he can with him. On the other had the Ben is also emotional forthe hard work and time he has put into for repairing Sammy’s car. The emotions of both theseparties have significant energy to fuel the conflict between both the parties as both of them havejustified grounds according to themselves. In addition according to the theory of structuralconflict, a conflict can also result out of the way in which interaction between the parties takeplace. The resources which are available, time constraints, decisions making problems physicalsettings and communication procedures are a few elements which comprises the structure. in thegivens situation if Ben would have informed Sammy that the car may not be repaired or Sammywould have verified the progress of the car in the initial stages and there was clearcommunication than the dispute would not have been caused. Methods of dispute resolution There are various methods of dispute resolution such as litigation, Arbitration,Negotiation, conciliation and mediation. Each method comes with its own advantages anddisadvantages. Therefore the nature of the dispute has to be analyzed in the light of the featuresof these resolution systems so than an appropriate method of dispute resolution can be selected7.For the purpose the dispute between Sammy and Ben the paper analyzes two dispute resolutionmethods namely Negotiation and Mediation. 7Barsky, Allan. Conflict Resolution for the Helping Professions: Negotiation, Mediation, Advocacy, Facilitation, and Restorative Justice. Oxford University Press, 2016.
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