
Consultancy Project For Hospitality Management


Added on  2022-08-22

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Consultancy Project For Hospitality Management_1

Table of Contents
Identification of Causes and Effects................................................................................................5
Causes and effects of general Managerial Challenges................................................................5
Effects of Managerial Challenges................................................................................................7
Critical Analysis of Management Theory........................................................................................9
Management theory.....................................................................................................................9
Scientific management...............................................................................................................10
Management theory by Henri Fayol..........................................................................................10
Contingency approach...............................................................................................................11
Existing Theory in Hotel...........................................................................................................12
Issues with the Theory...............................................................................................................12
Recommended Theory with Benefits........................................................................................13
Initiatives and Outcomes...............................................................................................................13
Work Package............................................................................................................................13
Strategic Action Plan.................................................................................................................14
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Questionnaire Result Analysis...................................................................................................16
Proposed Action.........................................................................................................................17
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The Premier Inn is known to be the British hotel chain which is considered to be the
largest hotel brand of UK. It has more than 72,000 rooms and has over 800 hotels; this chain is
known to operate hotels in various locations that includes city centers, airports and suburbs thus
competing directly with the Ibis hotels and Travelodge and more such competitors. The company
of Premier Inn was established by Whitbread in the year 1987 and it was then known as the
Travel Inn. It was in the year 2004 that Whitbread bought the Premier Lodge and this lodge was
merged with Travel Inn in order to form the current hotel known as the Premier Travel Inn that
was gradually cut to shorten it as the Premier Inn, which accounts for 70 percent of the earnings
of Whitbread. With hotels at various locations at different countries, Premier Inn is also spread
across UK. This hotel chain can be found from Inverness to Helton; mostly these hotels can be
found either on the outskirts of some major roadways or in city centers. The hotels vary in sizes
at different locations; there are many smaller inns and also there are places where the hotels are
large and purpose-built hotels as found in city centers most of the time. Most of the Premier Inns
are built recently and although several of the city’s chain are in locations that are situated in UK
are seen to be housed within office buildings that are redeveloped (that or else would have been
demolished if not done so), yet there are also some hotels like the “Bristol Airport” situated in
Sidcot which are housed in buildings that are of old age.
London Woolwich is one such hotel under the Premier Inn that is also known as the Royal
Arsenal. The Premier Inns have a total of 582 hotels and there are 41,511 rooms in total; and
from this it is evident that hospitality industry is in fact one of the largest and the quickest
growing sectors in the world since this sector has been characterized by consistent and
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continuous advancement in the field of technology. All the advancements have improved the
sector. Its efficiency and also the experience of the customers. Hence it has become a strong
competition for all the hotels in the sector of hospitality management to thrive in the market.
However, there are also certain major issues that the sector has to face in the light of the current
situation and also in order to stay strong in the market, and these issues have affected the services
that these hotels offered (Jones, Hiller and Comfort 2016). This paper intends to highlight all the
managerial issues and effects that are in generally found in the sector of hospitality management;
these issues would be analyzed with the management theories in order to prepare some initiatives
or work packages that would help the Premier Inn hotel at Woolwich London, to gain some
positive outcomes (Brandon-Jones, Lewis and Walsman 2016). The paper would also provide a
strategic action plan which would help the hotel to regain its strength and have their competitive
advantage back.
Identification of Causes and Effects
Causes and effects of general Managerial Challenges
It is evident that most of the hotel managers have to manage multiple tasks through
juggling; these tasks range from marketing the business to encouraging more bookings and also
balancing all the revenues and expenses of the hotel. Managers have to have the traits of a good
leader; that is to say, managers need to be friendly and approachable, they should have excellent
skills of communication, they should also be able to manage their time well and many other
significant traits that would help in proper management of the hotel (Bharwani and Talib 2017).
However, the changing times are bring a change in the demands as well; as mentioned before,
the changing times are bringing an advancement of technologies and due to these technological
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advances, the customers are getting better experiences, thus rising their expectations and creating
challenges for the hotels to meet up with their expectations every time. Managers, in the present
day, have to face challenges and issues which are more in number than that were in the past; all
of this is because of the development in technologies and also the change that is observed in the
behavior of the customers (Aissa and Goaied 2016). As a matter of fact, the changing customer
expectation is the top most challenge and an issue that the managers have to face. The arrival of
services like Uber or any other such similar apps which have made the facility of instant result
possible, customers’ expectation level rose to a high level and hence they are also beginning to
expect that same level of proficiency and convenience or personalization and efficiency from
every place that they visit. Hence hotels have to upgrade the software and other such relevant
technologies in order to cope up with the demands presented by their guests.
The next issue that arrives is the issue of keeping up with all the latest technology; since the hotel
guests are leaning towards the technology more than before, therefore, it is evident that the hotels
have to provide conveniences like Wi-Fi, USB ports, TVs and many more. It becomes
challenging for the manager to keep up with all the latest technology and maintain a competitive
advantage (Zopiatis, Constanti and Theocharous 2014). There is another issue in the hospitality
sector that the managers have to face in their everyday working life and it is the issue of long and
irregular working time of all the employees due to the high demands and also the nature of
business of a hotel. The employees need to be on the site for 24 hours every seven days of the
week in order to keep the customers satisfied; however, the employees can take a break by
distributing their tasks among other employees, but a manager is not able to do so and hence
he/she has to manage long and irregular hours of work in the workplace. The other issue that
hospital management sector has to face is the maintenance and the renovation activities that the
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